Author: Angel Ilikah
Shock of his life

Caleb stood fixed on the spot he was standing on as he watched in horror the scene that was unfolding before him.

This was not what he was expecting when his boss called him to come meet him at the Crimson Hotel to take home some files.

"Jenny.." he called out shocked.

Jenny looked at him and scoffed.

"Yes, what do you want Caleb?" She asked him nonchalantly.

"Why?" He asked barely able to keep himself from screaming in anger.

"Why what?" Jenny asked flaring up in anger. "I'm not the one who told you to be less than a man!" Jenny spat out spitefully.

Caleb felt like he had been struck with a deadly blow.

He suddenly felt dizzy and the ground under his felt like sinking ground.

He put his hand on the wall to steady himself. He wondered what had come over Jenny his wife.

They had just been married for only a year and here she was cheating on him with his boss and the worst part of it all was that she was not in any way feeling remorseful about it.

He wondered what he had done to deserve the harsh treatment he was receiving from her.

"Jenny, what is going on? Where are all these coming from?" Caleb asked shattered.

"I would not have cheated on you if you had done your manly duties to me." Jenny said without any hint of remorse in her.

She was even blaming him for her inability to be faithful to him and their wedding vows.

"I still don't understand what you mean by that statement" Caleb said sounding confused.

"Caleb, I asked you to get me an ordinary necklace and you could not provide it!" Jenny accused unashamed.

"But, I promised you that I would get it for you," Caleb said in his defense.

"For how long Caleb? You have been promising to get it for me for the past three months! Are you that wretched!" Jenny said.

Caleb could not believe what he was hearing, the whole thing was like a movie to him.

He could not believe that his wife whom he had cherished and loved in sincerity and with all his heart would turn back to stab him in the heart.

The betrayal was much and he could not believe that it was over a mere necklace.

She had asked him to get her the necklace three months ago because the necklace was in season and popular among women.

It was also a limited edition necklace because only two of it were produced.

He had promised her that he would get it for her as he had been saving his salary so he could purchase it.

He was finally able to get the money and happily went to get it from the jewellery shop it he was told that the last one had just been bought.

He had left there feeling very sad and was thinking of a way to get it from the person who bought it because he collected the details of the buyer from the salesperson on duty so he could buy it back from the person.

He was on his way to meet the person when his boss called him to meet him at the hotel.

"You slept with this asshole because of a damn necklaces?!" Caleb asked in disgust.

He shifted his gaze to his boss who had been sitting down quietly on the bed and watching the whole scene unfold before his eyes.

"Yes! Your boss here know how to take care of a woman!" Jenny retorted.

Caleb turned to look at his boss in pain. His boss had the power to get the woman of his choice but still, he chose to go for Caleb's wife, it was beyond unfair, it was wickedness at its peak.

"Sir, why? What did I do to deserve this? You could get any woman of your choice that you want but you choose to go for my wife? Why?" Caleb asked his boss.

"I believe you don't expect me to answer that question." His boss answers nonchalantly.

"Yes sir, I demand an answer from you! Why would you do this to me?!" Caleb shouted.

"You riff-raff! What made you think you dared to raise your voice at me? Do you have a death wish?" His boss said.

"What?" Caleb asked shocked.

"I am your boss and I can choose to sleep with whoever I choose to and besides, you can ask your wife or rather soon-to-be ex-wife here if I forced her!" His boss said annoyed.

"What do you mean by ex-wife? She is still my wife!" Caleb countered.

"Look, that is between you and her, when you are settled and have decided to come to terms with your situation, then you will discuss it with her." His boss said.

"You are saying nonsense!" Caleb said to his boss.

Caleb could not say what gave him the confidence to speak to his boss in such a manner.

Maybe it was the pain of betrayal or due to the knowledge he had of his real identity but he knew that he could no longer stomach what he was going through.

His boss was shocked and filled with anger.

Since he had known Caleb, he had never seen him this angry, and when he saw the fire in Caleb's eyes.

He knew that though Caleb was a lowly employee and he was the boss and could do whatever he chose to do, he knew that at this point, he had abused his power and crossed the line he should never have crossed.

"You are fired!" He thundered, looking at Caleb with false confidence.

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