Foundations Of Influence (Part 1)

Ethan strode through the bustling streets of Anseris, his mind spinning with thoughts of the task ahead. The weight of his new responsibilities pressed down on him like a weighted cloak, but he knew there was no turning back now. Meanwhile, the Merchant's Guild permit tucked into his pocket felt heavier than it had any right to.

As he reached the premises arranged for him, Ethan took a moment to survey the building. It was modest, tucked between two larger, more noticeable shops, but it had potential. The sign above the door was blank, waiting for a name to be etched into it. Ethan allowed himself a small, satisfied smile as he mentally christened his shop. Nexus.

It had a nice ring to it, and more importantly, it conveyed the kind of discreet, powerful connections that Ethan intended to cultivate.

He pushed open the door, stepping inside to find the space barely furnished. A counter stood at the room's far end, with shelves lining the walls. The floor was worn but clean, and sunlight streamed through the front windows, casting a warm glow over the space. 'I guess this'll do.'

Ethan spent the next few hours organizing the initial stock that Wei Zhang's people had delivered. The items were nothing particularly remarkable. Some essential potions, enchanted trinkets, and rare herbs, but they were enough to get started. He knew that to succeed, he'd need to acquire more unique and rarer items from the Otherworld Exchange System, but that would come later after he had saved up his coins. For now, he needed to focus on establishing the shop and hiring staff.

Luckily, the DIA had already vetted some potential staff but were leaving the final decision up to him. As he prepared for the day's interviews, Ethan considered the type of people he wanted on his team. They had to be more than just capable. He needed individuals who could be trusted, or at the very least, who had their own secrets that made them wary of exposing his if they found them out.

The first candidate arrived shortly after noon. He was a tall, wiry man with a perpetual scowl and a thin scar running down his cheek. He introduced himself as Galen Thorn, a former mercenary turned bodyguard. His experience dealing with unsavory types and his no-nonsense attitude made him an ideal candidate for security.

"Why the career change?" Ethan asked, leaning back in his chair.

Galen shrugged, his scowl deepening. "Got tired of getting stabbed at for other people's gold. Figured I'd rather keep an eye on it instead."

Ethan nodded, appreciating the man's blunt honesty. "Welcome to Nexus, Galen. You'll be handling security and ensuring that no one causes trouble here. Think you can manage that?"

Galen grunted in affirmation, which Ethan took as a yes.

A few applicants later was a woman named Selene Drakos, a sharp-witted rogue type with a nose for information gathering. Her short, raven-black hair and piercing green eyes gave her an air of confidence that bordered on arrogance. Still, Ethan could tell she was precisely the type of person he needed to navigate the city's undercurrents.

"You'll be my eyes and ears in Anseris," Ethan said after a few probing questions about her past. "I need someone who can gather information, listen in on rumors, and keep tabs on the competition."

Selene smirked, leaning back in her chair. "That all? Thought you'd have something challenging for me."

Ethan chuckled. "Oh, I'm sure you'll find plenty to keep you busy. Welcome aboard."

As the day wore on, Ethan interviewed a few more candidates, each bringing their own unique skills to the table. Leona Marsh was a former alchemist who had fallen on hard times and was eager to prove herself. 

Her knowledge of potions and rare ingredients would be invaluable. Then there was Finn Copperpot, a halfling with nimble fingers and a talent for appraising items. He had a friendly demeanor that masked his sharp business instincts. Ethan could tell he'd be a valuable asset in negotiations. Especially since he had no idea of the value of these items in the world.

By the end of the day, Ethan had assembled a small but capable team. Each of them had their own reasons for joining him. Some were by gold, others by the promise of protection or opportunity. But Ethan knew they shared one thing in common. They all understood the importance of discretion.

Ethan gathered his new team in the shop and addressed them as a group. 

"Nexus is more than just a shop," he began, his voice firm. "It's a foothold. A way for us to carve out a place in this city and, eventually, beyond it. We will deal in rare and unusual items, so we must be careful. Trust is earned, not given. Remember that."

Galen nodded, his arms crossed over his chest. Selene flashed a grin, clearly intrigued by Ethan's words. Leona and Finn exchanged glances, both looking eager to prove themselves.

"Now, let's get this place ready for business," Ethan said, clapping his hands together. "We've got a lot of work to do."

Over the next few days, The Nexus Exchange slowly came to life. The shelves filled with goods, the counter polished, and the front sign proudly bore its new name. Ethan's team proved to be resourceful and efficient, each settling into their roles with ease as they opened for business.

Galen kept a watchful eye on the shop's comings and goings, his presence a deterrent to any would-be troublemakers. Selene fed Ethan a steady stream of information about the city's happenings, from whispered deals in dark alleys to the latest gossip among the nobility. Ethan set up an Alchemist lab in one of the back rooms. Leona's potions and concoctions soon began drawing the attention of curious customers. Meanwhile, Finn's sharp eye ensured they weren't short-changed.

For now, Ethan was content to let Nexus establish its roots in Anseris, knowing that it was only a matter of time before the DIA asked more of him.

Ethan glanced at his team as the last customer of the day left, and the shop quieted down. A sense of pride swelled within him.

"Good work today," he said, locking the front door and turning to face them. "Tomorrow, we continue building our future."

Selene grinned while Galen gave a curt nod. Leona and Finn both looked determined.

Ethan smiled to himself as he headed upstairs to his private quarters. Nexus was open for business, and the pieces were finally in place.

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