Normally some officers would have stops him but they already knew who he was and how playful he can be. So they all chat friendly with him as he pass by heading toward his father office. Kelvin already knew it won't be easy to convince his father but yet he was willing to try.

"Hey daddy, how are you doing?" Kelvin being nervous tried his best to be his normal self.

"Hi son you shouldn't be here." Mr Michael said without rising his head.

"Yeahhhhh daddy." he smirked. "About that you are holding the wrong person daddy. Mmm I was hoping if you could consider for a bit. You know."

Now these surely got Kelvin's father's attention. He raised his head slowly from his computer to look at his son who was nervously gazing around the room. And the only words that could come out of his mouth were. "Go home son." Kelvin's father wasn't a harsh man when it comes to his children and that made it easier for Kelvin to communicate with his father.

"Hey daddy look, I'm sounding crazy but I'm okay. My friend is in your cells held up as a criminal but he is not, trust me. He's a good guy just in the wrong place at the wrong time." Kelvin had rush closer to his father to speak to him properly.

"And you have known these friend of yours since when?" Mr Micheal had put a pause to his work now giving his son a full attention.

"Since forever I guess." Kelvin was now choosing his words carefully his father wasn't a man to joke around with.

"You don't even have any friends Kelvin!"

"I do, you just don't see them."

"Kelvin go home."

"Ok fine daddy I don't actually have friends. But please I know I met him today but trust me he is a good boy, technically he is my age." Kelvin acted like he was thinking then back to his father. "His mother is in the general Hospital here in Zion, he's from the community outside the city. I saw him earlier today trying to talk to one of the generals named Mr Luke. I'm guessing it didn't go very well. He must have landed in the hands of those boys out of desperation, he just needs money to save his mother. Please daddy you got to let him go he is innocent." Kelvin softly explained to his father who had paid excellent attention all along. Mr Michael knew he could trust his son and not Nathan.

"You are sure of what you just said son? you do realize the situation he is in right."

"Yes daddy, please believe me"

Mr Michael took a deep breath and agreed to release him, but he will hear from nathan side of the story. He ordered Nathan to be brought to him and Kelvin was to wait outside. After hearing Nathan side of the story he signed his release. Nathan quickly left, thank Kelvin who paid money for a cab to get him to the hospital.


The tension in the board room was too tense. Clearly they were freaking out. Mr Frederick himself was totally speechless. Ben himself was beyond confused in what was going on. First he knew about the vault but since it was off limits to everyone in the building except the generals. He wasn't bothered enough to know.

"Okay I see it now, what ever was inside there was too important to you guys but can I at least know what it is right, so someone please say something." Ben said in other to get them talking.

"It a virus, a deadly virus. One we can't let to get into the wrong hands. We made sure no one knew about these for years now till we are able to figure out what to do with it." Macbeth said.

"We have a deadly virus here all along and no one bother to at least get rid of it. And now we don't even know were it is. How deadly exactly are we talking about." Ben could sense the hair on him rising up.

"Very deadly, you can easily get infected by a bite or scratch from the victim of the infected. It takes 48hours for victim to lose control of themselves and they become something you don't wish to know." Macbeth seem to be cooling off as it she explained to Ben.

"Oh good, how great is that?" Ben said.

"It was in the possession of the first generals. They didn't get rid of it so we thought it was best to leave it there. Since no one knows about it." Macbeth said.

Mrs Donovan picks up her bag and tried walking to the exit when Fredrick who has been pacing back and forth in the board room stopped her. "We need to put heads together and find out how to handle this and you are leaving?" Fredrick asks.

"I.. Uh I.." She stuttered.

"How did these happened under your watch Ben?" Anthony questioned the confused Ben who was beyond words himself.

They were all too confused on how anyone knew about what has been sealed for so many years and second how did they get in without any trace or even caught by camera. And what do they want with it?


Nathan was now back in the hospital rushing in him. He saw a different doctor speaking with his mother and suddenly went silent when he saw him. The doctor went straight to Nathan and whispered to him that his mother doesn't have much time left and he was sorry there was nothing they could do. Nathan nodded his head and went to lay on the bed beside his mother.

"I love you mom." Nathan said.

"I love you too baby. Now can we enjoy the moment while it lasts." Rose said.

"You knew they wouldn't help. How did you know that?"

"I already told some people can never change. My boy now let it rest."

"Okay mom!"

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