Chapter 4

“Why are you doing this?” Maria asked, tears streaming down her face. Every single ounce of confidence and her silly sense of superiority were all gone, all that was left was a deep seated fear that made body tremble.

I like it, because now, I was sure she was scared of me. But I also hated it, because it angered me to know that she could have this kind of expression and feel this kind of fear after she unhesitatingly threw my brother into the hands of shamblers.

“Tell me what happened to my parents.” I asked again on a cold tone.

“Johanne, what's wrong?” Eli asked and I looked at him. I was a bit surprised that he wasn't more scared, or at least even if he was, he was doing a good job hiding it. “Is it true? Did you really do to the future? How did you vanish from behind me?”

“Eli, I'll explain everything later, but before then, I want you to bear with me and see this through, because soon, you'll be seeing more things like this.”

“Torture and blood?” Eli asked,

“No, a lot worse.”

“This can't be possible… you disappeared and reappeared, is that magic? Do you have superpower? Is that why you think you can do as you like, eh?” Maria was screaming, her eyes were wide and her fear had finally taken over all rationality. She slowly got up, her legs trembling as she tried to stabilise herself.

“You, I raised you, I provided for you and treated you like my son! Is this how you repay me? Don't worry, I know you are scared of what I would do, don't worry, mummy has forgiven you.”

I stared at Maria in disgust, I already knew what she wanted to say and the fact that she would say that disgusted me even more, but I wasn't surprised, afterall, this wasn't beneath her.

“So come on, stop all these nonsense, let's put this all behind us. No one will know what happened to James, I promise you.” Maria stood before me, her face was close to mine and she reached out like she wanted to hug me. For a moment, her fear was pitiful. I glanced at Eli and I could see the hesitation in his eyes, the first proof of doubt about my actions.

I smirked. In that short moment that I looked away, Maria lunged for me, grabbing the knife out of my hand and pointing it towards me.

“Haha! Got you! Now who's the one with the knife?”

I remained silent, I want speechless of course, I saw her ploy coming from thousands of miles away, but I didn't want to coerce or manipulate her into saying anything, I wanted her to rant out all on her own so that Eli could see that I knew what I was doing.

Amd just like I thought, it happened.

“You stupid brat! You think you can pull some silly nonsense like this? How stupid of you. Sigh, if only this fool, James, hadn't gone and gotten himself killed.”

Maria panted as she glanced at James head which lay a few feet from his body. She then turned back to look at me,

“Tell me where the money is, tell me where it is or else!”

“Or else what?” I challenged and a sly smirk bloomed on Maria's lips,

“Tell me and maybe I'll give you a quick and painless death…. Unlike the one I gave your parents!”

Checkmate! I glanced at Eli, his eyes were a bit wide and his mouth was slightly opened. He was surprised but not as much as I thought it would.

“So it's true.” Eli sighed. I could hear the sadness in his voice.

“You believed me?” I asked,

“Although I hoped you were wrong. There's no way I wouldn't believe what you say.” I felt warm in my chest and I smiled,

“That's good to know.”

“Yeah yeah, stop with all the corny nonsense and tell me where the mone—”

I took a step forward and vanished, reappearing beside Maria with another knife in my hand. With a swift movement, I plunged the knife into her neck.

I didn't need to look at her face to know that her eyes was wide open in shock, Eli's own was too because he was seeing me use dimensional travel fully for the first time. Maria made choking noises as she slowly fell to the floor, blood pouring down her neck.

Eli stared for a long time before finally speaking, “should we start cleaning it up?”

I stared at Eli, my brow raised. He shrugged, “what? I've seen a lot of movies.”

I walked away from Maria's body, gesturing for Eli to come with me. “Don't worry, in a month's time, the world will be plunged into crisis. Even if someone finds the bodies, it wouldn't matter.”

We both walked out of the house, side by side in silence before Eli spoke up,

“You don't seem to happy with the future.” Eli noted and once again, I was surprised by his intuition. I sighed,

“Yes. It was bleak and desolate and filled with despair. I was all alone… and I had to kill myself.” I looked at Eli to see his reaction; he had a sad smile in his face.

“So I died uh? Somehow I'm not surprised.”

“Hey! You are stronger than you think. Also, I've taken care of the cause, so now, we just have to survive all over again, but this time, on my terms.”

“Well, as long as we are together, nothing can stop us, right?” Eli smiled at me, and I replied with a smile of my own,

“Yes, nothing.”

“Hold on tight, you might get nauseous.” I said. Eli had a blank look on his face but that wasnt for long as I grabbed him and we both blended out of the dimension, appearing at another place.

“Blergh!!” Eli immediately bent over and threw up. It took five minutes for him to reorient himself but when he was done, he had a glitter in his eyes,

“That's so cool! Where are we?”

“Well, this is the first step towards preparation for the apocalypse. This is where my future best friend works.”

Eli stared at the massive company before him, the building was extremely tall and one could immediately tell that this wasn't your anyhow company.

“This man might just hold the key to the survival of the human race.”

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