Travis’s sneer deepened as he cocked his head, scrutinizing the expression etched across Larry Roberts’ face. “Ah, I see the wheels turning in your head. Planning your revenge, are you? Plotting how you’ll come back and wreak havoc on my family once you're released from jail for causing public disturbances.”

Larry's shock was evident as he looked up at Travis, his eyes widened in horror, yet he vehemently denied any such thoughts. “What?! No, no, I wouldn’t dream of such a thing…”

With a disdainful scoff, Travis fixed him with a piercing glare. “Whether you admit it or not is inconsequential. But rest assured, any such notions are futile. You won't have the opportunity.”

Larry Roberts trembled at Travis's words, a chill running down his spine. Glancing at his brother, Vince, he began to realize that Travis was more than just a man with a formidable force at his beck and call. “I… I can see now that you're wealthy and influential. I was naive not to recognize it earlier. But to exact p
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