Chapter 19: Slavery Induction.

Trapped in the dark cage, Royce boiled with fury and frustration. The prison was built to keep him in, with no way out and darkness everywhere. Royce felt hopeless, but he refused to give up.

As he sat there, thinking of escape, he heard Selena's voice outside. "Release the other soldiers," she ordered her guards, "but keep the mortal locked up."

Royce's anger boiled over at the injustice of it all. "I won't stay here," he muttered to himself, his voice filled with determination. He scanned the cage for any weak spots, anyway, he could break free of. But as he searched, he couldn't find any escape route.

Royce pounded on the bars of the cage, his frustration boiling over as he overheard his soldiers being led out, their hands bound behind their backs. "Let me out of here!" he shouted, his voice echoing off the walls of the prison. "Or you'll face my wrath!"

But his pleas fell on deaf ears. A soldier approached, his expression stern as he kicked the cage with his boot. "Quiet down, you
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