"Ladies, Gentleman please clam down let it not be a common boy came in here claiming the name L'Amour is causing you all the trouble." Everybody settled down on hearing his voice. "Now boy either say something or I ordered you be thrown out of the building now. You have one minute." Fredrick said.

Nathan became even more scared but he knew he had to say something before he get kick out and that would be a shame to have come there without success.

"Sir, it's my mother, she dying I need your help please."

"And what made you think we would help?" Fredrick asked.

"Actually she asked me to talk to Mr Luke. She said you would know her and you can help."

"I..." Before Mr Luke could get a word out of his mouth Fredrick interrupted.

"He is not helping, you should go now." Fredrick ordered. Everybody turned to look at him.

"But sir these is my mother I'm begging you help me please. Please sir, I'm begging you all help me, I shall forever remain in your debt. My mother is all I have I can't lose her. I don't have any other family or even friends my mother is all I have please sir please." Nathan cried he couldn't go back to the hospital empty handed.

"Sir you ca...." Lady Macbeth tried to intervene but was interrupted by Fredrick wave of hand in the air.

"Why should we do that. Can't you work, you beggers think you could just get your way into the capital board room filled with the general and then what. You get what you want, you must be a fool." Raymond said.

"For the fact he claimed his name is L'Amour and his mother rose L'Amour make the whole story more haliorous." Mr Gilbert one of the generals said.

They all began to say all sorts of things on why they shouldn't help. Even though Nathan was still begging to be their servant and attend to their needs if they wish, but none them agree to help. Mr Luke would have tried to help but nothing in his position was his, he tried to explain that to nathan that he couldn't help.

Lady Macbeth was willing to help along side with Mr Rogers the central bank account authority. He handles money expenses and rest. They were the only both that wanted to help nathan while the rest were still making a mockery of nathan and his name. Nathan was now able to smile having that someone was willing to help his mother but his smile was cut short by Fredrick order.

"I order no one to render any help and that final. End of that discussion security escort the young man out and make sure he never shows his face here ever again." Fredrick immediately gave an order before anyone else could say a word.

"Sir I don't think..." Ben tried talking but was silenced by Fredrick.

"Not another word Bernard." He said without even looking at him.

Nathan was dragged outside while he cried and begged them for help. He kept on shouting that everyone in their office around there sure heard him screaming. Some knew better than to come out to know what was going on.

"Sir please, I can clean your house wash your cars or even your toilet please help my mom please." Nathan cried as he was being pulled away. The security made sure themselves that he was dragged outside till the gate. Back at the counsel board room everything had settled down. Macbeth and Roger were tied by law to obey every law order by fredrick even if they don't want to. They would have tried going behind him but no, nobody wants to experience the worst of the law.

"Bernard Sylvester, may I remind you that even if law had given you authority like us you are still not among us and I want you to remember where your place is here in the capital." Fredrick said.

"Yes general, I meant no harm, I only thought it was best you hear from the boy. Besides it's the L'Amour's sir." Ben tried making his intention of bringing nathan clear.

"The L'Amours are dead 19years ago we all know that none of them survived ben don't forget your place here and don't even for once think that the laws can protect you that long." Anthony said with so much hatred for bernard.

"Yes sir. I would definitely make sure I never forget how I got to the top." Bernard said and smile before presenting to them why he was there in the first place. "Something has been stolen from the inner vault I don't know what it is but I do believe it important.

"You're not talking about the only vault in the capital are you?" Anthony fear got the best of him, it was clearly on his face.

"Yes the only vault here in capital. It was stolen yesterday night. No clue was left behind, no one knows how they got in or even got out. Securities were tight yet they got in. And the camera's caught nothing neither was anything deleted on the CDs. So who ever did this was a ghost or something. I came to let you all know and was hoping that none of us are in trouble." Ben said the last words unsure of the expression on the face of the generals. They were all freaking out and clearly they were scared.

Outside the capital were nathan sat down crying his eye out. Someone walk up to him and offered to help him get money to treat his mother.

"I'm Simon, Fredrick's son you may not know me and neither do I know. But I overheard the conversation you had with the generals and I got to tell you life suck man. You want something get up and get it yourself legally or illegal either way. Come on get up let me help."

"My name is-" Nathan tried to introduce himself but Simon cut him short.

"Don't worry man I already know but you need to stop with the L'Amour thing, it sucks and it doesn't really go well for those guys last time I heard. Come on come with me.

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