Chapter 49:Hard Labour

Royce sat in the dark cell, his arm still aching from the rough treatment. "Aethon, where are you?" he muttered to himself, glancing around the space. He had been hoping, praying, for Aethon to show up and rescue him.

Days passed, each one feeling longer than the last. Royce paced the small cell, looking at the barred window, hoping to see a sign of Aethon. "Come on, Aethon, I need you," he whispered desperately, his voice breaking.

But no one came. The guards brought him food and water, but there was no sign of Aethon. Each night, Royce lay on the cold, hard floor, staring at the ceiling, his hope fading. "Aethon," he said again, his voice now just a faint whisper.

While Royce lay on the cold floor looking defeated, a soldier came towards his cell door and banged it hard. Royce startled up, looking at who banged the door. It was a soldier bringing food for him. The soldier forcefully opened the metal door, the hinges creaking loudly.

The soldier entered with a neat bowl, covered and
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