chapter 56 : break into the forth circle

Dom Town, the royal palace of the Dom family

Inside Michael's room, Michael was on his bed, unconscious as his body was still adjusting to his new strength.

A beautiful-looking woman in her twenties, with bright red hair, was sitting beside the bed and had her hair done on Michael's hair.

Although her appearance suggests that she is weak in terms of strength, but in fact she is stronger than Michael because she is a witch at the height of the fourth circle and has the same talent as Steve, has a great sensitivity to magical power.

She was looking at him worriedly as she arranged his head, but suddenly his face changed, her eyes widened, and then without hesitation she got up from the bed and slid back.

“What a powerful fading of magical energy…” she said in shock as she stared at Michael whose body started to glow red that was an aura formed of magical energy.

His mother looked at him closely, then put her hand over her mouth and said in astonishment, "This atmosphere... Michael
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