Business As Usual (Part 3)

Ethan stood outside The Gateway Inn, the cool morning air biting at his skin as the city of Anseris slowly awakened around him. Merchants were already setting up their stalls, the smell of freshly baked bread mingling with the smell of salt from the nearby sea. The capital was already alive with activity, but Ethan's mind was elsewhere. His thoughts were firmly on the task at hand. Wei Zhang had a message delivered to the inn for Ethan an hour or so ago.

Wei Zhang had made it clear in the message that Ethan's next step was joining the Merchants Guild. Without the guild's endorsement and a permit, selling anything in Anseris or the rest of the kingdom would be impossible. The kingdom's laws were strict. Particularly when it came to powerful items that could alter the balance of power among the heroes and the kingdom's nobility. Ethan had learned quickly that the kingdom valued control above all else, and the Heroes were only allowed to access such items once they had earned the trust of the kingdom.

With that thought weighing heavily on his mind, Ethan made his way to the Merchant's Guild. The grand stone building loomed before him, its columns towering above the street. A symbol of the guild's power and influence within the city. He paused at the entrance and took a deep breath before stepping inside.

The interior of the guild was just as imposing. Rich tapestries hung on the walls, and the floor was polished to a shine. Merchants of all kinds moved about, discussing deals and bartering for goods. Ethan felt a pang of unease. Although he had studied business in his world, this was a world he barely understood.

"Ethan, I presume?" A voice broke through his thoughts.

Ethan turned to see a man approaching, dressed in a rich, well-tailored outfit that wouldn't look out of place on a noble. His hair was slicked back, and his eyes seemed to miss nothing. The man exuded a confidence that only came with experience and power.

"Yes, I'm Ethan," he replied, trying to match the man's composed demeanor.

"Oran Lykos," the man introduced himself, extending a hand. "I'm the guild envoy assigned to you. Wei Zhang sent word of your arrival."

Ethan shook his hand, noting the firm grip. "Pleasure to meet you, Mr. Lykos."

Oran smiled, though it didn't reach his eyes. "Please, call me Oran. We'll be working closely together from now on. Let's discuss your permit and the process for setting up your business."

Ethan followed Oran through the guild's maze of corridors until they reached a small, private office. The walls were lined with books and ledgers, and a large desk dominated the center of the room. Oran gestured for Ethan to take a seat.

"Now, before we proceed," Oran began, settling into his chair, "I need to ensure you understand the rules. The Merchants Guild operates under strict regulations, particularly when it comes to items of… unique origin." 

He stared at Ethan with a certain intensity, a knowing look in his gaze.

Ethan nodded. "I've been briefed. The kingdom doesn't take kindly to powerful items falling into the wrong hands."

"Correct," Oran said, leaning forward. "And by 'wrong hands,' they mean anyone who hasn't proven their loyalty to the crown. That includes most heroes like you. You can only sell these items to heroes and other figures with a special crown permit. So, you'll need to tread carefully."

Ethan's mind raced. The DIA had been clear about the importance of discretion, but now he was beginning to grasp the full scope of the situation. "And what about the guild's role in this?"

Oran smiled faintly. "The guild serves as a gatekeeper of sorts. We ensure that merchants like yourself adhere to the kingdom's laws, but we also have our own interests to protect. If you want to make a name for yourself here, you'll need to earn the trust of the guild. That means following the rules, keeping your head down, and delivering results."

Ethan met Oran's gaze. "And if I do?"

Oran's smile widened, this time with a hint of genuine warmth. "If you do, then you'll find the guild to be a valuable ally. We have connections. Both in the kingdom and beyond. With our backing, you'll have access to opportunities most merchants can only dream of."

Ethan considered his options. He didn't trust Oran any more than he trusted Wei Zhang, but he knew that playing along was his best chance of gaining a promising future.

"Alright," Ethan said, his voice steady. "What do I need to do?"

Oran nodded approvingly and pulled a small stack of papers from his desk drawer, sliding them across to Ethan. "First, you'll need to sign these. It's a standard contract with the guild. Nothing unusual, but it formalizes your membership and outlines the terms of your permit."

Ethan scanned the documents quickly. They were filled with legal jargon, but nothing was particularly troubling. He signed at the bottom of each page and returned them to Oran.

"Excellent," Oran said, placing the papers in a neat pile. "As for your first task, Wei Zhang has already arranged a small premises for you. As far as I know, your people have also provided some stock for you to sell. You'll be selling them under the guild's supervision. It's a test of sorts. To see how well you handle yourself in the market."

Ethan's stomach churned. It seemed there would be even more eyes watching his every move.

"And if I succeed?" Ethan asked.

"If you succeed," Oran replied, "then you'll have proven your worth to both the guild and the DIA. From there, we can discuss more… lucrative opportunities."

Ethan nodded, hiding the unease that gnawed at him. This was all part of the game. One he had no choice but to play.

Oran stood, signaling the end of their meeting. "I'll arrange for random inspections. You'll have a week to meet the profits expected of you. After that, we'll discuss your progress."

Ethan rose from his seat, shaking Oran's hand once more. "I appreciate your guidance."

"Think nothing of it," Oran replied smoothly. "Just remember. This city is full of opportunities, but it's also full of pitfalls. Watch your step, Ethan."

With that, Ethan left the guild, the weight of his new responsibilities pressing down on him. The city bustled around him, oblivious to the dangerous game being played in its shadows.

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