My regret

“How's the condition? Is it possible to save him?” Ivo asked while looking at the unconscious Elvin. A strange energy overflowed from his body that came from the scars.

“I can and it's very easy. But there is one thing that bothers me.” Kevin mustered his mana and sent the strange energy through the wounds on his body.

Energy slowly formed into a strange monster with mouths all over its body. The monster was about to bite Ivo and Kevin but was immediately sealed by Kevin.

"What's this? It sapped nearly all of the mana and strength this boy had. Even though it didn't touch his body constitution but right now he has lost all his strength.”

Ivo looked at it and felt a very familiar feeling. "Greed? No… this is gluttony. It seems that everything he has has been snatched away by someone.”

This was the energy he once had during gameplay. Even though it was so weak that it couldn't be compared to something Ivo had in the past, the energy that was in front of him was the same.

“Gluttony? Are
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