Looming Shadows

My eyes slip open to a bright day filled with warmth. I breathe a sigh of relief that the only pain I feel is a slight headache.

I complete my morning routine mixed with my daily exercise.


Points: 10

Today is the first real date with Alyson but I don’t know how to do this. Should I call or should I wait?


It’s Alyson! Guess I don’t have to rip my hair out over this.

Alyson: “Sorry if I woke you up Alphon.”

Nao: “No, I’m fine.”

Alyson: “Are you okay, you sound…different.”


Nao: “Sorry, morning drowsiness messing up my throat. Give me a minute.”

Alyson: “Take your time, I’ll call back in 15.”

*Hangs up*

Really?! Do I have to live as Alphon even in my room just in case she calls? No, all I need to do is change my upper body. I’m fine, I can do this.

I calm down and close my eyes. In a few moments, my face and neck look and hopefully sounds like, Alphon. But it feels weird to look like this without the whole package.

Oh well, I’ll play some games until sh-


Oh, a text?

Alyson: “I’ll just leave the location of where I want to go. Still take your time, as long as you’re there by 11:30 we’re good.”

It’s 9:30 right now, that’s more than enough time. But knowing Alyson she’ll be there by 11 so I’ll beat her by 10 minutes. Still leaves me an hour and 10 minutes, 10 minutes left over for travel.

I’ll eat breakfast and learn more about this “Crimson Battlefield”. I’m starting to get scared that the date is a trap to kill me. Can never be too sure.

I go downstairs and find Alyson eating with mom for a change.

Nell: “Good morning Nao, Alyson has some good news.”

Alyson: “Please don’t tell him.”

Nell: “Alyson made a new friend too! I’m guessing she took some pointers from you.”

Alyson: “No, he came to me. I don’t go looking for friends.”

Nao: “Wow, I’m happy for you Alyson. Is it a guy or girl?”

Alyson: “Why are you asking that?”

Nao: “Guy it is then. I hope you don’t drive him away with your…strong personality.”

Alyson: “I think he appreciates my strong personality thank you very much.”

No…no I don’t. Please be more cute, you’re more tolerable that way.

Nell: “I’m so proud of both of you. You two even seem a bit closer now.”

Alyson & Nao: “No we don’t.”

Despite our denial mom’s smile only grew wider.

Alyson: “Anyways, don’t worry Nell, I’ll be back before 2:00.”

Nell: “You know I’ll worry. This is the first you ever went on a date.”

Alyson: “This is not a date but a friendly meetup to relieve stress. You don’t want me to sleep like last time.”

Nell: “Of course, you work too hard. Have fun with your new friend.”

Nao: “I’ll be going out too. Bookstore, you know.”

Nell: “You too? I know you love the Bookstore but don’t stay away too long. I miss you two here.”

Nao & Alyson: “…”

Nell: “But I won’t stop, you two have to leave the nest eventually.”

Alyson: “We’re not going anywhere anytime soon Nell.”

Nao: “Yeah, I like it here and spending time with you.”

Nell: “Aww, kids…”

We gave our mom a hug before finishing our food and returning to our rooms. With everything going on mom sometimes gets left behind. I stop Alyson in the hallway to talk about giving mom the thanks she deserves.

Nao: “Hey Alyson, lets put our grudges aside and get mom a gift.”

Alyson: “You know, I don’t hate your idea for once. I’ve been thinking of getting one for her but I already know what she really wants.”

Nao: “For us to get along?”

Alyson: “…Yeah, the world can be cruel.”

Nao: “It’s not the world that’s preventing you from being kind to me.”

Alyson: “We’re way too different, the difference between a noble and a peasant.”

Nao: “And what if I became a noble or you a peasant?”

Alyson: “…That won’t happen…it can’t. Enough of this, I know what kind of gift to get. You don’t have to worry about it, I’ll take care of it like usual while you go back to being the family failure.”

Before I could give a comeback she closed the door to her room. I resign myself to proofing that it can happen. Heck, I’ll even get mom a gift myself. A magical one.

But first, I better learn what a “Crimson Battlefield” is.

[1 hour later]

Really, she’s serious? I checked and rechecked but the result is the same.

Nao: “My sister wants to play laser tag with me?”

Well, I guess the chad Alphon. Either way, I won’t have to memorize anything crazy to have fun. With my stats, I might even be able to win a match.

