(SUNSHINE CITY)(DR. ROBERTS LAB)The walls inside were white and the facility had all the necessities. Including techs as well. In the main room which had computers, was; Mark Bryan, Mary Stark, Ben Gilbert, and Dr. Robert Hicks; All seated on different chairs.Dr. Robert said, “Mark, Mary… your super-suits are ready,” He continues, “So are you guys ready to be superheroes?”“yes, we are…” Mary answers, “If my dad can be a superhero in Star City, then I can do that too. And it feels even better to have someone else who has superpowers on the team.” Ben chuckles softly while Mark said, “there isn’t much threats on this city, but this is the age of superpowers, so we’re just doing this in case of emergencies”.Ben nods and added, “oh yeah, and I’ll be right behind the computer desks here monitoring everything that goes on”. He chuckles, while Mark replies, “but I have unfinished businesses I should attend to, and I won’t make it direct, I’ll avenge my parents by tearing down Johnny’s life”.Dr Robert adjusts his spectacle and asked, “Johnny Tony, right?... the man who murdered your parents”. Sighs and continues, “Mark… I’d say the time to avenge them is getting closer… but not right now”. Ben stopped working on the computer, looking surprised, he asked, “so what you’re trying to say is that Johnny Tony, like… the same Johnny Tony everyone knows… he murdered your parents, why?”Mary exhales sharply and answers, “because Mark’s parents revealed all of his father’s dark secrets, and due to shock of being revealed plus the shame, Johnny’s father committed suicide”“Then he killed my parents,” Mark said with a hard look, he then concluded, “and my unborn sibling”.Ben replies, “so, we’re gonna have to take him down soon”. Mary scoffs and said, “just like in Star City, the famous businessman, Mr. Benson, and Dr. Hans were the ones who caused my mom’s death”Dr Robert replied, “why do rich businessmen do crazy things?”. “no idea” Mark replies and added, “…now where are our outfits?”.***********************.(SUNSHINE CITY POLICE DEPARTMENT - SCPD)A lot of movement was going on. The Captain of the police station was in his quiet office with his Assistance having a conversation when the door was knocked. Their conversation was disrupted while the Captain said aloud, “come in!”Immediately, a young lady, came in smiling, 24 years, long black and straight hair, was also an American. She was putting on a black shirt, and brown jeans trousers which was fitted, and she was a detective as well.The Captain said as she came in, “oh, Beth, what’s the problem?”. Bethany shrugs her shoulder and answered, “huh, we’re about to release Rey Carrillo, But I don’t think we should just let him… go scot free, we both know he’s a notorious criminal”The assistant looked at the Captain saying, “Bethany is right, I think we should detain him for bit longer”. Bethany cuts in quickly, “no, we should let him go, but I’m gonna follow him, by doing that, we can get the others”.The captain replied, “good idea, do that please”. Bethany replied, “ok sir”She left the office and immediately, her phone began to ring, she checks the screen to see the caller; ‘Mark- My Man’. She smiled and answered the call while walking to a quiet passageway, she said into the phone, “hello Mark… yeah I’m still at the station, and I’m actually going out to trail someone… yeah, I’ll be careful, babe, thanks… I love you too honey, okay… 6pm is fine, I’ll be available. Bye”. she ended the call, smiling sheepishly and then continued on to the other cops.********************.(DR. ROBERTS LAB)Mary was alone with Ben, it looked like she was thinking, so he asked, “what’s going on with you? You look sad… what’s the problem?”“well, I’m actually just tired, nothing more” She responded, faking a smile. Ben chuckles softly and replied, “you can’t fool me, Mary… I know about your feelings for Mark”Mary looks up and sighs, while Ben continues, “… But he has a girlfriend... and their relationship is definitely on the right track to make them be together, forever”“I’m fine, just forget it... it’s okay, they’re good together… and in no time, I’ll probably find my soulmate”, Mary said while she got off the chair..“okay, I might be travelling soon... to UK to meet my family but not forever (ha-ha) I’ll be back... but the date isn’t fixed yet”, Ben said as he continues working on the computer. “Alright, where’s Mark?”, Mary asked looking curious, while Ben answered, “gone… to help Bethany, in case she gets into any trouble”.He continues, “sometimes I wish had superpowers so I can impress my girlfriend even more, and I wouldn’t hide my powers from her like Mark does...”