In one of the biggest hospital in Zion. Nathan was seen talking to one of the doctors who was in charge of his mother. He was lucky enough to flag down a cab after many trials. He had carried his mother down the roads of Froberg.

None of the taxi drivers agreed to stop and help him but he still never gave up he carried his mother on his back and continued to walk down the street. Still trying his luck with the cab as he kept trying to stop them. Finally one agreed to stop and carry him. Driving him straight to the city hospital collected from him the last money he had from the twenty dollars and took off.

"I'm sorry nathan but there is nothing I can do here. I'm just a doctor doing my job. Your mother had a cancer of the heart and you didn't bother bringing her here soon enough. Now we can only offer her an oxygen machine to breathe on." The doctor said.

"Then give her the oxygen. She is all I have I can't lose her now please." Nathan pleaded with the doctor.

"It's not free of charge, you will have to afford the the treatment and also pay for the oxygen machine which is two hundred dollars per an hour. You can't afford it so I would rather say, she dieing already just let her be and spend more time with her while you still have chance to." The doctor said without remorse and left nathan to cry his heart out to himself.

After weeping for some time nathan stood up and went to meet his mother. Mrs rose was laying lifeless on a hospital bed, they had managed to worn a hospital robe. The only thing they gave her, to sustain her for the moment was a drip.

"Hey mum." Nathan grab the stool near by and sat beside her, took her right palm and place his cheek on it.

"Hey baby." Mrs rose tilt her head to face her son. "Come on now no need to cry. I told you everything is gonna be okay."

"Mum you are giving up on me already, it just too unfair. It has always be you and I against the world and now you just want to leave me alone against the world." Nathan cleaned his tears and continued.

"Mum please they must be someone you know here in Zion or even in the community back home. There must be someone somewhere that can help us mum please. I know you know some people in high places. People that can help. Mum please help me out here."

"Nathan some people can never change no matter how you beg them." Mrs rose managed to reply him.

"I know mother but we still have to try, even if it means cleaning their houses or anything. I would do it to save you mum. Just tell me who they are."

"You sure you want to do these."

"Yes mum."

"Find the capital, if they can let you in find the general managers. They were your father's friends. But I still don't think they would help." She explained to him.

"I'm not giving up without trying mom. Just hang in there for me. I love you." He smiled with a little wink of hope in him. He kiss his mother forehead before heading towards the door.

"Nathan remember your blood, remember who you are, the blood of the the first men runs in your veins. You are a miracle Nathan and your family loved you more than anything especially your father." Mrs rose, his mother said with a weak voice and a smile.

"I don't even know what any of those means. But I'm okay with you, that all that matters." He smiled back at her.

"Don't forget the box."

"Yes mum." He ran out before she could stop him again.

Immediately he left a nurse walks in to check up on Mrs rose. "Good day Mrs rose." she greeted.

"Good day to you too."

The nurse went through her book chat and her mood changed. She turned to look at Mrs rose who has been staring at her the moment she steps in. Her chat was reading negative which meant she wouldn't last any longer than she is now.

"Ma'am." she sat down besides her and placed her hands on Mrs rose palm.

"I know, I just hope my son could come back on time so I could see him smile before you know." Rose said and smiled to the nurse who reciprocated.


Some where in the city of Zion nathan was still walking around in search of the capital. The mother didn't give him a particular specification. So he was stranded on the street moving from one junction to the other. He continued to walk in circle until he bumped into someone around his age.

"Oops I am so sorry it was totally my fault I wasn't looking at my direction. Please I'm sorry." Nathan apologize trying to help the young boy pick up his text books that had fell on the ground when he bumped into him.

"Hey man, it's okay it's not your fault I wasn't looking straight either myself. So we both were not looking." The boy replied "oh shit where are you going dress like that?"

"Actually I'm lost, I have been looking for the capital for ten minutes now without any clue of where it is or even how to identify it and none of the people are willing to help." Nathan muttered.

"Of course nobody will agree to help, you look like shit man and even if you get to the capital, ain't no way they will let you in looking like that bro." The kid replied

"I don't have a choice these is all I have got on me." Nathan shrugs

"Okay! Let me see what I can do for you, hey come with me these way. I'm a bit early to school so I don't mind sparing you a minute. By the way I'm Kelvin Desmond by name and I'm studying at Zion medical lab right inside the capital. You see we both were heading the same place." Kelvin said with a grin

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