I leave the house prepared for the fun day ahead. I say goodbye to mom and find a nice secluded place to transform.

[10 Minutes later]

If the internet is to be believed this is the place. It’s a big black rectangle building with a large opening with flashing lights within. The black carpet is dotted with rocket images and littered with junk.

I pick an empty wall near the entrance and wait for Alyson.

Maybe I shouldn’t have decided to come 10 minutes early. How does she do it? What was she going to do for 30 minutes?

I look around and start counting cars until something catches my eye.

Nao: “What is that?”

I squinted my eyes to see that…black spot in the corner across the street. What I fail to realize is that the spot has eyes…familiar eyes. Eyes that look back at me. I feel its eyes violating my body threatening to drill into my mind.

I try to rip myself from those eyes but I can’t move and the spot is expanding.

I-I’m paralyzed!

The void starts consuming the trees, the cars, and the air itself. I begin suffocating as the memory of that night returns in force. The burning, the bugs, and it. Anything but it!

I rather be thrown into the cold hell of space or eaten alive again before I see that thing again. I focus and try to force my fingers to move.

My toes?

My eyes?


The void slithers into the parking lot now and its shape becomes more defined. My eyes leak bleed for it knows what comes when it fully forms…more than any of us can handle.


I hear something from outside the horror which makes the void pause.


Again I hear, this time the void starts to shrink back into the gaps between our realities.

Instantly, I can finally move and witness my savior.

Alyson: “Are you okay? You look pale.”

I breathe, collect myself and remember what I’m suppose t-


Practice Offensive Spells (+3) ]Daily]

Learn Meditation (+2)

Kill one Invader (+10)

Wait, what is-

Alyson: “Alphon?”

Nao: “Y-Yeah, just tired of standing here. Got sleepy.”

Alyson: “I see, sorry I wasn’t on time. I’m actually surprised you got here before me. Early aren’t we?”

It's been 10 minutes already?! All of that took place within 10 minutes!?


I breathe and force what just happened in the mind vault and push on. I can’t let….that…distract me.

Nao: “I-If you’re on time, you’re late. I live by that motto…haha.”

Alyson: “What a coincidence, so do I.”

Nao: “I thought you choose a place we can relax, didn’t expect laser tag from someone like you.”

Alyson: “Considering everything I do, this will be relaxing for me. How about you?”

Nao: “…A nice fun workout can be fun.”

Nao: “I hope it’s not the only one I get to do with you.”

That got a smile out of her. So far…so good. Seeing that actually…made me feel a bit better.

Alyson: “Well, let’s go in.”

Nao: “R-Right.”

I take one last look at that now empty corner before entering a new darkness. Hopefully, this one won’t have fangs.

There are few lights in the building, just enough not to bump into other people. After what just happened, those little lights are enough to make me smile. Alyson goes to a counter and signs us up for the next match.

We get our gear and sat down on the waiting bench. I activate mind reading before I start another conversation.

Nao: “You put your hair up in a bun, you must be serious.”

Alyson: “It would get in the way and I rather win than lose.”

Nao: “I know you said that this can be relaxing but why laser tag specifically?”

Alyson: “….I always wanted to go when I was young but I was busy working. Besides, I can improve my physical and leadership ability here.”

First I heard of it.

Nao: “Wow, you must really like to work if you gave up laser tag for it. You’re even using this to further improve your capacity to work.”

Alyson: (You’d be surprised.)


Alyson: “Yeah, it’s fun.”

Nao: “….Are you sure? I get fulfilling work but what you were doing didn’t seem fulfilling.”

Alyson: “…Listen, I’m glad you took me out here but we’re not close for you to question my work.”

Nao: “…Got it, sorry.”

Alyson: (I have no choice but to do it. This guy wouldn’t get it.)

Then make me understand Alyson!

Alyson: (Nao didn’t get it either when we were kids. Now that I think about it, Alphon reminds me of Nao a bit.)


Alyson: (On second thought, let’s not compare my date to my step-brother.)

Before I can give myself away further we’re called for the next match. It’s a 5v5 in a near pitch-black with smoke and obstacles.

We’re paired up with 3 other men and it’s the first time I’ve ever looked down on a guy. They’re all usually taller than me. It…feels nice.

Alyson: “I’m assuming command of this group. Does anyone here have a problem with that?”

Nao: “None.”



Wait a minute, why does there need to be a leader? We’re just here to have fun.”

