"Hey man come on walk fast." Simon called out to nathan who was way behind him. He wasn't even making any attempt to walk fast.

"Mhmm about that how long are we gonna take? Because I need to go back to my mother as soon as possible." Nathan said trying to get simon to say exactly where they were going.

"Man you need the f**king money or not?. Simon asked, pissed off by Nathan's clumsiness.

"I need it but I'm equally worried about my mother. I don't even know you or where you are taking me." Nathan caught up with him.

"Relax ok we are already there, just two turns from here we get to the other side of the city, it much easier to trade there." Simon said and pulled him along. He light a cigarette and offered nathan who refused him.

They finally made it to the other side of the city which wasn't exactly what we could be called beauty. It was like a dump arena. Abandoned by the generals who didn't care about anything but themselves. The whole place was a mess, the smell was bad enough to make one throw up and yet there was a group of boys sitting in a corner and smoking their sorrows away or so they believe.

They were about nathan's age few were a bit old and young. Simon introduced nathan to few of them. He also explained to him how some of them lost their parents and had no one to care for them. They had no choice to come over there.

Nathan asked if they generals knew about them. And he answered yes but they didn't seem to care. He also briefed nathan why he was with them. His father wasn't a fan of him. Fredrick always complain about the little things in his life always forcing him to focus on the politics even though he wasn't interested.

And that was how he always sneaks away from home and comes there. Finally they got to their boss who was comfortably watching a movie in the main building. Simon introduced nathan to Derek Jeter, their boss. Derek was a black young man in his late 40s, big and fat for his age. Even though he was plump he was still strong as ever. And the scar on his cheek made it easier for the younger ones to fear him. His voice was husky and very much deep to put fear in any one.

"Yo boss got someone to introduced to you. Here my man nathan he needs some money to treat his mother, so I told him you could help shoo." Simon said in their pigin slangs.

"Si you know you can't keep bringing any body in here just like that. You might bust us all bro. You got that." Derek said.

"Shoo boss but my man here ain't nothing like that. He's just a fella looking for help to save mom's life." Simon said to defend himself.

"Have you explained everything to him?. Derek ask simon who replied. "No biggie you gonna have too teach him on the way. Here take the package on the deck and get the f*** off my face." Derek voice almost freezed nathan who has been silent all along.

"When they came out of ear shot. Nathan immediately voice out. "What was that all about and what is in that package". Nathan asked.

"Hey chill bro. Here take these walk toward that car there and deliver it to the man in the car." Simon instructed nathan.

"What? No I'm not. I don't even know what in there and you want me to deliver it." Nathan tried defending himself.

"Do you want to treat your mom or not?" Simon asks.

Speechless and helpless nathan was left with no choice so he took the package and walk straight to the car. After exchanging greetings with him he handed the package to the man while still standing beside the car. The man went through it for a while, before nathan could blink an eye. The man pulled an ID out and shouted.

"LAPD! put your hands above your heads. You move I blow your brains out." The officer had actually disguised himself as an individual who wanted a drug. He was an under cover agent.

Seeing nathan being cuffed up, every single boy in street took to their heels including Simon. The package was containing drugs and other illegal items like watch and other stolen items. Nathan realize the situation of things when he saw them ran off. As expected he was kept behind bars. No matter how hard he tried to explain to them, the cops didn't pay attention to him. Through out the day nathan was completely ignored as he kept trying to beg and explain the situation with his mother.

Nobody pay attention or listen to what he had to say. It was getting dark when kelvin came across to see his father who was the chief command in the same station where nathan was held. He notice the clothes he gave nathan but the person wearing it was head bowed. He went close to talk a good look.

"Nathan! hey man, how the hell did you get in there?" Kelvin asked when he saw it was nathan.

"Hey kelvin. I didn't do it." He cried. "I know you just met me today but please help me. I need to go see my mom please. I didn't do these, I didn't know it was drugs and stolen goods where inside the box they gave me to sell. Please believe me I need to see my mom and know if she is doing okay." Nathan could no longer hold on to his tears.

Somehow deep down kelvin knew he could trust nathan. Thinking for some minutes he said okay. Since his father was the chief, he would try to convince him to let him go tonight. He left nathan and went in to see his father.

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