Chapter 6: Eradicating Evil

A loud thud echoed in the dark room filled with the stench of cigarette smoke and alcohol. The gang members who had lost the fight against Clark now knelt on the floor, their bodies trembling with fear. Standing before them, the gang leader, a large teenager with a gaze filled with rage, stood with clenched fists. His face was flushed with anger, and he didn't hesitate to rain down punches and kicks on his subordinates.

"You're all cowards!" he shouted, his voice echoing throughout the room. "Five against one, and you still lost? Do you have any idea how humiliating this is?!" Each word that left his mouth was accompanied by a kick to one of them, who could only groan in pain, too afraid to fight back.

The shame and anger he felt were unbearable. All this time, he had been the ruler of the school, bullying whoever he wanted without anyone daring to oppose him. But a scrawny kid like Clark, whom he never even considered a threat, had made him look like a fool in front of everyone. It was something he couldn't accept.

"I'll make sure you all learn what happens if you dare to fail me again!" he said in a threatening tone. "And you'll make up for this mistake, or I'll finish you off myself."

In the midst of the tense atmosphere, the sound of heavy footsteps approached, causing everyone in the room to fall silent. The old wooden door creaked open slowly, and a man dressed entirely in black entered uninvited. His tall, slender frame, his face hidden under a fedora and dark glasses, made him look like a shadow from another world.

The gang leader immediately stood up straight, taking a deep breath to calm his anger. His demeanor changed drastically, from enraged to very polite, even respectful. "Sir, I didn't expect you to come so quickly," he said in a slightly trembling voice.

The man in black merely responded with a slight nod, his gaze cold and full of mystery. "I heard you had a bit of trouble," he said in a low voice that seemed to flow like poison.

The gang leader swallowed hard, trying to suppress the sudden fear that had risen. He knew exactly who this man was. A mysterious figure who always appeared at critical moments, offering help that could never be refused but always came with a high price.

"A minor problem, Sir," he replied, bowing his head. "We just... stumbled a bit, but it won't happen again."

The man glanced at the henchmen still kneeling on the floor, their bodies trembling like leaves in the wind. "I hope not," he murmured, before turning his gaze back to the gang leader. "There's something we need to discuss. In another room."

The gang leader nodded obediently, then gestured for his men to leave the room. Once everyone had left, he led the man in black to a small room at the back of the headquarters. The room was much tidier and cleaner compared to the main area, with dim lighting and only a table and two chairs.

They sat across from each other at the table, the tension between them palpable. The man in black opened the briefcase he had brought, revealing several small bottles filled with a thick red liquid that glistened under the light. He took one of the bottles and placed it on the table, gently sliding it towards the gang leader.

"This," he said calmly, "will give you the strength you need to deal with your problems."

The gang leader stared at the bottle with a mix of curiosity and apprehension. "What is this, Sir?" he asked respectfully.

"This is a specially developed formula," the man in black replied. "Anyone who drinks it will gain extraordinary physical strength. They'll become faster, stronger, and tougher than anyone you've ever encountered."

The gang leader's eyes lit up with ambition. "With this... I can crush anyone who stands in my way," he murmured, more to himself.


Alex and Clark walked leisurely through the school grounds. Alex, who usually felt fearful every time he stepped into the corridor, now felt something different. Clark's presence beside him provided a sense of security he had never experienced before. The disdainful and threatening looks from other students that used to make him anxious now seemed to disappear. Instead, many now looked at Alex with respect, some even with fear, all because of Clark's presence.

"This feels like a dream," Alex muttered quietly, almost unable to believe the change in the people around him.

Clark glanced at him and gave a small smile. "They finally know they can't mess with you anymore."

The two of them entered the classroom and sat in their usual spots. The lesson had just started when a few students approached their desk. One of them, a small-framed boy, hesitantly extended his hand, holding a small piece of paper.

"What's this?" Clark asked, looking at the boy with interest.

The boy lowered his head slightly, avoiding direct eye contact with Clark. "This... this is for you. They asked me to give it to you."

Clark calmly took the paper and opened it. Alex glanced over at the paper and read the invitation written inside: *Meet at the basketball court after school.*

"Do you know who sent this?" Clark asked, his voice flat but meaningful.

The boy nodded slightly, his face still pale. "Yes, they... they’re from that gang."

Clark said nothing more, just nodded to signal that the boy could leave. After the boy left, Alex looked at Clark with concern.

"This has to be a trap, Clark," he said, his voice filled with worry. "They won’t give up so easily after what happened."

Clark leaned back in his chair, staring at the ceiling for a moment before looking at Alex calmly. "I figured they’d try something," he replied. "But we have to face this, Alex. There’s no point in running or hiding."

"But... what if they bring more people this time? I don’t want you getting hurt because of me," Alex continued, his voice trembling.

Clark placed his hand on Alex’s shoulder, looking at him seriously. "Don’t worry. If anything bad happens, I’ll take care of it. Trust me."

Alex sighed, trying to calm his mind. "Alright, then. We’ll go."

The lessons that day felt longer than usual, with anxiety hanging in the air. But Alex no longer felt alone. With Clark by his side, he was ready to face whatever awaited them at the basketball court later.


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