No Money, More Problems (Part 3)

"We are Agents Yun and Kai from the DPER. A Psychic event was registered as originating from this location last night. May we come in?" The female agent in the black suit jacket and pencil skirt announced as she gestured to herself first and her partner next. 

"Please, come in," Ethan said with a bow as he opened the door further and gestured to the living room.

Agent Xi Yun scanned the aftermath of Ethan's rage from the night before with a raised eyebrow. "Thank you. We need to confirm a few things."

Ethan awkwardly scratched the back of his head. "Sorry about the mess. Please sit down."

He swallowed as Agent Yun slowly sat down and crossed her legs while peering at him over the rim of her glasses. A silent pressure seemed to emanate from her partner, who stood silently by the window. Before they could ask their questions, a deep frown appeared on Agent Yun's face as her gaze moved to the two bright boxes on the table.

A small gasp escaped her glossy red lips. "Are those what I think they are?"


She leaned forward and snatched a box before tearing it open. A small, corked vial of blood-red liquid appeared in her hand. Her expression turned grave as she turned her sight back to Ethan.

"Where did you get these from? You do know it's illegal to have Otherworld goods without a license. Don't you?"

"Wait! It's not what you think!" Ethan innocently threw up his hands. "You're from the Department of Psychic and Esper Regulation. Right? So you're here to confirm if I've awakened any powers. What if I told you these basic healing potions were created with my ability?"

"You can't be serious." Agent Kai scoffed. "There's never been a case of an esper who can create items from the Otherworld. If you want us to believe you, prove it. Create more right now."

"I.. can't."

"Why?" Agent Yun interjected before her partner could say anything else.

"These two were all I could make when I tested my ability."

"I see." Agent Yun said slowly, as she showed a thoughtful expression. "It's a case of having already depleted your energy capacity. We can always wait until it recovers to verify this. Sheng, go ahead with the tests."

She fiddled with the potion as she scrutinized Ethan's calm reaction. He didn't resist when Agent Kai attached a small black disc to his temple before studying the results on his phone. A few seconds later, Sheng grunted as he nodded to Agent Yun.

"Well, Mr Li, congratulations on your awakening. Now, if your ability is what you say it is, then we have a limited number of options available."

"Why is that?" Ethan looked puzzled as he met her gaze.

"Our department won't allow you to propagate Otherworld goods in our market. Research is being conducted on how these items affect the general population. We know that people like yourself aren't affected, but the results aren't always so promising for others. Do you understand?"

"Yes, Ma'am."

"Good. Now, in light of your unusual abilities, you only have two choices. First, you can join the Department of Interworld Affairs and work as a hero in the Otherworld. I can tell you now, they will pay a nice amount to gain whatever items you can create as you master your abilities in the Otherworld."

"What's the second option?"

A predatory grin appeared on Agent Yun's face. "We seal your ability so there will be no risk of you spreading creations from your untamed ability."

"I'll take the job!" Ethan's back became ramrod straight as a serious expression crossed his face. 'With this, I should be able to earn enough to cover the medical bills!'

"You've made an excellent choice, Mr Li. Now please, come with us. We need to register you and put you through the induction program to prepare you."

As the two agents flanked Ethan and led him out of the apartment, Ethan spotted someone who triggered his rage as Agent Yun opened the door.

"My God! Ethan! Look at the mess you made! I can't believe you'd be so petty as to smash my photos!" Mei stood there with her keys in her hand while peering into the hallway. "I hope they lock you away for this. You're so useless! Jun is so much better than you. He took me to the Five Rivers Restaurant last night. That's the Five Rivers we're talking about. You'll never be able to afford it in your whole life. You're just so pathetic!"


Mei's face twisted violently to the side as a bright red mark appeared on her cheek. Ethan's eyes widened as he whistled approvingly at the expertly delivered blow from Agent Yun.

"You... you hit me!"

"Listen here, miss nobody. You just verbally assaulted Mr Li, who just so happens to be the newest strategic resource of our government. As a soon-to-be Otherworld Hero, he has certain rights and privileges." Agent Yun smirked. "You, on the other hand, are nobody important. Come now, Mr Li. Your bright future awaits."

Ethan chuckled at Mei's dazed expression as he passed her. Her big brown eyes were dazed and confused, almost as if she couldn't accept reality. He smirked as he stared straight at Agent Yun's back.


"Agh!" Mei cried out.

"I felt like it." Agent Kai shrugged as Ethan and Agent Yun turned to see Mei sporting a red mark on her other cheek and leaning against the wall to prevent herself from falling.

Ethan struggled not to chuckle as they marched on without paying Mei any more attention. It felt good to witness her receive some kind of karmic retribution for how she had been treating him.

He took a deep breath as he felt the rage he had bottled up slowly slip away. 'She's not worth it. I'm on track again to have a good life. One that will ultimately be better than whatever she ends up with.'

With that thought, he pushed Mei from his mind. After all, it wouldn't do to get hung up on a woman who didn't treat him with the respect he deserved. He looked forward to the future, and all it held for him.

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