Chapter 21
Author: Jewel writes
last update2023-01-09 12:11:33

The rustling of the leaves from behind wakes me. In response, I throw myself on my knee and turn around on all fours. With no more noise, I thrust myself to my feet still observing the tiny overgrown weed behind the trunk I rested on

“Who is there?”

The grasses is still, the shrill silence of the hot afternoon and the calm brush of warm breeze remains. I sigh dropping my head on my palms, how long was I asleep?

Tony had followed the runner and now I have no clue where he might be – my stomach rumbles, reminding me that I haven't eaten since this morning and the day seems to be far spent.

I grunt after the repeated rumblings, normally I would go for a day without food but that was only when I have a function to attend to and nice cloth that I wouldn’t want my body to destroy.

‘A function could also mean going to surprise your cheating boyfriend on his birthday with a cake nobody ate’ I say to myself

“Very much craving that cake right now” with a heavy breath, I mumble squeezing my tummy with both my hands.

The leaves rustle again and I freeze, bending my knees and looking hard into the grasses, A body moves, and someone steps out of the thick part of the bush into the shallow area where I could see his outline.

It could be the runner, I cover my mouth to intercept the gasps that pleaded to escape, moving slowly to take proper cover behind the tree.

The oversized hoody casts a shadow over his face, his hands buried in the front pocket of the black hoody, and matching colored jeans on black thick leather sandals that revealed his chestnut skin.

Lowering his head further he waddled hurriedly further into the farm that had ridges by our right. I Lay still to gain a healthy distance from him and then followed him.

Slowly swerving between grasses and tiny plants, I tiptoe after the hoody guy deep and deep into the forest, wondering where it was he is heading.

The soil is getting soft like the forest of the mansion I and Tony were forced to run out of. I hiss in frustration and grab a branch to support me after I had stepped on a loose soil that almost tripped me.

He had covered a reasonable distance that I could breathe without pausing every millisecond but for anything, this guy could be pulling me towards the mansion, maybe from another route

I Look around the forest, desperately searching for anything that would hint at the building and also taking time to look at the sun like it was going to disappear any minute.

Satisfied with my conviction, I purge forward, searching for signs of where the hoody man must have gone – it only takes a few short minutes for my gaze to finally rests on the hoody man.

He had slowed down and bends over what looked like the roots of a big tree. With his hands covered in a black glove, he digs into the soil by the roots and rips out something that looks to be orange with a black heavy rope hanging out from the substance he held and that reminded me of something from Tony’s pictures

He freezes all of a sudden slowly bending on his knees to cover himself with the grass in front of him and I am alerted by this, I sit back behind the high sand in front of me, counting my breaths with my hands pressing against my chest.

The sound of approaching footsteps – rather confident, drags my attention back to the hoody man. The steps grew closer and stops, revealing the woman we had spent all morning looking for.

I manage to gasp quietly watching the woman head slowly to where the hoody man hid. she halts spiraling her gaze around the woods, panic streaked in her dim brown eyes – she seems to suspect he is there, I almost scream ‘run!’ but the words burst through my eyes instead.

Before I could blink, The Hoody guy jerks off and lounged on her, successfully pinning her down hard enough that her kicking feet were only chicken movements.

The woman whimpers and takes in a breath for a loud shout but he stops her, fastening his hands over her mouth.

Then he successfully ties her limbs together over her head and attempts to carry her.

But suddenly she starts to convulse, jerking and kicking, white foamy liquid spills from her mouth, and her pupils force themselves to hide behind her lids – all these happen so fast that I cannot figure out exactly what to do

The hoody man lays her over on her left trying all he could to revive her, from holding her head still to losing her free until she stops moving and her body stiffens

I gasp and immediately regret it when his gaze drops in my direction. I retreat behind the high sand, causing further movement and he slowly stands still looking in my direction, adrenaline surges through me and I lock my lids tightly together struggling to breathe slowly

It only hit me at that very moment that I am in the middle of nowhere with a stranger wearing a hoody that just tried to kidnap an old woman who ends up convulsing to death. in other words, I am totally screwed!

The sound of the leaves and his footsteps snaps me back to reality, but they are retreating instead of approaching me, I peep slowly and the hoody man is leaving the woman lifeless. Swallowing a huge gulp of air and releasing a breath of relief I wait for him to get farther

When he does, I rush to the woman and turn her to lay on her back, her eyes fixed to the sky, white foam stains her neck and the top of her cotton round neck red top, and her skin is pale and appears bluish. I gasps almost falling to my butt, letting down the tears that had clustered in my throat that left me struggling to breathe.

I look at the woman again and my mind and body wanted to scream the whole air in my lungs away. Holding back that outburst caused me to shiver and then again in trembling hands and feet

I attempt to crawl out of the woman’s presence but my stomach rumbles hard and jerked. I throw up the yellow liquid on the woman’s face breaking down afterward

I break into a sprint away from the woman, sobbing my heart out and running so hard I feared my legs will break should I stumble on anything.

Where the hell is Tony? Why do I have to be here alone? Where even am I? What the hell just happened? Who is that hoody man and why was he trying to take the woman? Why did the woman convulse to death? Was she poisoned?

Moving as fast as I could I ran through the farm, whether I was going deeper or heading to the village, I don’t know but I want to get as far away from that scene as possible and I am not batting an eye till my aching lungs give out or my legs give up on me

In moments I am back in the town, gasping and dropping my hands on my knees, I barely stop myself from dropping on the moist dark soil, my head becomes light and like my body is protesting against me, the light from the day get brighter and everything blurs, drawing air into my aching lungs I force my gaze up in front of me still panting profusely.

I am standing in front of the hut-like house with the beaded curtain – That same house where we found the symbols. The house that had all the information

And if Olivia had not spent the night there then there would have been some dry bread too – she doesn’t have to be with me to torment me. I limp to the house squeezing my face from the muscles of my legs aching at every step I took, threatening to clamp together and make me fall

Pushing the beads aside I dash into the house and the hoody man is standing over the bed, his black hoody casting a shadow on the bed from the red light of the coal burning in the fireplace.

I quickly step backward and hit the door frame, he lifts his head but still faces away from me. I was seriously contemplating running away but the smell of something edible in his hut suggests that maybe he is also trying to figure this whole shit out like us.

Oh, dear spirits! He is facing me, this might just be my last minute alive.

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