chapter 55 : a blessing instead of a curse

As soon as he left the hall, the red light from the magic inscriptions started to enter Michael's body

During this process, Grandfather Michael's voice reappeared

“My dear grandson, this animal that tried to kill you hurt you so badly, it’s a miracle that your body didn’t explode, anyway this might be a blessing instead of a curse, although this old man will suffer a little but you will gain the power of a mage in the fourth circle!!”

Half an hour later, the red light that was covering Michael's body slowly began to fade as it faded completely, revealing Michael's body, which was free of any injury, the hole that was in his chest disappeared and his face regained its color, yet Michael did not open his eyes or move.

Grandfather Michael's voice appeared again but this time his voice was weaker compared to the previous time

Where he had a great reaction as a result of Michael's help in penetrating the fourth circle, which most magicians in the world cherish for penetrating, he rece
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