Colonel Richard Wayne stood before Travis, his posture rigid and his salute precise, a testament to his military training and discipline. With an air of seriousness, he addressed Travis, “Sir, Colonel Richard Wayne of the esteemed Storm Reapers Special Forces, reporting for duty. We stand prepared with a thousand elite fighters at your command. Your orders, Sir!”

Travis regarded the colonel with a mixture of bewilderment and uncertainty. The level of deference and respect being shown to him left him feeling perplexed and out of his depth. He couldn’t fathom why the colonel regarded him with such importance or how he possessed the authority to issue orders to a military unit of such caliber.

It left him pondering the extent of his influence and connections, a realm he hadn’t fully explored or understood.

As Travis grappled with these thoughts, he couldn’t shake the feeling that there was more to this situation than met the eye. Perhaps his Uncle Marshall or his father could shed some
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