“I’ll be back”, Mary said, and she went out immediately..***************************.Outside a building was Rey Carrillo; the criminal who was just released by the cops. He was just about to go in with another guy who looked more like a gangster. They were being watched from nearby by Bethany and 4 other detectives who also dressed casually.As soon as the two guys went in, Bethany said to the others “that’s it… it must be their hideout, let’s go… Jonas call for back up if we don’t come out in 2 minutes”. Jonas replies sharply, “okay”Bethany and 3 others went on to the building while Jonas stayed behind, checking his wrist watch.They got in, and it was like an emptied warehouse. They saw the Rey Carrillo; seated like their leader while other gangsters were there, pointing guns at them. He stood up laughing, then yells, “I knew you would follow me and here you are, my realm… I would call it”Bethany replies, “oh wow… nice trap to catch us but I hope you remember we’re not the only cops in the city so just surrender”The leader took out a pistol gun and pointed at her while he was meters away, he said, “I’m gonna blow your heads off one by one… and I’m starting with you little bitch”“I don’t think you wanna do that”, Bethany said, while Rey chuckles. “I’m the boss here, this will be a warning to all the others!”, He yelled, and concluded, “I don’t wanna waste my cute little bullets on you… guys! Kill them!”.The gangsters began to shoot, and the detectives jumped to different sides but one of the cops was shot on his shoulder. The boss was about to leave, walking away, from the other side where he and his gangster positioned themselves. Suddenly, something crashed in through the roof, so fast, that on landing, the ground vibrated and a shock wave spreads out pushing everyone backwards.It wasn’t a thing, but a person, the ground had cracks, the roof had an opening, and right in the middle was a person, dressed in a black superhero outfit which reached down to his legs.It was long sleeved, and its’ ends were grey. His hair was brushed to a side, and he was putting on black boots, as well as fitted black trousers which looked joined to the top, but a belt was on his waist, grey in color, while on his chest was an ‘H’ symbol also grey in color.His outfit looked shiny and reflective, though black in color, he had a long black cape behind his back, which was down being blown slowly, He was putting on a mask which covered his eye regions, but his eye balls were visible. It was Mark, donning his superhero outfit..Rey came forward asking as he looked stunned, “who are you?”“I AM HERO!”. He replied. Then he boosted towards Rey and delivered a punch to his face which knocked him out instantly.The others were shocked, and they began to shoot at him repeatedly, but he moved swiftly avoiding the bullets, then he attacked them, breaking their guns before they could reload, and knocking them out with punches till they were all unconscious. The 3 detectives, and Bethany watched in amazement with their mouths wide open.The door was opened immediately and more cops came in, along with Jonas. They were surprised to see the unconscious gangsters, and Hero was still right there. While the cops were taking the gangsters, he looks up and flew outside speedily through the opening in the roof, while breeze blew off dust on the ground.One of Bethany’s seniors asked her, “what happened here?”, Bethany answered saying, “sir, that unknown person who just left saved our lives and knocked them out, really quick”“and who is that person? Another criminal, an enemy of Rey Carrillo or what?”, He askedBethany sighs and responded, “I don’t know… yet, sir… but his name is Hero”(SUNSHINE CITY)(DR. ROBERTS LAB)Mark was back, and Mary was speaking, directed to him, “you just went out there alone, why did you do that? Because it was your girlfriend who was in danger… huh?”.Mark replies, “yeah, I had to go”. Ben called their attentions to the computer on the wall saying, “guys, over here, live news on the Tv “. They looked up and saw the headline; ‘Super human takes down gangsters’ Mark smiles and said, “cool, right?”