Chapter 5

Benjamin sharply turned around, sure that he wasn't the one being referred to. But there was no one behind him.

The old man hurried to his side and grabbed his hand, squeezing it tightly as he inspected Benjamin's face.

“You look just like him. God, you look just like my son.” The man whispered, entranced by Benjamin's presence.

Benjamin felt a bit creeped out and tried to extricate his hand from the man's.

“Excuse me… I don't understand what's going on here. If you don't mind explaining?” Benjamin kept trying to put some distance between them.

The old man cleared his throat, regaining his composure as he saw Benjamin's uncomfortable state. He smiled at him and then turned to return to his seat.

“You are my grandson, Benjamin. ” The man stated proudly to the whole room.

Benjamin's eyebrows raised and he looked round the room at the other individuals present— Herbert and the guards — and how they didn't look entirely surprised by the statement.

Ben couldn't help but give a mocking laugh,

“Is this some sort of prank?

“Not at all, my boy.”

“What do you mean I'm your grandson? You can't just pick a random stranger from the street and decide that he's your grandson. I know nothing about you and I'm a hundred percent sure I'm not in any way related to you.”

The man chuckled.

“Never say never, young man. Listen, I'm Hunter Whiteridge and I've got very reliable intel that you're my long lost grandson.”


Benjamin was in shock at the name he just heard. The Whiteridge family was well known as the most powerful family in the country. He couldn't believe he was in their presence. There was just no way.

Hunter signalled to Herbert. “Show him the papers.”

Herbert bowed. “Right away, Sir.”

Benjamin watched the man who brought him here walk out of the room only to return less than a minute later, handing over a document to him. He cautiously read through this document and he was shocked to find that it was a DNA result, with him being one of the samples being matched.

“Wait…I don't…..” Benjamin was rightfully lost for words.

“Allow me to explain, my boy.” Hunter was expecting this reaction from his grandson. “Your identity has been known to me for a while, along with some other people around your age who we assumed could be my grandchild, so I had DNA samples secretly extracted from all of you.” He then pointed at William. “And out of everyone, yours was the undeniable match. So yes, Benjamin, you really are my grandson.”

“But my parents! How….my grandma told me that my parents died in an accident, at a time where I was too young to even remember. She had to raise me all by myself, and I never got to meet them.”

Hunter nodded with a slight frown. “That's true. Your parents did die in an unfortunate accident. Following that, we lost you, unable to find you no matter where we searched. It's been years since I've been searching for you, Benjamin. Your mother lost her life after giving birth to you. As for your father, my son, he was inflicted with a heart attack after hearing the news of his wife.” The sadness in his eyes was very evident. “He didn't make it.”

Benjamin felt his whole body racing at this point, as he struggled to calm himself. “Sir, I don't…. How is this possible? None of this makes any sense.”

The old man refused to leave him though. This is the sole person he had been looking for forever. “It's alright. I'll help you understand. Right now, you need to know your heritage. Who you truly are.”

A few minutes later, the group found themselves in Hunter's private office. Benjamin is seated on the only two chairs facing Hunter across the wide office desk.

Hunter Whiteridge seemed to now be glowing as he sat up straight with a radiant smile as he stared at his newfound grandson. “Benjamin, as the grandson of this family, you are not aware of how deep our wealth and influence runs, so I will fill you in.” He allowed a moment to pass as he nodded at Herbert, who then walked towards the old man.

Herbert began typing away at the laptop on the office desk before turning the screen towards Benjamin.

Benjamin was confused for a moment as he read through the information being displayed on the screen. Within seconds though, he realised what he was looking at and his eyes widened in shock.

“This?! It says that the Whiteridge family owns two hundred of the top five hundred companies in the world. Each of these companies range in net worths between $300 billion to $1.9 trillion.”

Benjamin gasped, placing a hand over his chest. He had always known this family was incredibly wealthy, but knowing the exact value provided an extra layer of clarity that understandably leaves the mind astounded.

“That's not all though.” Hunter proudly brought Benjamin's attention back to the laptop. “Keep reading.”

Benjamin did just this and he was still left in awe. “The Whiteridge also owns the major shares in other two hundred companies. This….this is absolutely insane!” He looked back up at his grandfather. “These assets span across many conglomerates in the country. This family basically controls the stock of the country!”

Hunter's smile dwindled slightly at the dazed expression on his grandson's face. “Benjamin, I understand that this is all a bit much right now. But seeing as I don't have very much time left on this earth, I have yearned to have you back so you can take over this empire for me.”

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