Chapter 2237 Inappropriate Advertising

In the Teodoro building, Beto asks Patrick if he made peace with Felipe, but it was the same as asking if he deals drugs.

Patrick kneels and picks up the letters he dropped in shock, “Beto, you ask every question...”

“What is it, Pat?” Beto scratches the back of his neck, “Isn’t there enough confusion in your life? First my daughter and Thierry, now a boy you barely know?”

“HE must know me a lot!” Patrick bellows, “I narrated everything to Mr. Mountain, but it looks like I’ve done wrong. My boss was not very pleased, as if I were a snitch out to tarnish the image of his adopted son. But why would I do that?”

“Want me to talk to him?” Beto offers to raise the peace flag.

“Better not, Beto. I don’t want any more trouble for you, remember your condition.”

Patrick leaves and goes upstairs to his apartment.

Teresa approaches and finds her

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