Chapter 56: Trade Begins

"Load those sacks well, and make sure they are well-tied! I won't condone any mistakes from anyone!" Joe shouted authoritatively, ordering the workers in his unit to carry the sacks into the heavy-duty truck. The truck was set to transport the gold to the ship that would take it to Parkland.

The workers were picking up the sacks roughly, and Joe struggled to monitor them. They moved haphazardly, causing him frustration. "Okay, you know what, everyone, form a queue now! I don't want to see anyone picking gold without being in this queue!" he commanded. The workers immediately obeyed and formed a line.

One by one, they came forward and picked up gold sacks. When a worker picked a sack that seemed too light, Joe called him back. You can do better than that. Drop that and take this one," Joe said, handing him a heavier sack. The worker, without hesitation, picked it up and carried it on his arm, making Joe wonder why he hadn't picked it up at first.

The queue was moving steadily, and the
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