Chapter 7: Confrontation on the Basketball Court

After school, Clark and Alex made their way to the basketball court with steady steps. There, they were greeted by an unusual sight—a crowd of people already waiting. Their numbers were so overwhelming that Alex and Clark found it difficult to count how many had gathered.

Alex felt nervous, fearful of what might happen. "Clark, what should we do? This isn't like usual," Alex whispered, his voice trembling.

Clark turned to him, his face calm. "Don't worry, Alex. I'm here. No one will touch you. If they try anything, I'll handle it."

In the middle of the crowd, a tall man with prominent muscles under his basketball uniform stepped forward. His eyes were sharp, filled with determination. The man was Vincent Hayes, the school basketball team captain and leader of the Black Vipers gang.

"So, this is our new hero," Vincent said sarcastically, his gaze locking onto Clark. "Do you think just because you took down some of my guys, you can take on all of us?"

Clark didn't flinch. He stared at Vincent calmly, without a trace of fear. "I'm not looking for trouble. But I won't stand by if anyone tries to hurt my friend."

Vincent sneered, his eyes narrowing. "You're brave, Clark. But you have no idea what you're dealing with." He stepped closer, until only inches separated them. "This is your last warning. Stay out of our business, or you'll regret it."

Clark remained calm, though he could feel the tension rising. "I'm not afraid of you, Vincent. If you want trouble, then I'm ready."

Vincent gave a thin smile, but it wasn't a friendly one. "You've got guts. But unfortunately, guts aren't enough." With that, he turned and began to walk away, leaving Clark and Alex in the middle of the court.

Clark wanted to chase after Vincent, to settle this once and for all, but suddenly several people from the crowd stepped forward, blocking his path. Their faces were full of malice, clearly not intending to let Clark go easily.

"Looks like I'll have to deal with you first," Clark muttered firmly.

The fight broke out immediately. Clark moved with surprising speed and strength. He dodged every punch aimed at him, countering with even harder, more precise strikes. Alex could only stand at the edge of the court, watching anxiously as Clark faced his opponents with extraordinary skill.

The battle raged on fiercely. Clark had to deal with many opponents, but he remained steadfast, fighting off every attack with unwavering courage. He knew that Vincent was the real threat, and he needed to end this quickly so he could pursue the Black Vipers' leader.


Outside the basketball court, Elena quickly approached Vincent, who was walking away from the crowd. Her face showed tension, but also an unusual courage.

"Vincent," Elena called out, her voice firm despite a slight tremble. "Are you really going to walk away just like that? This is cowardly, and you know it."

Vincent stopped and slowly turned around, glaring at Elena with sharp eyes. "Why do you care, Elena? Since when did Clark and Alex become your business?" Vincent asked suspiciously.

Elena didn't answer immediately, instead looking at Vincent with a meaningful gaze. She didn't want Vincent to know how deep her connection with Clark and Alex was, or how worried she was about what might happen to them.

Seeing Elena remain silent, Vincent sighed, narrowing his eyes. "You don't understand what you're getting yourself into. If you dare to interfere, remember, your parents might not be able to live in peace."

Elena felt her entire body tense up at the threat. She knew very well what kind of organization was behind Vincent. That organization was terrifying, filled with people who wouldn't hesitate to eliminate anyone who got in their way or disrupted their plans.

Vincent noticed the change in Elena's expression and continued with a low, poisonous voice, "This isn't a game, Elena. Those who get involved without knowing the risks usually don't last long."

Elena immediately fell silent, her mind filled with fear and doubt. She knew that going against Vincent and the organization behind him was a huge risk, one she might not be able to face alone. But on the other hand, she couldn't just let Clark and Alex get caught in danger without warning them.

"Don't be foolish, Elena. Leave this alone," Vincent said finally, before continuing on his way, leaving Elena standing rigidly in place.

Elena could only watch as Vincent's figure grew smaller in the distance, feeling torn between her desire to help Clark and Alex, and the fear of the threat she had just received. She knew that the decision she was about to make would not only affect herself but also the people she cared about most.


Clark fought with incredible intensity, trying to clear a path so Alex could escape from the basketball court, which had now turned into a battlefield. He struck down his opponents one by one, but every time they fell, they got back up as if they were immune to pain.

Clark frowned, sensing that something was wrong. He had faced many people after gaining his powers from the system, but this time it was different. Punches that should have knocked them out only made them stagger briefly before they stood back up with a hauntingly blank stare.

"Alex, run!" Clark shouted, his voice filled with urgency. Despite being scared, Alex knew he had to obey. But he too could see how strange their attackers were.

Clark kept moving, striking anyone who came near, but every time one opponent fell, two more would appear, their expressions unchanged, cold, and empty. He started to feel that something was very wrong.

"What exactly is going on here?" Clark thought as he looked around. Their bodies seemed no longer human, like soulless puppets with only one purpose, to overpower Clark.

Clark tried to find signs of life in their eyes, but all he found was emptiness. Their bodies moved, but they weren't truly alive. They were like the living dead, impervious to pain, unafraid of death. A chill ran down his spine. This wasn't an ordinary gang fight, and Clark began to wonder who was really controlling them.

Meanwhile, Alex started running towards the school gate, following Clark's instructions. But he kept glancing back, feeling guilty for leaving his friend alone to fight these strange foes.

"Clark!" Alex called out with a trembling voice, but Clark didn't let himself be distracted.

"Go, Alex! I'll be fine!" Clark replied firmly, though his heart was filled with uncertainty.

Clark realized he needed to find a way to deal with this situation quickly. Regular punches wouldn't be enough, and he couldn't use his powers to the fullest without putting himself or others at risk. He knew something bigger was going on, something involving Vincent and possibly much more.

But before he could think of his next move, one of the creatures lunged at him with incredible force, sending Clark staggering. This wasn't just an ordinary gang fight; it was something darker and more dangerous than he had ever imagined.


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