Shadows Of Succession (Part 1)

Ethan stood behind the counter of Nexus, his thoughts still lingering on the events of the morning. The encounter with Marcus Ainsworth had been unsettling. Still, the knight's intervention and connection to Princess Elara offered new opportunities. However, these opportunities could, in time, become as dangerous as they were potentially lucrative.

Still, there was much he needed to do to stay ahead. And so, he found himself lost in thought until a voice snapped him back to reality.


Selene's voice was soft, but there was a note of urgency in it. She had a talent for moving quietly, and Ethan hadn't noticed her approach.

"Selene," Ethan acknowledged, nodding at his half-elven spymaster. "I need you to gather some information. Discreetly."

Her eyes gleamed with curiosity. "What am I looking for?"

"I have a suspicion there's unrest in the palace. Something to do with the royal family. I need details. Who's involved, and what they're after. And if you can find out anything about that knight from this morning, that'd be helpful, too."

Selene's smile had a sly hint to it. "Consider it done. I'll have something for you by the end of the day."

As she slipped away, Ethan sighed. He knew that entangling himself in royal affairs could spell trouble. Still, he also knew that such connections were necessary if Nexus was to thrive. Especially now, with the Princess' people showing interest.

With Selene off to work, Ethan's mind turned to another matter that had been bothering him. He needed to be able to defend himself. The encounter with Marcus had been a stark reminder of how easily things could spiral out of control.

That's when he spotted Galen, his towering security guard, standing at his usual post near the door. Ethan approached, feeling a twinge of apprehension. He'd never been much of a fighter, but that needed to change.

"Galen," Ethan said, his voice steady. "I need you to train me for combat."

Galen's eyebrows rose in surprise. "Train you? Can't you leave the fighting to somebody else?"

"I wish," Ethan admitted, "but I've realized that relying solely on others isn't enough. I'm also a hero now, like it or not, and a hero can't survive without some combat skill. Especially when people like Marcus Ainsworth might keep showing up."

Galen nodded slowly, crossing his arms over his broad chest. "Fair enough. We'll start with the basics. Don't worry. I won't go easy on you."

Ethan chuckled, though there was a hint of nervousness in his laughter. "I didn't expect you to."

Later that afternoon, after the shop had quieted down, Galen led Ethan into the small courtyard behind Nexus. It was a simple space, barely more than an alleyway, but it was private enough for their purposes.

"First things first," Galen said, tossing a wooden practice sword to Ethan. "Footwork. If you can't move properly, you'll die before you can swing a sword."

Ethan caught the sword, its weight feeling awkward in his hands. He followed Galen's instructions, mimicking the seasoned mercenary's movements. His steps were clumsy at first, but as the minutes passed, he began to find a rhythm. Galen corrected him when necessary, his voice gruff but patient.

"Keep your balance. Don't overextend. If you leave yourself open, it's over."

Ethan gritted his teeth, concentrating on each movement. Sweat trickled down his brow, and his muscles ached from the unfamiliar exertion. But he pushed through the discomfort, determined to improve.

After what felt like hours, Galen finally called for a break. Ethan dropped the practice sword, panting heavily as he leaned against the wall.

"You're better than I expected," Galen admitted, handing Ethan a waterskin. "But you've got a long way to go. We'll keep at it."

Ethan took a long drink, nodding in agreement. "I appreciate it, Galen. I know I'm not much of a fighter, but I need to be ready. I can't afford to be caught off guard again."

Galen grunted in approval. "That's the right mindset. Just remember. Fighting is not just about strength. It's about using your head, too. From what I've seen, you'll have that part down quickly. The rest will come with time."

As the afternoon wore on, Ethan returned to the shop, feeling exhausted. The training had been tough, but it was a necessary step.

When Selene finally returned, the sun was beginning to set. She moved gracefully, slipping into the shop like she had never been gone.

"Got something for you, boss," she said, her voice low. "Rumor has it that the King's been ill for some time now. The palace is in chaos, and the nobles are circling like vultures, waiting for a chance to seize power. Word on the street is that there's a secret struggle over who'll take the throne if the King doesn't recover."

Ethan frowned, absorbing the information. "And Princess Elara? Where does she fit into all this?"

"She's a key player, from what I've gathered. She's been making moves behind the scenes, building alliances. She's also popular with the commoners. But she's also got enemies. Lots of them. That's probably why she's so concerned about poisoning. Trust seems to be in short supply in the palace these days."

Ethan nodded thoughtfully. "Makes sense. If the King's grip on power is weakening, there's no telling who might try to take advantage of the situation. And if the Princess is in danger, that explains why she's looking for reassurances."

Selene hesitated for a moment before continuing. "There's one more thing, Boss. I heard a rumor that Marcus Ainsworth's father, the Baron, wasn't too pleased about what happened earlier. He's got a reputation for being ruthless, and he doesn't take kindly to people embarrassing his family."

Ethan sighed. "I expected as much. We'll need to be on guard. The Baron won't let this slide, and I doubt Marcus will forget his humiliation anytime soon."

Selene nodded in agreement. "I'll keep an ear to the ground. You'll be the first to know if I hear anything more."

"Thanks, Selene," Ethan said, his tone serious. "We're going to need all the information we can get."

As the evening drew to a close, Ethan sat alone in his office, contemplating the tangled web of politics and power surrounding him. The royal court, the Merchants Guild, the nobles, and the DIA. Every player had their own agenda, and he was caught in the middle.

'I need to do something to increase my own reputation.'

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