chapter 14 : Janson past part 1

Old Janson stopped complaining and took a deep breath, and began to mutter something, which was one of his second-order spells. 

These other ranks are divided from rank zero to rank seven, like the ranks of magicians. The higher the rank of the spell, the more powerful it is and the more magical power is consumed. 

Magicians can't use blazing spells on them because they require a large reserve of magic power. 

If a wizard in the first circle attempted to cast a third rank spell, he might lose consciousness at best, but at worst he might inflict incurable damage to himself that could affect his career in pursuit of power.

<Wind Spell 2nd Rank: Floating>


The wind started spinning around him so fast that it was a small hurricane and he was in the middle of it

His feet began to separate on the ground as his body slowly began to float. 

"Whatever the identity of the person who appears on Mrs. Alice's position , I, Janson Albert, will not allow him to hit even a single hair of hers!"

Under this stimulation, Old  Janson added more magic power to the spell


The wind began to spin faster than the previous speed. 

Just when he was about to get out of the deep hole he had formed when he received Michael's attack



Hit by a massive shock wave coming from the direction of the dragon's fall location, the spell was utterly destroyed when the shock wave swept over it.

"Oh... what the hell is going on..."

Old Janson thought as he raised his scorched arms in front of his chest to protect himself from hitting the wall of the pit

As the shock wave sent him flying quickly against the wall



He screamed from the pain he felt as soon as he hit the wall

He resisted the urge to lose consciousness due to the immense pain he was feeling and, ignoring his pain, tried to cling to the wall with all his might, trying not to fall to the bottom.

He looked up and saw a pointed rock. He raised his hand and grabbed it, but unfortunately the rock he was holding broke off from the wall, and fell on his head.

This made him lose balance and fall to the bottom

As he fell, his memories began to appear like a movie before his eyes

"Hey! Looking at reality, I no longer have anything to do with this world at all. My only regret is not to save Mrs. Alice . . . "

Old Janson closed his eyes and accepted his fate, because he was sure in this state that he would not survive a fall from such a height.




55 years ago

Inside an ordinary house on the outskirts of Tanley Town

"My dear . . . Janson, Janson . . . wake up  the chief of guard  ordered   all the guards to gather . . . . "

Janson opened his eyes as soon as he heard the plea of ​​the beautiful woman with long blond hair that reached almost half her back, with her shining blue eyes inside the dark room. 

This beautiful woman was Janson Albert's wife, Annie, who is 23 years younger than Janson by 10 years. 

Janson, who was in his thirties, quickly got up from his bed and started getting dressed. 

Once he finished getting dressed, he walked over to Annie who was sitting on the bed, leaned down a little, and kissed her red lips.

"Thank you, my dear wife, for waking me up otherwise I would have been scolded by the chief . . . "

He combed his black hair back and was about to kiss her again

Annie got up from the bed and said while pushing him out the door

"It's my duty, my dear... Now go or you'll be late... and be sure to protect that bastard!"

"Okay, well, I'm going..."

Janson smiled and said as he walked out the door of the house

As soon as he left the house, the smile disappeared from his view of the grand palace located east of Tanley Town

Then he started running towards him across the lively street even if now was the good morning

There are many merchants on both sides of the street selling various things

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