. Mary scoffs and replies, “no not cool… I should’ve been there as wells. We should be the heroes… not just you”Dr. Roberts came in saying as he entered, “and you should have introduced yourself better, so they can know you are a superhero”. “I’m sorry guys… next time we’ll save the day together”, Mark said.Mary replied saying, “who knows when a next time will come”. Mary storms out of the lab while Ben said to Mark, “she’s not angry, she’s just unhappy”.********************.(A RESTAURANT)That evening, Mark and Bethany were seated on chairs opposite each other. She was putting on a cream-colored fitted and elastic gown which reached her knees. Her long black hair dropped on her shoulders, while she was also putting on a black high heel shoe.Mark was putting on a cream-colored long arm top which had a turtle neck, it was also elastic and fitted. He was on black jean trousers as well, and black sneakers. His hair well combed to the back, and his shaves smooth.Obviously, they were having a conversation, as both parties were laughing, then Bethany asked, “What do you do now? Still acquiring knowledge or what?”. “huh, partially yes…”, He said, then continues, “I do some other things too”. Bethany smiling, replied, “good”Mark clears his throat and asked, “If we get married, will you quit being a cop?”. Bethany chuckles softly, and replies, “I don’t think I can quit”. Mark sighs and replied, “but it’s a dangerous job… I heard you almost got shot when you trailed the gangster into his den… and some kind of… super guy came to the rescue” “yeah, but it’s my job… and I love being a cop… I won’t let some kind of super person stop me from carrying out my job… I should have captured the gangsters… he just left as he came… destroying the roof, he must be some kind of dangerous guy too”, She said.Mark replied immediately, “you think so? There’s a possibility of you being dead if he didn’t save the day”. They continued their conversation, while outside the restaurant, on the other side of the road, was a car; in the Audi R8 car was a man was in the car, watching them, His face not revealed, but from the back, he had a short hair, and through the mirror, we can see he had a smile on his face. The engine revs as he drove away, the cars’ plate number was ‘Johnny T.’.*********************.(MARY’S HOUSE)Her small sized house had a lot of necessities, and it was cool and quiet, Mary was in her house that night on a couch. She looked lonely and unhappy, when she heard a sudden knock on the door which came twice.She looks at the door immediately and got up trying not to make a sound, then she walked slowly to the door and looked through the hole to see who it was, but she didn’t see anyone. She turned back about to head back to the couch, then she heard the knock again, and this time it was louder.Mary asked immediately, “who’s there?”. Then she got a reply from a calm male voice, “is that Mary in there? I’m a friend of yours from Star City”.Mary sighs and opened the door only to see a guy putting on a full smiling mask, she tried to close the door immediately, but he blocked it while she moved backwards, and then the unexpected happened, his hands stretched to grab her and then the stranger threw her at the wall.Mary hits her back on the wall while she fell to the ground afterwards. The masked guy came in with his hands now back to normal then he began to pick any valuable thing he saw into a big bag. As he was about to leave, Mary stood up and made to attack him.He tries to deliver a punch to her face, but she ducked, while she spin-kicked him on his face, causing the mask to fall, but before she could see his face, he hid his face. The mask rolled away more when he tried to pick it up, because Mary had stylishly blown it away with wind. The intruder drops everything he stole, he clenched his fist, which became bigger only to deliver a super punch to her torso.She was pushed backwards falling on her back, while he ran away quickly. As Mary stood up, she saw he was gone and she picked up her phone to dial Ben’s number..********************.(PLANET HULTON)In a large palace like hall with black rock-like walls, was a guy who seemed to be in his late 20s; He had a medium length black hair, angry eyebrows, as well as grown beards. Putting on a black metal outfit which was fitted to his skin, from head to toe, and also had a belt, as well as pockets on it’s sidesHe was kneeling right in front of an elderly one who sat on a throne; The King. He had guards in hard metal armors, all black, as well as their helmets and masks.The guy said to the King, “Your humble servant is at your disposal… give me your orders, My King”. The King replied saying, “Moza, I think it is time to bring in your counterpart…”. Moza looks up at the King and asked, “dead or alive?”. The King replied “anyone… just bring his body”. Moza stood up and said, “your wish is my command”. The King smiles and replied, “take Nesa along with you… and make sure she doesn’t hinder our plans”Related Chapters
