Chapter 2200 The Lost Son Has Been Found

At the Lafayette Mansion, the family ate breakfast in burial silence. The Christmas tree was set up and decorated, but that didn't cheer up the family members.

“I don't know how I'm going to get through the holidays without my son.” Ingrid is sorry.

“Maybe he isn’t even thinking about us anymore, guys.” Nadia grumbles, “I had to hire Claudio to replace him.”

“Claudio?” Jacques is surprised, “Are we that close yet?”

Nadia blushes shyly, “No, Dad. We are just co-workers.”

“What about Rodrigo Mountain?” Ingrid seems not to have heard her daughter, “I liked him.”

“Why the past tense, Mom?” Nadia despairs, “I like him too, and I haven't discarded him as a friend.”

“We’re not speaking as a friend.” Ingrid smiles as she drinks her coffee with milk and mint, “We are talking about the man who wil

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