Chapter 2038 Long Distance Calls

Josias becomes impatient with Katherine throwing a very serious accusation out of nowhere. He leans into the presidential chair and lets out a long sigh to control his irritation.

“OK, Kate. Tell me right away what you're wanting because I don't have it all day.”

“Whoa, sorry for messing up the ultra-busy Josias Rocha!” Kate scoffs, “I just wanted to deal with a domestic matter, but I caught him commenting on his extramarital affair over the phone!”

“On what basis do you accuse me of this?”

Katherine frowns, “You just told Bernardo Marçal that Gabriela Alves left here with Pollyanna's help. You banged her with such fury that the slut couldn't even walk!”

Josias does facepalm. What a dirty mind his wife has!

“Kate, stop thinking about immoral things. I didn't make love to Gabriela Alves. She couldn't walk straight because she overdid the brandy I offered.”


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