Being A Hero CHAPTER 2
(SUNSHINE CITY)(DR. ROBERTS LAB)The team of four (Mark, Mary, Ben, and Dr. Robert) were present. Mary was speaking while others sat listening, she said, “guys, a thief came to me last night, and it turned out he had some weird super abilities, like elasticity… but I couldn’t see his face”. Ben sighs and replies, “dis his voice sound familiar?”. Mary answered saying, “no, he was able to escape only because I didn’t wanna show my powers”.Dr Robert cuts in and said, “I think… I think it’s a superhuman like both of you… who’s using his abilities to commit crime to satisfy his needs”. Mary nodded, “that’s possible”, he said. Their attentions were directed towards the computer on the wall, which was showing a news of people talking about a thief who came into their houses, the headline was, ‘Superhuman Burglar Steals From Homes In A Night’.They were surprised and the news showed a woman testifying, she said, “the thief knocked and told me he was my friend at work, but wh
Being A Hero CHAPTER 3
(SUNSHINE CITY)(DR. ROBERTS LAB)Later that day at Roberts Lab, Mary was now awake and was on a bed in one of the rooms. She was still on her superhero outfit, and then she stood up from the bed. .She came out of the room, now in a casual outfit which was quite big for her, she could hear Ben’s voice as she walked through the passageway, until she got to where they were; the main room with computers.Ben and Kyle were having a conversation, and she interrupted saying, “hello…”. They looked at her and Ben quickly rushed to help her to sit on a chair. He said, “Thank God you’re awake now, how’re you feeling?”. Mary smiled and replies, “perfectly fine. Kyle… thanks for saving me today”. Kyle chuckles and replies “but you saved me from getting hit, if I had gotten hit, I’m pretty sure I’d be dead now”..Ben said to Mary, “so Kyle is Bethany’s sister, which makes him like Mark’s step-brother”. Kyle sighs and replied, “yeah, maybe”. Mary asked sharply, “where’s Mark, where’s Dr R
Being A Hero CHAPTER 4
(SUNSHINE CITY)(DR. ROBERTS LAB)That night, Mark was asleep on a bed while the others were also there; Mary, Kyle, Ben, Dr. Roberts, Bethany, and Nesa. Bethany was beside Mark and she said to herself, “so, Mark is Hero… Mary, you’re Miss Awesome, I knew your voice was familiar, but his own was totally different… he saved my life”. Kyle replies, “same way Mary saved my life from that same guy”. Nesa sighs and said, “well, now we’ve gotten Phantom, so no one’s getting hit anymore”. Dr Roberts stares at her and replied, “yes, but I still don’t trust you… yet. I’m going home now, goodnight everyone”.******************** .Inside a luxurious large house was a young man who had little hair; the one who was watching Mark and Bethany the other day, Johnny Tony, he was in his house seated with some of his high ranking workers having a meeting when someone entered. Johnny was putting on a blue suit, and had a smile on his face, no beard, except a little shave. Someone came in,
Being A Hero CHAPTER 5
(SUNSHINE CITY)(MARK’S HOUSE)Mark and Bethany were at his house at night, he kissed her forehead as she went on to the bedroom to sleep while Mark stayed behind in the parlor, watching a movie, he got up and headed straight to the fridge, then as he opened it, he suddenly felt a pain in his chest, he grunts, then he brings out an energy drink, went back to seat and drank from it. Mark sighs and said to himself, “why am I feeling weak? the injections Dr. Robert gave me should be making me stronger… not weaker”, he wondered..*********************** .(THE NEXT DAY)(DR. ROBERTS LAB)Mark, Mary, Ben, Kyle, and Nesa were the only ones there, Ben was busy with the computer, there was silnce until Nesa said suddenly, “so, when will you be ready to fight Moza?”. Mary answered saying, “oh that’s true, Mark…”. Mark shakes his head saying, “I have no strength to fight for now”, Ben looked surprised as he took his hands off the keyboard, and replied, “take one of the injections”.
