Chapter 3

“I went to the future.” I could hear my voice echo through the living room, reverberating across the vast space. The silence was deafening and for a moment, I thought I had spoken in my mind and the others were still waiting for me to say something.

But I always count on a fool like James to reassure me as he bursts into laughter a few moments later. I stared at both the laughing James and Maria who couldn't help the small smile on her face. I could see the ridicule in their eyes, the condescending look, the same one Maria had on her face just after she threw my brother to the shamblers and confronted me about my parents death.

Just staring at her made my blood boil and I felt a bubbling rage seething within. But just then, I felt a soft hand touch mine and I looked beside me to see Eli with eyes as pure as I remember, staring at me. Although he had a look of confusion, I could see that he was waiting for an explanation.

I smiled and continued,

“In the future, the world will face a disaster of massive proportion and I sold my father's properties to gain enough money to start stocking up before the apocalypse.”

“Hahaha! Please stop! You are killing me!” James grabbed his stomach as he roared like a bull that had just been castrated. Maria looked at me and spoke,

“Johanne, stop this nonsense charade. You said you wanted to discuss what will happen to the money you gained and yet, here you are, telling silly stories.”

I stared at Maria with a cold look, although James wasn't intelligent, I knew Maria was very cunning and she would be able to tell from my looks that I wasn't joking.

And just like I expected, after a few seconds of me not flinching, Maria's expression changed. I knew she didn't believe me, but I didn't want her to, she would eventually know I'm just lying anyway. But I wanted to sow a seed first.

“Fine, let's assume I want to entertain this silly idea of yours. What then? What do we do with this news?”

“Maria, you can't possibly —” James began but one look from Maria was enough to shut him up. I looked at James, a sly smirk spreading on my lips.

“Well, I know my way around, I know how to survive. I've experienced it all already, afterall. But currently, I only have plans for two.”

Maria stared at me with narrowed eyes, she knew immediately that I had a catch. “Go straight to the point, Johanne.”

“Tell me what happened to my parents. Tell me the truth and just maybe I'll spare your lives.”

The atmosphere immediately turned tense, the rapid change in my tone and the coldness of my voice made them both realise that something was wrong.

“What do you mean? Your parents died in a car crash.” Maria stated with a blank expression,

“Boy, what's with that look on your face? Remember we had a talk and you promised there won't be a next time.” James stood up from his seat, taking a few steps towards me.

I was shocked to see Eli immediately get in front of me, his eyes fierce as he stared at James. But from behind, I could see his trembling hand.

“Oh? So it's a planned rebellion? You teo better get back to your right minds before I spank it into you!” James reached out to grab Eli and my heart immediately chilled. I felt it all pour out at once, all the anger, hatred and killing intent I had been suppressing.

My body reacted on its own and my mind and soul complied. A knife materialised into my right hand from my dimension pocket and my left hand reached out, covering Eli's eyes while my right hand slashed; a second later, a dull thump sounded in the room.

“I meant it when I said it won't repeat itself.”

“Ahhhh!” James scream didn't come until after a few seconds, the shock from what happened had made his already empty head even emptier. Blood spurted out of his hand and a pale faced Maria hurriedly stood up to assist him only to fall to the ground, weak in the knees.

“You… what have you done!” Maria stammered. James slammed on the floor, grabbing his stump with wide eyes, wide eyes that were usually filled with anger and an overbearing sense of superiority now filled with horror.

“What happened to my parents? Answer me and I'll make it quick.”

“You… you think you'll get away with this? The police…”

“Will never find out. I've killed more people than you've seen, I know a thing or two about cleaning up.”

Maria stared at me, her face was still pale and her fear was apparent, but her eyes still shone with intelligence. I could tell, she wasn't afraid of me, she was only scared of the current situation and its potential outcome. That subtle smug look on her eyes hinted at the fact that she thought she could still control me.

“You, you've changed.” Maria chuckled, “but it seems like you haven't put a lot of thoughts into this. We are your foster parents, just because you are a legal adult now doesn't mean you can do as you like. If you apologize now and help me treat James, maybe I'll forgive you.”

“I'll give you five seconds, start talking or your dumb husband kicks the bucket.”

“You wouldn't dare!”


“You need us!”


“3! Come on, I'll help you count!”


“1! Hahaha! That's right, you can't go shit!” James yelled. And at that moment, I couldn't help but think that his large eyes, bulging veins and manic look were perfect for his death. So I moved.

To the shock of my brother and Maria, I vanished from where I was and appeared beside James. I sliced, this time way harder because his neck was thick but I still managed to take it off in one swing.

“Arrrrrgh!!” Maria's piercing screech spread through the house and I saw Eli slightly trembling but I didn't mind. I pointed the knife at Maria,

“Yours won't be as quick, so you better start talking before I make you.”

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