Alyson: “You want to win don’t you?”

Yeah but…”

Alyson: “Then it should be fun, I’m not a strict leader. You’ll have fun.”

Nao: “Just do it. Better than wasting time arguing about it.”


Wow, all I had to do is step up and the guy instantly lost any will to fight back. Being tall…is amazing.

Alyson: “Okay, we need to the lay of the land. Has anyone played here before ?”

One of the men, the quiet one, raises their hand.

Alyson: “Great, you’ll lead us through the area. Act like a scout, alert us of enemies with a hand raise and point.”

Alyson: “Alphon, you’ll be second in line. Draw enemy fire with your size while the rest of us take out the ones that give their position away.”

I’m starting to question the benefits of being tall now…

Alyson: “So that’s, the plan. Got it?”

We all nod in time for the ring to sound the start of the match. We march into the darkness with, I’ll call him silent, leading.

The march through the fog was uneventful until I automatically dodge the laser. I didn’t move faster than the laser but somehow moved before they fired…like I did this before.

No words needed, my group returned fire to the left side of the arena. It was a quick firefight since the other team decided to change locations. In the end, we took out 1 person based on their overacted scream of defeat.

Alyson: “Impressive, I didn’t know you could dodge something like that.”

Nao: “I was lucky.”

Alyson: “I like modesty.”

One of you should take that position up above, a good line of sight on everything.”

Alyson: “Got it, you go for it.”

She sends the most normal guy in the group to secure the tower. The rest of us begin stalking the other team that escaped to a new position.

Again, I predicted a shot and pushed Alyson to the ground before it hit her.

Alyson: “We’re going a bit fast aren’t we?”

Nao: “Sorry.”

Alyson: “No problem, these guys really like to hit and run.”

Can you two get up, I think they’re closing in.”

We get up and take positions behind some blocks. He’s right, they don’t seem to be running anymore but enclosing us.

Alyson: “That’s fine, we have a sniper that will take them as soon as they come out.”

Nao: “Hey, weren’t there supposed to be 4 of them left.”


We instinctively dodged out of the lasers in different directions. These lasers didn’t come from the front but behind.

Alyson: “What the hell?”

Did our sniper get taken out?”

That’s not all, I’m separated from the group and silent is out too. Now it’s 3 to 4.

What know leader?”

Alyson: “We need to find a position where we’re not flanked.”

I can see the strike force aiming for my position while I can feel the sniper keeping sights on everything.

I might be cheating a bit but Alyson does want to win and it’s a great way to make an impression.

I create the illusion that their armor is flashing as if they got hit. Instantly, I can hear confusion among the three. Only one of them can see their lights flashing. When the others try to prevent him from leaving, I sprint out of my position.

I hit 2 of them, including the one I used illusion on while dodge rolling out of potential fire. I keep running hoping neither the sniper or the last guy hit me.


No. I look to my armor chest but it’s not flashing. I turn to see an angry guy, the one I failed to take out, leaving the field. Behind him was Alyson, I guess she knew when to jump in.

I crotch, wary of the sniper, and make it to Alyson’s new defensive position.

Nao: “Hey you.”

Alyson: “That was some good moves back there. Where did you learn to move like that even with your size?”

Nao: “Maybe this isn’t my first game.”

Alyson: “Lucky, almost feels like I cheated.”

You have no idea.

Nao: “Now what? How do you get to the sniper?”

Alyson: “Oh, we won already.”

Nao: “We what?”

Alyson: “The sniper is too focused on us. He’ll try to leave the tower but our teammate will be there waiting for him. So we’ll win in 3…2….”

Just like that, the bell sounded and declared us the victors.

Nao: “Wow, you’re incredible.”

Alyson: “I know, but I could’ve been better. I lost two guys, I should’ve sent to into the tower.”

Nao: “It’s even more incredible that you can admit your mistakes.”

I wish you do that more often.

Alyson: “Thanks.”

It might be dark but I can see Alyson’s blush as if it were glowing. She really is falling for me….Alphon. Despite that fact,

I move her head towards mine and watch as she closes her eyes in acceptance. I try to tell myself that she only likes Alphon for his looks and nothing else but I can’t stop myself. I bring my lips closer to hers and-

Excuse me.”

We stop what we’re doing and look up expecting one of our teammates but instead…

Sever: “Are you Alyson, Nao’s sister?”

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