Being A Hero CHAPTER 6
(SUNSHINE CITY)(ROBERTS LAB)Mark, Kyle, Ben, Nesa, and Ronda were present, all having personal conversations when Dr. Robert came in; he had a smile on his face, and as he dropped a briefcase which was in his hand, he spoke, “hello guys! It’s been a while…”, sighs and Mark replied, “oh you’re here, Doctor Robert... to continue killing me?”, Ben smirks and added, “we now know your secrets, you and Johnny Tony”. Dr. Roberts chuckles softly, “are you serious? I think I should leave for now”, he scoffs. Nesa blocked his way saying, “no you’re not, tell us everything Johnny is planning and what he has done”, Dr. Robert knew he had been caught in the middle of this, he laughed like a lunatic, and then stares at Mark, while he yells, “like you’d let me go free if I tell you what we’ve done. Look… Johnny and I killed your father, I killed your mother, she could have survived the accident which Johnny planned but I finished the job”, Mark was furious already, then he yelled back,
Being A Hero CHAPTER 7
(SUNSHINE CITY)(ROBERTS LAB)The heroes were amidst a conversation, except Ben, who had not returned from his trip. Ronda; clad in a brown short gown -fitted and elastic- and also above her knees, thereby revealing a said portion of her thigh. “A lot of people have turned their backs on Johnny Tony; because you saved this city,” she said, with a smile, and a tone of relief. Kyle sighed, before Mark gave a rely, “… couldn’t have done that without all of you”, he smirked. He was putting on a white top; short sleeve, and a navy blue trouser. “now I say, we can take on him, reveal his secrets and let justice prevail”, Mary said, with a stern look on her face. She wore a blue top, and black trousers which stopped between her knee and ankle. Kyle replies sharply, he was always looking happy, “of course, but about Moza… where could he be? Back to Planet Hulton?” he asked, eagerly expecting an answer, and Mary exhales sharply, and answered, “I was also thinking of the same”,
Being A Hero CHAPTER 8
“…the one who’s gonna finish this is coming… HERO” Moza chuckles and replied sharply, “no, he won’t be able to”. Suddenly, they began to hear people murmuring; and then the murmurs gradually became shouts of joy, as the people stared at a figure above them; who is revealed to be ‘Hero’. Moza saw him and grins, while Miss Awesome said inaudibly, “perfect timing”. Hero came down slowly and lands beside Miss Awesome, “I’m glad you’re fine… I’ll leave him to you”, she said, while he smiles and replied, “thank you…”, then he faced Moza, “Moza, time up, you’ve used up your time in the land of the living, that’s the first thing I’ve come to tell you, so you will die, second…” Moza yells and boosted towards Hero; trying to punch him but Hero grabbed both of his hands and said, “… I’m not done talking” He headbutted Moza, and punched him backwards which sent Moza breaking through houses and as he finally falls to the ground, Hero landed on him and continues, “second, you k
Being A Hero CHAPTER 8
(SUNSHINE CITY)(ROBERT’S LAB)Ben was back now and with him were Mark, Mary, Bethany, Kyle, and Ronda. Ronda was working on the computer, and Mark asked, “it’s been a while now and Moza hasn’t shown up, even Nesa isn’t back” “and I’m thinking Moza went back already and she’s in danger”, Kyle said worriedly, while Mary replies, “I hope that isn’t the case, if it is, then we should start preparing for war”. Ben said, “the battle hasn’t ended… it could be that he’s given up” .Bethany replied, “what if he’s still here on earth getting prepared?” “that’s why we need to find him”, Ronda answered. Mark sighs and said, “alright, I’m gonna look for him everywhere I can”, Mary replies sharply, “I’m coming with you”. Mark retorted back sharply, “no, stay here” Bethany smiles and said, “let her go with you, find him and end this”..************************ .Johnny Tony was with Dr. Elias inside a laboratory, Johnny asked looking worried, “the pills?”. Elias sighs and repli
