chapter 18 : arriving to the mine part 1

In the middle of the main street of Tanley Town, Janson was walking with his head bowed, absentmindedly about what Sol Tanley had given him. He raised his hand up and rubbed his hair with an angry expression on his face. 

He looked at the golden bracelet on his wrist and murmured

  " Although getting a space bracelet is great, the mission is a bit annoying, just  how the hell do they want me to escape the terrifying blast range in twelve seconds..."

While Janson was complaining about the mission, 

On the other hand,

Inside the building that looks like a warehouse that

The leaders met with the chiefs an hour ago.

An old woman with white drooped hair in her old age, with her blue eyes, looked at Sol. And he said in a skeptical tone

"Are you sure about your decision!? You know it could cause a war, right?"

"Old woman, just rests and don't worry  . . . .  no one has the nerve to wage war against us in the presence of my grandfather."

The old woman  was not convinced by his words and added

"You talk about the countries within the albahut Continent, but how do you know about those beyond the sea!?" 

Sol grabbed the old man's shoulder and said

"Just relax, according to my spies, that country is still in an internal struggle. It doesn't have time to care about something like a gold mine..."

Even if Sol said this, the old woman was still not convinced and was about to speak, but he  interrupted her by saying

"End of discussion… I already planned it out. Your words won’t change my final decision. "

The old woman  sighed because she couldn't convince him to give up on this plan and turned around to leave, leaving Sol alone because the other three left a while ago to do their jobs. 

"This old crocodile! She's still meddling in things that don't concern her, as usual..."

Sol thought while sipping on a cup of red wine in his hands

The old woman's identity was his aunt, Hila Tanley, about 200 years old and a wizard at the peak of the fourth circle just like him.

On the other hand, 

After about an hour of wandering, Janson reached his home. 

He opened the door and found Will sitting on the sofa and opposite him, Annie was sitting on a chair and talking to him. 

Annie got up as soon as she saw Janson. 

she hugged him and kissed him. Then she said, in a sad tone

"Honey, do you really have a long-term assignment away from home!?"

Janson  stared at Will, then turned to look at her, and said

"Yes, that's right. We will set out tomorrow morning, and the mission may last for several months, according to the commanders. " 

He saw her worried face, smiled, and reassured her by saying

"Don't worry, it's not a dangerous job, just guarding some state property, nothing dangerous at all..."

he winked at will who was staring at them and continued his words.

"Isn't that right, Will!!"

Will responded, some seeing the meaning behind Janson's actions, and said,

"Oh! Yeah , that's right, there's nothing serious. Don't worry sister, I'll work hard to get your husband back to you. "

Annie turned to look at him with a frown and said,

"You fool too, you should come back safely..."

Will nodded and molded as he got up from the sofa

"Janson , sister, I'm leaving now..." 

"Where are you going!? Stay and have dinner with us!"

Will smiled when he heard Janson's offer and said while winking

"No, thank you. I have a few things I need to deal with before we set off tomorrow. " 

"Will, tell the others for me that we're leaving tomorrow morning. Tell them to meet in front of Ramos Square. "

Will nodded when he heard Janson's request and said

"No problem, I'll do this... See you tomorrow, Commander!"

After he finished speaking, he closed the door of the house, leaving Annie and Janson behind, looking at each other in confusion

"Honey! Do you think he's dating someone ?!"

Janson shrugged his shoulders. 

"As far as I know, he's not dating anyone right now. Even if he was, he wouldn't tell me, you're his sister, and you know his secretive nature . . . "

"I'm going to sleep now. Wake me up when dinner's ready!" 

After he finished speaking, he opened the bedroom door and entered. 

Then he locked himself inside the room, leaving Annie in the guest room, sighing as she headed to the kitchen to prepare dinner.

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