
Caleb walked out of the hotel room a changed the person.

He was going to show them who he was, it was about time he revealed his real identity.

Caleb walked to a phone booth to make a call.

He dialed a number and the perlson picked up immediately.

"Hello, sir!" The voice greeted in respect.

Although he knew that Caleb was not able to see him from where he was, he still bowed his head in respect.

"Tell my father that I want to see him," Caleb said to the man.

"But sir, I hope all is well, or is there a problem somewhere?" The voice asked Caleb.

"There is no problem, tell him I said it's time for me to return home," Caleb instructed the voice.

"Yes sir, I will do just that but when are you coming?" The voice asked Caleb.

"Tomorrow morning but I will be at the hotel this night," Caleb informed him.

"Alright sir, I will get the cars ready." The voice said.

"Good! And remember I hate to be kept waiting."

"Yes boss."

"Call the manager in charge of the hotel that I am coming to stay there, I don't want to go there and be treated without regard, I have had enough of it lately."

"Noted sir, I will do that immediately I end this call." The voice said.

Caleb ended the call and walked out of the phone booth.

He had not planned to go back to his true identity because he had wanted Jenny's company to grow bigger so that when he presented her to his father, she would be worthy enough in his father's eyes.

Caleb knew that his father was a man of high taste and he wanted the woman that Caleb would end up with to be a woman of great influence in the business world.

Caleb being the heir to his company would need a woman of high influence in the corporate world.

Now Caleb was glad that he had not yet introduced Jenny to his father before she had shown her true nature.

Caleb wanted true love and he thought that he had found it in Jenny but alas, he had been wrong.

Caleb took a cab to the hotel.

It was one of the biggest hotels in the country and it belonged to Caleb.

He walked in and went to meet the receptionist.

"Good day, and how can I help you?" The receptionist asked Caleb looking at him in disgust.

Caleb could hardly blame her.

The hotel was only privy to the creme De La creme of the society so seeing someone like Caleb who was shabbily dressed must have been surprising for her.

"I need one of the Diamond Suites," Caleb informed the receptionist.

"What?" The receptionist asked Caleb, giving him a disbelieving look.

"I'm sorry sir, but I think you are lost. We are not looking for cleaners in the hotel." The receptionist informed Caleb.

Caleb could understand her reservations about giving out a room from the Diamond Suites which is the most expensive area in the hotel to someone like him given the way he was looking.

But he was slowly becoming angry because he had called his PA to call the manager in advance so he could avoid embarrassing situations like this.

"Look, I am not here for a job, I am here to stay and I want the Diamond Suite. You know what, just call me your manager." Caleb said.

The receptionist looked at Caleb and scoffed.

"You expect me to call my manager to attend to someone like you? You must be out of your mind. I'm calling the security for you to bundle you out because it's obvious that people like you don't know where they belong." The receptionist said and proceeded to call the security.

Caleb was seething with anger as he pulled out his phone and called his PA.

"You must be tired of your job you know! What is this nonsense I'm experiencing here, where is the manager I asked you to call before I came here!" Caleb asked in a thunderous voice.

"I'm sorry sir, I called him immediately I got off the phone, I didn't know that he was not there, I will call him again now sir." His PA said shivering.

"You had better because if I do not see him in the next two minutes, consider yourself jobless!" Caleb said and ended the call.

The receptionist who had already called the security watched in surprise at the way Caleb was bellowing on the phone.

She began to wonder if she had not made a mistake but it was too late as the security guards she called had already come and they began to drag Caleb outside.

"STOP!" They heard the voice of the manager as he ran towards them.

"Let go of him at once!" He ordered the security guards who immediately let go of Caleb.

"I'm very sorry sir." The manager apologized to Caleb while shivering in fear.

Caleb answered him by giving him a hot slap which stunned everyone around.

They began to wonder how Caleb would make their boss shiver like that in front of him.

"You incompetent fool! You are the reason for this embarrassment! If you had done your job well, this nonsense would not have happened!" Caleb said shouting at the manager.

"I'm very sorry sir, I'm truly very sorry, please forgive me." The manager pleaded.

"Where is the key card to the Suite?" Caleb asked the manager ignoring his apologies.

The manner handed over the key card to Caleb who took it from him forcefully.

"Just know that you, the receptionist, and the security guards who dared to lay their hands on me are all fired!"

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