chapter 17 : goodbye

"Look at the papers I handed out..."

Everyone followed Klang's instructions and looked at the paper that was a small map

"The red dot is where the mine is . . . "


These were everyone's thoughts when they looked at the site and knew the location of the mine

"Yes!, unfortunately, the mine is located in a very sensitive area... it is located in the middle of three borders, Tanley Town, Dom Town, and Stormland. We sent a few days ago the Sixth Battalion with some scientists and prospectors to look for gold, but our spies told us that Dom Town And Stormland observe these movements as they investigate the matter . . . a whole month, let’s say, the longest period before it becomes a nation-wide conflict if the Imperial City or another nation does not intervene . . . "

He paused for a while until the others digested the information he had said and then resumed his words

"Your goal is simple and a bit dangerous but don't worry, the pay is also high... Your goal is to protect the mine from any hacking or organized attacks by other countries for up to a month or until it becomes an international conflict over ownership... Any question! ?"

When Klang clarified, 7th Battalion Commander Taylor raised her hand and said

"With all due respect, Chief of Staff, is there compensation if someone meets his target while harming the mission!?"

The chief of staff nodded and was about to speak but stopped after seeing the man next to him raise his hand, signaling him to stop. 

"I am Sol Tanley, the direct successor to the current president, and I assure you and you leaders too , that he will compensate your families if something happens to you!"

The leaders nodded when they heard the confirmation of Sol Tanley, the eldest son and next successor to the position of Family Head and Governor of the Tanley Town State.

Chief of Staff Klang resumed his words when he saw Sol pointing for him to continue

"As Mr. Sol said, he will surely compensate your families...Anyone you find near the mine I want you to catch and interrogate how he heard about the whereabouts of the mine, and also you have the right to kill anyone you find as a potential threat... Even Commander Negan will accompany you on this."

" The task, even if the nearby countries attacked, it would definitely not send a mage in or above the fourth circle, and the mages in the third circle would be confronted by Commander Negan, Commander Taylor, and the Sixth Battalion Commander. The rest are magicians and knights in the second and first level of your responsibility. "

Clan Chief Klang sat on his chair when he finished speaking. 

Sol's eyes swept everyone and stopped at Janson. He opened his mouth and said

"You can all go now and get ready to set off tomorrow morning . . . except for the Fifth Battalion Commander!" 

Everyone looked at Janson, they got up from their chairs, bowed a little, and left.

Janson looked at the back of everyone leaving and turned his head and stared at Sol with a questioning look and bewilderment

"Albert Jansson! Albert Jesse is your father!?"

Janson nodded, confirming Sol's question

"My father often mentions your father. He is still grateful to your father for saving him during the leadership war! . . . "

A touch of pride and sadness appeared on Jansun's face when he heard Sol's words about his father

Jesse Albert, that's his father's name. He died when Janson was only three years old, during the Leadership War that happened 30 years ago, a war that brought together fifteen nations within the Albahut  Continent. 

Janson's father was a wizard known across the continent

Where he was a magician at the height of the fourth circle.

He died insidiously during a battle with a magician of a similar level. 

He left his son and his wife, who also died five years later, when Janson was 8.

"Your father was one of the bravest people, that's what my father says every day... Anyway, I didn't ask you to stay and talk about our fathers and the past..."

Sal touched a gold bracelet engraved with his family crest. 

A black box with some golden lines appeared on the table out of thin air

Janson didn't get too excited by this, because he'd seen something similar before. 

The bracelet that Seol wears is called the space bracelet. 

Its simple and surprising addition is to store anything inanimate, but the space inside this bracelet isn't the same as Bryan's pocket space capacity. 

The space inside the bracelet has limited space and can be penetrated by a magician who specializes in blood curse

The reason for the fact that a magician of blood curses specializes in opening space bracelets is that the space bracelet absorbs blood in order to identify its owner.

"What is it !? "

asked Janson as he stared at the box with curiosity and some caution because he felt the danger coming from it.

Sol carefully touched the box and said

   "It's called a goodbye. Don't ask me what that name is, I'm not the one who called it, Luna that mad scientist and her weird names... Anyway, the function of this chest is simple and terrifying... The chest contains the blood of the   Explosor-Fifth class monster... ..."

Jansun widened his eyes when he heard the name of the monster blood inside the box

"Damn it! Explosor  blood... is the chest a..."

Sol smiled and completed Janson's sentence

"Yes! The box is a bomb... a  big one "

Sol ignored Janson's expression and continued his speech

"The box was hacked by Jupiter Luna, one of the greatest inventors on the Albahut  Continent... I'll skip over how to make it and get to the point..."

he paused for a moment and continued

"To be honest with you, Janson, it may only take a week or two for there to be an international conflict over ownership of the the goal of this expedition is to extract as much gold as possible before this happens...when it becomes an international conflict over ownership they will send all the countries involved." her army to secure the mine from any gold prospecting, but we won't let them get any of that gold . . . that's why your task is so important . . . . "

Janson took something from Sol's words and said, with a sarcastic smile on his face

"My mission, I think I'm starting to understand why you showed me this box!"

Sol nodded his head. 

"Don't worry, I don't ask  you for a suicide mission. The chest doesn't explode instantly but somehow adds color to it as a kind of timer... Twelve seconds after magical energy was injected into it, this chest will explode. . . "

Janson put his hand on his chin and said,

"If I have twelve seconds to escape, tell me what is the blast range!?"

Sol replied in a sarcastic tone

"The size of the blast range is a bit terrifying... the blast includes an area with a radius of 12 miles...."

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