Foundations Of Influence (Part 3)

Ethan leaned against Nexus's counter, absentmindedly polishing the glass case that held the silver earrings with the pale blue gems. Business had been steady that morning, with customers trickling in and out, browsing the growing selection of items on display. The shop had become a quiet hub of curiosity, drawing in adventurers, merchants, and those who sought something different.

As he polished the glass, the door creaked open, and a burly figure stepped inside. Ethan looked up, noticing the man's armor beneath his cloak. The stranger had a muscular build, a square jaw, and an aura of quiet authority that set him apart from the usual customers. His eyes scanned the shop with the calm precision of someone trained to assess danger.

Ethan straightened up, nodding in greeting. "Welcome to Nexus. Is there anything I can help you with today?"

The man approached the counter, his gaze falling on the earrings. 

"These caught my eye," he said, his voice deep and measured. "Tell me about them."

Ethan smiled inwardly. This was a customer who appreciated quality. 

"These earrings are enchanted to detect poison. The gems glow faintly when they sense harmful substances in food or drink. It's certainly handy for anyone who needs to be cautious about what they consume."

The man's eyes narrowed with interest. "Impressive. And how much are they?"

"350 gold," Ethan replied, observing the man's reaction.

The stranger nodded, seemingly satisfied. "I'll take them."

As Ethan reached for the keys to unlock the case, the door to Nexus burst open with a loud crash. The noble's son, Baron Ainsworth's arrogant offspring, swaggered in once more. Flanked by six burly bodyguards this time. His sneer was even more ugly than before, and his bruised wrist from the morning encounter was wrapped in a bandage.

Ethan's eyes flicked from the noble to the suspected knight, who subtly shifted his stance, clearly recognizing trouble. The knight stepped back slightly, giving Ethan a reassuring nod to proceed.

The noble's son, Marcus Ainsworth, wasted no time. "I told you this morning that you'd regret not selling me those earrings for what I offered. Now, you'll sell them to me for 10 gold! Or I'll have your head mounted on the wall!"

Ethan remained calm, his voice icy. "The price is still 350 gold, Sir. If you're unwilling to pay that, you're free to leave. Again."

Marcus' face twisted with rage. "You think you can defy me? My father will hear about this, and when he does, you'll be begging for mercy. Now, hand over those earrings."

The bodyguards stepped forward, menacing looks on their faces, clearly ready to back up Marcus's threat with force. Ethan tensed, but before he could respond, the knight moved.

In a blur of motion, the knight slammed his fist into the closest bodyguard's face, sending the man sprawling to the floor. The second bodyguard barely had time to react before he was met with a well-placed kick to the gut, doubling over in pain. The rest hesitated, but the knight's deathly glare froze them in place.

Marcus, however, was too enraged to notice the commotion that lasted a split moment. He reached out toward the earrings, but the knight's hand shot out, grabbing Marcus by the collar and lifting him off his feet.

"I suggest you reconsider your tone, boy," the knight growled, his voice dripping with authority. "And learn some manners before you further disgrace your father's name."

With a swift motion, the knight slapped Marcus across the face, the sound echoing through the shop like the crack of a whip. Marcus' head snapped to the side, and he fell to the ground as the knight let go of him, dazed and humiliated.

The knight turned to the remaining bodyguards, his voice like steel. "Leave. Now. Before I decide to finish what I started."

The bodyguards, now thoroughly intimidated, scrambled to drag their unconscious comrades out of the shop. Leaving Marcus lying on the floor, clutching his stinging cheek.

The knight glanced at Ethan, giving him a nod of respect. "City guards will be here shortly to take care of the rest."

True to his word, the door to Nexus soon opened again, revealing two city guards who quickly apprehended Marcus. The noble's son sputtered weak threats as he was hauled out of the shop, but his words fell on deaf ears.

As the shop returned to its previous quiet, the knight turned back to Ethan, a small smile playing on his lips. "It seems I've saved you some trouble. How much for the earrings again?"

"350 gold," Ethan replied, his tone respectful.

The knight counted the coins without hesitation, placing them on the counter. As Ethan handed over the earrings, the knight inspected them closely, clearly impressed by their craftsmanship and magical properties.

"These will make an excellent gift for Princess Elara," the knight said, pocketing the earrings. "She has a taste for rare items, and I'm sure she'll show favor to your shop if you come across more of such quality."

Ethan raised an eyebrow, intrigued. "Princess Elara? I'm honored that my shop could be of service to her."

The knight nodded, his tone more relaxed now. "You've made a good impression today. Keep finding items like these, and Nexus will have more customers than you can handle."

Ethan smiled, his mind already racing with possibilities. "Thank you for your patronage. If I come across anything else that might interest the Princess, I'll be sure to let you know."

The knight gave a final nod before turning to leave. "I'll be keeping an eye on your shop. Good day."

As the door closed behind him, Ethan allowed himself a moment of satisfaction. Not only had he rid himself of an arrogant noble's son, but he had also gained a valuable connection within the royal court. However, he doubted Agent Xi Yun would be amused at him for becoming entangled with the Princess.

'I'll need to have Selene keep an eye on the situation and find out that knight's name.' Ethan scoffed. 'She may be a royal, so it's no wonder she'd be concerned about poisoning. But the Princess should have people to check for that sort of thing. If she needs those earrings, she probably can't trust those close to her. There's something else going on there.'

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