9. Dramatic Twist
I am extremely sorry, Sir.", The police officer said with a flattery tone and apologized to the man immediately.The man smirked seeing the change in the police officer's behavior.The police officer then turned towards Sebastian to face him."I am sorry young boy, but you will have to compensate for this man's loss.",The police officer frowned at him."Are you really sure that you would not see the monitor before ordering your judgment to us.", Sebastian sneered looking at him."No. I would not do that. I am pretty much sure about this.", The police officer replied bluntly. "Okay then, please give me your mobile phone for a minute. I have to make a call.", Sebastian said looking at the police officer. "Oh! Yes. I must know it, poor people like you, can't afford to have their own mobile.", The man mocked and the young girl also joined him in laughing at him. "That's your thinking man. For your kind information, I had one. But this morning, it got broken down in an accident.", Seba
Last Updated : 2023-08-04 Read more