chapter 22 : the price of greed

The human-like being looked at the shape of his body but his complexion was gray with many metallic shields covering all his vital points, about two meters tall, his face was normal except for the color of his skin and his eyes, which share the same trait with other monsters, his eye color was radiant yellow The shape of the focus is similar to the shape of the eyes of reptiles

What distinguishes him is the green light that radiates from his chest.

Then he slowly started to move toward his next victim.

The being looked at someone who was desperately turning away a spell and then extended his hand to grab the mage's head, but before he could reach, he received a huge fire punch.

"Damn, the leaders have appeared!"

Taylor thought while preparing to launch another attack because she saw the creature come out of the fire without any major injury, which shows its strong defense

The creature stared at Taylor with a look devoid of emotion, then he disappeared from his place at a speed she
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