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It's been roughly a week since the battle with Dina, and she was let go by Charles and the Justice Corps, now that she's back in her senses.She's now back with her girlfriend; Jessica. Both living together as they did before.Lena was yet to return to the Justice Corps from her trip to Platinum City, meanwhile Charles anticipates when he’ll finally get to take down Chuck for good..************** .That evening, while the sun had just set, a hooded figure could be sighted making a brisk turn to a narrow pathway, before beginning to walk faster.This person seemed to be running from something or was into something illegal; but we're about to find out.On finally getting to a stop, they tried to jump over a fence when they got hit out of nowhere; falling to the ground in the process.It was a young lady; probably 20 years old even.She exhales sharply; staring at the assaulter who took a standing position; staring down at her coldly.He was neat skinned; his black hair also
(GOLDEN CITY) “Dina is gone… I am The Imitator”She threw the compressed fire ball straight at Jessica, and look at that… she's defenseless; and probably done for..*************** .The car behind them was destroyed instead; Charles on the ground on one side, and Jessica on the other.Seems the fireball didn’t get her. No, Charles pushed her away rather. Saved her from it and the car got the hit instead.Meanwhile, Dina left flying as she was completely engulfed in fire. She headed straight for the center of the city. “what happened to her?”, Jessica asks while getting back on her feet. “she copied the fire; I guess…”, Charles thought, “but this is quite an extremity… she's out of her mind… I hope she's not fallen prey to a possessor” “you mean someone might've possessed her?”, she asked again and the former duly nods.He pulled out his phone and dials Natasha's number.The latter answers his call quickly and he began to speak, “we have a
(GOLDEN CITY)Charles was in his mother's house; staring at the garden through the window. He was currently thinking of what killing Dina could lead to if he does. He wasn't even sure of what to do any longer. “Brother”, he heard a call out from behind, so he turned immediately to see Jessica holding a gun in her hand. He could tell from her rough look that something was wrong. “are you okay?”, he asked; not even worried about the fact that she was armed. “no, I’m not… I very angry right now… I feel like…” “my friends didn't kill you both… they told me something made them reverse… still hard to believe” “oh that's actually true”, Jessica confirm, “and that something that implemented a backward shit was also the same that brought back Chuck from the dead”Charles’s jaw dropped; he was stunned. “Chuck?”, he asks, still trying to understand what she said. “Yeah… the same one… and now, we have a common enemy; this has become a triangle
(GOLDEN CITY)Now, Chuck had the ladies tied up on different metal chairs; both in a small but spacious room; even their mouths were taped firmly so they couldn't speak to each other.They're only clad on underwear, and the room was quite cold for that; thanks to the fact that there were solid and massive ice around. Both of them were obviously cold and lips turned white.Chuck came in; putting on thick jackets, gloves and boots. He had come with his tools in a small rectangular box. “I hope you ladies are having a good time…?”, he chuckles and forcefully pulled off the tape from their mouth; causing both to yelp at the same time.He went back to his box which he earlier dropped on a table, and out of it, he pulled out a small sickle; smaller than an actual sickle; it was almost like a dagger. What was he up to this time? “Are you wondering what I'll do to you?”, he asked, before going quiet for few seconds. “You’re making the mistake of your life… you'l
Dina and Jessica were driving downtown, Johnson landed before the car and stops it with his hands.Then Natasha and Mia came out of nowhere too.The trio were donning their superhero outfits to conceal their identities.Dina and Natasha stepped out of the vehicle and before they could speak, Mia spoke first, “Dina Meyers… a criminal who uses criminals… we’re taking you straight where you belong; Jail” Dina hums and replied, “I don't think so”She hits her left leg on the surface and the ground shook while the threw were thrown aback by the force. But though tossed back, they maintained their stance; wondering how she did that. Even Jessica was surprised. “How did you…”, she exclaimed while Dina spoke, “I viewed some clips of the superheroes people have recorded… I did it so I could use it against Charles… but this right here called for it too” “I'll get her”, Natasha says to her comrades and she screamed at Dina and Jessica and both ladies were blast