chapter 12 : the fight between warlocks



An old woman and a middle-aged man appeared and surrounded the red aura, along with the old man. 

"Shame on you, Ron Dom son. If something happens to the lady, your fate is so miserable, even your father… no! even death itself can save you from the claw of the family head!"

cried the old woman, with long white hair and some wrinkles on her face. She was wearing a white tunic, holding something like a fence in her right hand.

The sanctified-haired young man, whom the old woman  called him  as Ron Dom's son, started laughing out loud,

"Haha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha . . . "

He stopped laughing hysterically and said, in a threatening tone of voice.

"Old woman, shouldn't you be with your grandson at this time, this is a dangerous world we live in. Who knows what could happen to your grandson...!"

The old woman's expression changed when she heard his words and understood the meaning behind his words, which was like a threat. 

Her aura changed so much that even the man in his thirties with short black hair and a slightly long beard had an ugly scar on his face, precisely under his left eye, and was wearing a silver chain around his neck. 

" Sophia, calm down a little bit. He just wants to piss you off. Don't let him get you on the nerves. Besides, isn't your grandson in the academy! ?"

Sophia ignored the old man's words and yelled angrily at the young man while releasing her tyrannical aura. 

"You idiot! What did you do to him...!?"

In the face of the anger of the old woman, Sophia, the young man smiled maliciously and said,

"It’s forbidden to kill inside the academy but outside... heh, if you go now, you can save him... or you can stay here and fight me with these weak bastards!"


The old man looked at Sophia who was boiling with anger and said with a worried expression while pointing at his finger

"Sofia, Sophia, the moron just wants to push you away because you are the strongest in the group. He knows he has no chance of beating us in your presence that's wh-. . . "

"Janson, shut up. You don't know anything. My grandson's life is in danger. He's not in the academy right now. I have to save him. I'm sorry but you and Brown have to deal with the bastard  alone! ! "

As soon as Sophia finished speaking, she flew so fast that it was enough to break through the sound barrier in seconds.

The young man looked at Sophia's departure and then turned to look at the old man, called Janson, and Brown, with a sly smile on his beautiful face. 

"Old man, and  you too..."

He pointed to both of them with his finger and continued his speech. 

"If you disappear from my sight right now, I'll forget you were here! So what do you think, you have ten seconds to decide! I am wasting my precious time on two mean people like you!"

Old Janson looked at Brown with a purposeful look, telling him to leave. 

Brown understood Janson's look and said, as he pulled out the sword that was placed behind his back

"Old man, even if I am not as strong as you, I cannot give up on Mrs. Alice! . . . . "

Old man Janson nodded and said while raising both hands up

"The decision is yours, boy, don't regret it!!"

As soon as the old man finished his insulting words to Brown, he started muttering something very quickly.

<Wind Spell: Multiple Wind Blades>

As soon as you finish stuttering, he shoots many sharp wind blades that could cut through the metal itself! 

Against the sharp blades of the wind,The young man raised his hand that was on fire

A large shield of fire formed in front of him as soon as the wind blades came into contact with the fire shield, and it burned due to the immense heat contained in the fire shield.



 Not only that, but the size of the shield increased due to the winds.

The young man raised his head to look at Brown, who was preparing to attack with his sword blazing with orange fire. 

Yes, brown sword was blazing with fire. If an ordinary sword was exposed to the temperature contained in the fire surrounding the current sword, it would start to melt instantly. 

But Brown's Sword is not an ordinary sword, it is a rank three enchanted sword. The weapons in this world are also divided into ranks, starting from rank zero to rank nine. As John explained to Brian, the higher the quality and quantity of gold in an enchanted tool, the stronger, this is Not the only factor 

Even if the first condition is met by the presence of a large amount of gold, 

In the hands of a beginner blacksmith, they would not pass a sword or any first-rank tool. Only in the hands of a high-ranking blacksmith could stronger tools be developed. 

Brown raised his sword up and waved it vigorously

<One Sword Style: Fire Crescent>


When Brown waved the sword, a giant sword blade shaped like a red crescent came out and shot towards the young man, humming! 

The young man narrowed his eyes and, with his indifferent facial features, raised his right palm and grabbed Brown's attack as if it were nothing to him

"A weak magician from the second circle wants to hit a magician from the fourth circle like me!?,, man, are you stupid or despairing?" 

The young man grabbed his hand tightly. 


Brown's attack was destroyed under his overwhelming force. He ignored Brown's hideous expression and looked at the old man. 

He raised his palm and then hit the air in front of him. 

Immediately, the fire shield turned into a giant ball of orange fire and quickly flew towards Old Janson, who was trying to attack once more. 


Old man Janson didn't have time to form a wind shield and also couldn't avoid the attack because he was above the position of the dragon that fell just a little while ago.


A huge explosion occurred when his attack hit the old man. 

The young man frowned at some, noticing some movements down at the dragon's position. 

"You fools, your fate was determined when that old Sophia left!"

He made a sarcastic comment before disappearing from his place

and appears above brown 


Brown felt the intense heat coming from above when he raised his head and saw a giant fireball landing in his direction. 

He put the sword back, then closed his eyes and muttered something. With his eyes open, he waved the sword very forcefully.

<One Sword Style: Multiple Blades of Flame>

With one wave, dozens of blades came out

A crescent-shaped fire from a fiery sword 

As for the naked eye, Brown only waved a sword once, but that's because of the high speed that the naked eye can't even notice. In his attack now, he waved dozens of times. humming!



The fireball split into several parts.

"Damn, I am still too weak to stand up to a rank four spell..." 

Brown thought as he raised a sword in front of his chest like a shield to protect himself from one of the parts of the fireball. 



He managed to fend off the red-haired youth's attack, but it wasn't without a price because both of his arms were filled with second-degree burns. The skin completely disappeared, and even the flesh was charred. Despite all that pain, he didn't drop his sword, which showed some cracks.

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