Sebastian reached the office with full enthusiasm where he was greeted by the other employees."Good morning Lisa the Pizza, come with a black coffee in my cabin.",Sebastian ordered his personal secretary on the call.He then started going through the files, when he heard the knock on the door."Come in.",Sebastian granted his permission and without looking up he knew it was his personal secretary."Sir, your black coffee."Lisa said, holding the tray in her hand."Yeah. Thank you. Please let me know my today's schedule so that I can fix my date accordingly."Sebastian inquired, holding his cup of coffee."Yes sir. Today we have a meeting at 10: 00 AM where we have to fill the tender as other companies are also competing with us so we have to crack this deal in our favor for the better growth of our company.As you already know that for some years our company has been facing several crises so it will be good if we grab the deal in our favor.",Lisa informed, trying to explain the situati
"The moment we reached the destination where the tender filling meeting was going to be held.I was shocked to see Mr. Leo there with his assistant as one of our competitors.", Sebastian talked to himself in his heart."I was not expecting you here Uncle.",Sebastian smiled, coming towards him."It's Mr. Leo for you. I am not your Uncle anyway. We are here for professional work so it would be better if we address each other professionally Mr. Sebastian.",Leo explained, maintaining a fake smile on his face."Great then. Nice to meet you Mr. Leo.",Sebastian greeted, walking away from him along with Lisa."Sir, I think he doesn't like you,"Lisa commented."Yeah. I know. Not only him, actually his whole family including my mother in law and brother in law hate me too.",Sebastian said calmly."Wow! I mean her whole family hates you to this extent. Then how will you be going to make them love you ?",Lisa asked, surprisingly."To be honest , I don't care about them or their existence. I am he
As the meeting proceeded every company with their representatives were eagerly waiting for the result as everyone present there wanted it in their favor."I hope we will get this deal in our favor, Sir. It will help our company to boost its performance a lot.",Lisa said ,crossing her fingers."Don't worry. I have gone through every point very thoroughly and after calculating everything I am sure it will turn in our favor so we will be going to crack it.",Sebastian said, confidently.When they both were discussing something, Sebastian's eyes landed on Leo who was talking with the manager about something."Wait a minute. I will come back.",Sebastian excused himself and went there to check on their conversation."Please try to understand it's not my mistake, my assistant filled that on behalf of me so please let me correct it.",Leo requested the manager."I am extremely sorry Sir. But as you know every company has already submitted their proposal and now the time for submission has ended
Sebastian was on his way back to office in his car along with Lisa but his mind was stuck with the thoughts of the traitor who was still present in his company betraying him at his back."What are you thinking Sir?",Lisa asked, watching him lost in his own world of thoughts."Just worry about that part Lisa, how will our company get back its reputation if someone among us keeps betraying his or her work services towards our company.It's really difficult to catch the culprit as we have more than ten thousand people working under us in this branch only.",Sebastian frowned."Don't worry Sir. You know no matter how smart they are, they would definitely leave us some clue behind them and analyzing it we can catch that person red handed."Lisa tried to explain."Hmm. You are right. We just have to wait for that moment where they make some mistakes and help us to catch them easily.",Sebastian said, moving his fingers inside his hair."Apart from this, I have to get the details of Mr. Leo bec
"Actually Grandpa, I talked with my family a few days back and I came to know about their poor condition.They had taken a loan which they couldn't repay on time and the moneylender was a cruel person who was after my family's life when he got to know that they were unable to pay their debt.So I was thinking what if I would take a loan from you and pay off their debt and after working for your company and making Amelia's situation better I would repay all your loan slowly and slowly." Sebastian suggested hesitantly , discussing his family problems with him."Why didn't you tell me about this earlier ? Did you forget we are a family now. Your problem is my problem too.So don't ever hesitate to share your problems with me. Just tell me the amount I will transfer to your account instantly. And yes, you don't have to repay that money to me, as you are my son in law so take it as a token of gift from your grandpa's side.",The Butler smiled , squeezing his hand."Thank you so much Grandp
Sebastian's drive back home in his car marked the end of a long and exhausting day at the office.The sun was dipping below the horizon, casting a warm, golden glow across the city, but all he could think about was the relief of finally being on his way back to the comfort of his own space.Sebastian leaned back in his seat, allowing the weariness of the day to wash over him. His shoulders, which had carried the weight of countless tasks and responsibilities, now relaxed as the tension slowly melted away.The traffic moved at a leisurely pace, and Sebastian's thoughts drifted to the prospect of a quiet evening ahead."I guess, I should think about taking an initiative in our relationship not as a husband but as her friend.As it's just a contract marriage so there is no chance of growing love between us.But at least we can become friends and help each other throughout the journey to lessen the pain which we were carrying as a burden inside our heart."Sebastian talked to himself in h
As the evening sun cast a warm, golden glow over the city, Sebastian couldn't shake the gnawing worry that had gripped him since he got the news of Amelia's missing.Amelia had been missing for hours, and every passing moment seemed to deepen his concern. With a heavy heart and determination in his eyes, he decided it was time to take action.Stepping out into the early evening in his car Sebastian retraced his steps, hoping to find any clue that might lead him to his missing wife. He chose to drive himself , getting into the car and started driving at full speed to reach her as soon as possible. The city streets were now a tapestry of changing colors as the day transitioned into night, but his focus remained unyielding. He began by visiting places where she might go, asking locals and business owners if they had seen her.But failed miserably when he could not collect any news regarding her.The cool breeze of the evening did little to ease the turmoil in Sebastian's mind. His t
After finding her at every possible place, Sebastian lost his only hope to find her."Where are you Amelia?"Sebastian questioned, sighing in disbelief.When all of a sudden he heard some noises and turned back only to witness some people wearing masks and hiding their faces behind that mask.Sebastian doubted their intention so he tried to leave the place by getting inside the car when all of a sudden one of the goons blocked his way."Excuse me! I wanna go from here. Give me some space."Sebastian tried to make his way from the side when the man blocked his way again."We also want to send you from here but not before enjoying a little bit with you.",The goon smiled mischievously."What do you mean by that ?"Sebastian turned around, confusion visible on his face clearly.The moment he turned he received a tight punch on his left cheek which made her vision blurred for a second as he had no idea of what happened to him a moment ago."What the hell?"Sebastian yelled, holding his cheek f