chapter 11 : Is that . . . A dragon !

"Damn it! He could kill me without even me resisting, I underestimated his strength too much, only used his physical strength and he completely overpowered me if he used his magic. " 

A shiver passed through his body as he thought of how close he was to death

"The little power I got from the Dragon Egg blinded me from seeing the huge difference between my strength and his! However, this is a mistake that will not be repeated again. Even if John is akin to a madman with his actions, I really appreciate him for teaching me this lesson... Anyway, I have to think about how I can use the current situation of this world to my advantage. I can create a revolution by selling gold but from what John said I seem to have become somewhat watched by someone even feared, if only I could control the ability to travel across the worlds . . . . "

Anyway, I have to think about how to increase my current strength. The only offensive method I currently have is a blood bullet. Even with my current strength, I can only fire about a tenth of a bullet! ...... " 

Bryan sighed, sighing when he found out how poor his offensive skills were, and cursed how stupid he had been when he thought he was invincible. 

He raised his hand and looked at a finger that was half missing. 

" From what I know, blood consists of several components. Plasma represents about 55%, which is a mixture of water, sugar, fats, protein, and salts. Blood derives its red color from red blood cells,  red blood cells about 40%, while white blood cells that fight infection 1 %, and the last ingredient is platelets that help the blood to clot... Although this information took root in my mind when I ate a dragon egg, I don't know how this information can help me develop an offensive power!?...."

Bryan sighed and sat on the ground, then closed his eyes and began to meditate, trying to find an idea to develop his strength. 

It had been hours since he was sitting on the ground motionless, immersed in his thoughts. 

Suddenly, he opened his eyes which were shining bright red. 

"I can manipulate blood beyond its shape or movement. Body temperature, pulse rate, red blood cell count, and blood composition are all under my control!!"

Raising his palm and stretching it

Then he began to magically manipulate the blood that spurted out from his palm. 

A small ball of blood formed on the top of his palm. 

"I can turn blood into any shape I want. The only barrier is my imagination!!"

He murmured as he played with the blood. Under his thoughts, the blood ball slowly began to distort and turn into a stick. 

He grabbed it by the hand and got up from the ground and headed to one of the nearest trees. 

He grabbed the stick in each hand and waved it to hit the tree. 


The stick split in half, the part that fell to the ground turned into a liquid, and the half that was left in Bryan's hand was still in a solid state.

He put his hand on his chin and thought

"Hmmm! Although it is easy to change the shape of the blood with my thoughts, the difficulty is how to increase the hardness of the blood. I believe that if I apply the same principle as the blood bullet, I can solve the hardness problem!!"

The principle of a blood bullet is partly simple, the principle is to concentrate the blood at one point and shoot it like a bullet

But if Bryan wanted to apply this principle to something like a stick or something big, it wouldn't be as easy as he encountered while forming a blood bullet because the bullet depends on the concentration of blood at one point, but for something big like a stick, it should concentrate the blood in several points.

He undid half of the stick he was holding in his right hand and reshaped it while adding more blood. 

A one-meter-long stick formed in his hand. 

He closed his eyes and began concentrating the blood into a solid shape. 

The operation lasted for half an hour.

roar  !!

Just when he was about to finish the blood concentration process, he stopped because he heard a deafening roar coming from the sky. 

Bryan stopped his actions and raised his head up to see the source of the roar. 

Whenever Brian saw it, it was a winged thing ten to twelve meters long and had big black wings. In fact, scales covered all over his body. 

"Is this… a dragon!?"

Bryan opened his mouth in astonishment when he identified the shape of the winged creature

Suddenly, a red aura appeared under the dragon that was diving down towards the ground. The red aura dyed the sky above Brian.

The dragon seemed annoyed by the red aura and tried to avoid it. he tried to stop itself in the air by spreading its wings but due to its high speed it was hit by the red aura. The moment the red aura touched the dragon, it roared in pain and quickly fell towards Bryan, who was looking at all this He was amazed but when he saw the dragon quickly fall towards him, he woke up from his stupor and started running. 

"Damn it, damn it, of all places didn’t this stupid dragon find a better place to fall ! . . . ."

He ran with all his might without looking back, but unfortunately for him, the speed of the dragon's fall was very fast


The moment the dragon hit the ground, the surrounding terrain was destroyed, and Bryan was within that range of destruction. 

The dragon created an extremely large hole, and smoke rose from the hole with a roar of pain. 

The red aura stopped floating in the sky above the location of the dragon’s fall. The aura started to fade slightly to reveal the face of a young man in his twenties with red hair reaching shoulder to shoulder. The young man looked down with his red eye.

Then he raised his right hand and muttered something. As soon as he finished muttering, a large flame of fire erupted from his palm towards the location of the dragon's fall. 


Before the flames reached the dragon, a person appeared in the middle between the flame and the dragon. 

He raised both hands and muttered something quickly. 

The  flame struck something like the wind's wall

The attrition between the flame and the shield lasted for a few seconds before the flames extinguished, the figure of the person that appeared visible

He was an old man with a long white beard with a straight body and long white hair that flowed in the gusting wind. He was wearing a black suit. The sleeves of his suit were completely burned, showing how intense the flame was.

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