chapter 13 : janson bad situation

Down in the middle of a deep crater like a volcano, 

At the bottom, old man Janson, in his miserable condition, supported his burning body with both of his burnt hands, trying to get up, but unfortunately, his arms were very weak.

Though he gritted his teeth, ignoring the sharp pain he was feeling, his arms began to tremble and he fell on his face. After he lost his strength, he turned to lie on his right side And, he started coughing up a lot of blood, showing the condition of his body with internal and external injuries.

 "Cough, cough, cough . . ., huh . . . ."

After coughing up a large amount of blood. He raised his trembling and completely scorched hand and looked at it sadly and mumble

"My situation is dire... As expected of a magician from the fourth circle, even a magician in the third circle like me, I couldn't cause him any effective attack... Instead, I caused myself to be in this dire state! If only sh- . . . hmmm . . . .!!"

Old Janson stopped mumbling and turned his head to look in a certain direction. His face changed to a frown and bewilderment. 

"Hmmm!!.... Strange, an unknown person appeared in the lady's position..."

He felt, through his spiritual sense, that there was someone with the lady who was the target of the young man fighting Brown above in the sky .

Yes! someone was riding the dragon when he was attacked by the young man whom the old woman, Sophia, called Ron Dom's son. As his father's last name suggests, the young man upstairs is a son The head of the Dom family and the governor of Dom Town, Michael Dom, the eldest son of 29 years, graduated from the Academy of Wizards at the age of 24.

It took him 6 years to complete his studies at the academy. 

He entered the academy as a junior wizard, and when he graduated from the academy, he was a wizard at the height of the third circle. After returning to his family because he was the eldest son of Ron Dom, head of the family and ruler of Don Town,

 he was given the opportunity to infiltrate into a wizard from the Fourth Circle, due to the help of his grandfather Jack Dom, one of the greatest powers of the Dom family.

When one reaches the height of the third circle, one encounters something like a bottleneck, where without the outside help of a high-ranking magician or some magical item, he will not be able to break through to the fourth circle in a short period of time.

Although magicians have a lifespan of 50 years when a person becomes a wizard in the first circle, 100 years when a magician becomes a wizard in the second circle, and 150 years when a person becomes a wizard  in the third circle, some people may spend hundreds of years trying to bypass the third circle. Because of the complicated process that a magician has to go through, if a person does not have support from a large family or has a connection with a great magician in the fifth circle or more, then passing the third circle is considered a dream, but if he is very lucky and finds some magical treasure, there is a chance for him to break through into the fourth circle , which is called the beginning of the path of true magic.

As here with Old Janson, who was at the height of the third circle, but due to an accident in the past, he has no hope of breaking through the fourth circle. Other than all these conditions, there is also talent that plays a big role.

Janson rolled over and lay on his stomach, and then supported his body with his flailing hand with all his might, despite the serious injuries he received during Michael Dom's latest attack. 

He gritted his teeth and screamed as he got up

"Ugh... I need to get there quickly…!"

"Hah, hah, hah . . . . . . . ."

He got up on his feet, which were also trembling. He was panting heavily because of the great effort he had made.

"Because of counteracting that cave’s attack, I don’t have a large reserve of magic power left . . . ."

Janson murmured as he tried to walk, but stopped after feeling that he would collapse if he took one step. 

He looked down to see his bare feet, as he was previously wearing a magic item invented by Activore, the great mage currently known as the head of the largest dangerous organization on the continent.

  The invention was a shoe made of Wilvor leather. 

This Wilvor is a powerful magical being whose skin can absorb magical power without being destroyed.

Like the giant dragon, there are magical creatures in this world. Most of these magical beasts can use magic. 

But unlike a human who has to use multiple spells as a means to show their magic power, magical beasts have special and limited skills that are passed down from generation to generation through genes through interbreeding. 

For example, the monster named Wilvor has, since ancient times, had three known skills. 

First, the ability to absorb magical attacks through his tough skin, secondly, he has a coveted healing for any magician or knight, as he can treat serious injuries in just a few minutes, if not a few seconds, because magical beasts also have very similar ranks to wizards, over time Many tried  magicians researchers tried to discover the secret of the super healing that characterizes Wilvor, but none of them have succeeded. 

This is because Wilvor is considered one of the most powerful types of magical beasts. 

Wilvor's last skill is to shoot the pointed thorns from his back, which looks like a tortoiseshell, but with hundreds of thorns on his back. 

Even his long tail is full of pointed roasts.

As for the invention of the great magician Activor,

The principle behind its invention is ostensibly simple in that you can just inject some magic power into the shoe to make it work,

 Its purpose is to allow objects or people to float, or even fly. As we saw with Brown and Janson himself, the flying were not one of their spells but they were using a magical element to do the process. Only magicians in the fourth circle or above could fly without the aid of any tools or spells. 

"I didn’t expect a Rank 2 item to be destroyed so easily…."

Janson complained in a helpless tone.

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