Asylum (2)

“Do you think they will investigate our relationship any further?”

Kevin shook his head. With what happened today, the Academy would restrain its intention to investigate the two. “The clone that I made is a perfect form that is almost similar to a real human. Unless the clone's soul is directly inspected, They won't know what's going on.”

Ivo couldn't help but sigh. He looked at the screen Kevin made about what happened during the time the two of them disappeared and were replaced by a clone made by Kevin.

The fight between the two only lasted for a moment before stopping. It was a short battle that could barely even be considered a fight. Both of them just exchanged attacks but neither of them got hurt.

On the screen, Kevin said flatly. "You haven't changed. Even after you had the Heart of Fearlessness given by Mr. Gray, your personality hasn't changed. It's still the same as before." Kevin said as if he already knew someone named Ivo Graham.

“Perhaps that was the reason you were ch
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