Chapter 6

Caleb walked straight to the Diamond Arena and inserted the key card on the door carrying the room number that was on the key card.

He entered the room and went straight to the luxurious bathroom to take his bath.

When he was done, he dressed himself in a robe and took out an expensive wine from the mini bar.

He drew in a sharp breath of satisfaction immediately the cold wine hit his throat.

It had been so long since such good and expensive wine had touched his taste buds since he decided to live the kind of life he had been living for the past five years.

He ordered room service and he was told that he would be attended to shortly.

Soon, the doorbell chimed and he went to open it. He saw his assistant and the hostel manager standing outside.

"What did you come here to do?" Caleb asked the manager.

"I came here to apologize, I'm very sorry sir." The hotel manager said.

"First, I want to meet with with receptionist and the security guards who insulted me outside," Caleb ordered and his assistant collected the food tray from him.

"You can come in," Caleb said to his assistant.

"Thank you, sir." His assistant said as he entered the room and set the food on the table.

"I had to take the next available flight so I could meet up with you and I have told the others to start coming this night since you are planning to leave early tomorrow." His assistant said explaing his sudden appearance.

"Better because it would have been horrible for both you and the team if what happened this evening repeated itself tomorrow," Caleb said to his assistant.

"Once again, I apologize for any inconvenience that my irresponsibility might have cost." The personal assistant said.

"It's alright Jack but how has it been since these past five years that I have been absent," Caleb asked his assistant whose name was Jack.

Jack sat down on the chair opposite Caleb and started explaining things to him as Caleb ate his food.

"Since you left, your father had been keeping the company running and things have been going well but lately, it seems trouble has been brewing because your uncle is hell-bent on taking over the company." Jack opened up to Caleb.

"But why is my uncle trying to steer up trouble?" Caleb asked.

"I don't know sir, he is using the excuse that you don’t have a wife and a child yet so it would be hard for you to grow the company because of the many distractions you will be getting from the female folks," Jack explained.

"What nonsense! What kind of archaic thinking in these modern times!" Caleb shouted hitting the spoon he was using to eat on the table.

"I don't know sir, which is why I am glad that you have decided to show up now," Jack said as he shifted uneasily.

"And what is my father saying about all these?" Caleb asked.

"That's the surprising part, your father seems to agree with him and has been telling me to look for you." Jack said.

"I feel there is something your father is not telling you and you know nobody could locate you because you said you did not want anyone to know your whereabouts till you are ready to return." Jack reminded Caleb.

Jack had know Caleb to be a formidable and hard person when it comes to business and so Jack knew well to avoid him whenever he was angry or pissed off.

Caleb had everything a person could ask for, money, fame, a handsome face, influence, and a good body.

The only thing Caleb lacked was real love.

All the ladies who knew him as Caleb Smith only wanted him for his money and influence and what he could offer.

Caleb wanted someone who would love him for who he was and not for what he had to offer to them.

After his last relationship with a model ended, Caleb decided that he had gotten to his wit's end.

He was done being used as a ladder to step to the top and so he came up with what his father called the ridiculous idea ever.

Caleb decided that he would go to a place where nobody knew him and he would act like a poor man so he could find a woman who would love him genuinely.

At first, it was not easy to live like a poor man because he had been used to luxury all his life

He managed to cope and even put up with Henry's toxic characters all because he did not want his identity to be exposed and his plans to come to ruin.

He had thought that he had finally found the woman that would be by his sides when he met Jenny.

Unfortunately he found out at the last moment that she was only using him.

"I will discuss with my father how to deal with my uncle." Caleb said to Jack who nodded his head.

At that moment, the door bell chimed and Jack stood up to open the door.

It was the hotel manager alongside the receptionist and the security guards who Caleb said he wanted to see. They all entered and Jack led them to where Caleb was.

They followed him from behind looking nervous and they immediately went on their knees the moment they saw Caleb.

"Stand up all of you." Caleb said to them but they could not stand up out of fear.

The hotel manager had told them in advance that Caleb was the son of the chairman of their company and the present CEO.

They had never seen the CEO of their company but they have heard stories of how ruthless and formidable he could be.

"Why are you still on your knees, I said you should all stand up." Caleb repeated more firmly this time.

They immediately stood up but their faces were bent downwards so they were facing the floor.

"Look, I know you are all doing your jobs, but the attitude you guys portray is very bad most especially you the receptionist." He said pointing to the receptionist who bent her head as she shivered in fear.

"Though everyone might not be the same in terms of social status and finance but that does not mean that they are not humans and that you should treat them like trash." Caleb added.

"I'm sorry sir, I realise my mistake now." The receptionist apologies.

"And to you guys." Caleb said facing her security guards. "I know your job is to keep the place safe and orderly but next time, make sure you verify things before taking actions so you would not repeat the same mistake you made today, understood?" Caleb asked.

"Yes sir!" They chorused.

Caleb was about to address the hotel manager when his phone beeped.

He opened it to see a strange message and his expression changed and became hardened.

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