To The Otherworld! (Part 1)

Ethan awoke the next day with a wide grin on his face. His induction program the day before had revealed quite a lot of information. The Agents of DIA, a branch of the DPER, had put him through several tests and came up with stat results that were identical to what the system said.

After that, they confirmed he could create Otherworld items with his ability and issued him his Hero license. It was a robust card with his photo and grade, but it would also serve as his ID even in the Otherworld.

What really brought a smile to his face was his government salary!

"Five thousand credits per month! That's sixty thousand a year!" Ethan laughed as he rolled out of bed and got dressed in his new government-issued apartment. "Only jobs on the same level as the best surgeons make that amount. I can't believe it's only my starting salary. I'll earn more if I can increase my grade."

However, that was only the start. Ethan could earn bonuses for turning in exceptional items and resources from the Otherworld to the DIA. 'Right, I should generate my coins for now.'

Once he deposited them in his system balance, he thought about the information he had learned about stats the day before. 'My max health increases with strength and endurance, stamina with endurance and agility, and energy increases with intelligence and wisdom. Strength, agility, and intelligence determine the power of attacks derived from them. Endurance is the natural toughness of my body, almost like armor. Willpower determines how much energy I recover on the hour every hour.'

All in all, it seemed simple. However, charm and luck were outliers. They appeared to be part of hidden checks for all sorts of things. The only problem was that there was no way to train them like the others!

'I need to increase my stats to level up. This isn't a game. There's no such thing as experience points. Only hard work can make me stronger.'

A gentle knocking sounded on his door.

"Are you ready, Ethan? It's time." Agent Yun's voice called out.

"Yeah, two seconds, Xi."

Ethan hurriedly tied his trainers while having mixed feelings about calling the agent by her given name. However, she had insisted after Agent Kai and herself received promotions for bringing him on board. Apparently, they would now be working as handlers for the DIA.

This was similar to being liaisons with the heroes assigned to them and fixers for any issues cropping up regarding them. As Ethan swung the door open, he was met with Xi's stern face. However, he could see that her eyes were smiling!

He could already guess why. Now that Xi worked for the DIA, she was entitled to travel to the Otherworld! This was a grand privilege for ordinary humans without any powers.

It took them ten minutes to walk through the sizeable complex belonging to DIA and reach their destination. Inside a massive cuboid room, something resembling a rip in space hovered between two black obelisks.

Ethan couldn't help but be mesmerized by the sight. It was like looking up at the inky blackness of the night sky dotted with the vibrant light of distant stars. 

"Is that it?" Ethan's voice quivered as his body trembled.

"Yes." Xi grinned as she silently straightened her shirt and skirt. "That's the "gate" to the Otherworld. Come, let's not waste any more time."

Ethan's gaze wandered to the armed guards around the room as he followed her. 'They're not joking around with security.' He hummed as the "gate" swallowed Xi. Ethan felt a bit apprehensive as the feeling of being sucked in washed over his body. 'Well, here goes nothing.' His eyes closed as he took the final step.

It was an odd feeling for Ethan to be transported to another world. Although it only lasted a few seconds, he distinctly felt as though he had been submerged in a substance like jelly. When he opened his eyes, he was already on the other side. 

An approving whistle escaped his lips as he took in the grand architecture of the specially built room of the church. Its purpose was to house the "gate" on this side away from the prying eyes of the general masses.

Ethan was able to avoid looking like a bumpkin thanks to having been prepared for this the day before. 'It's weird nobody is here to greet us.'

Several thoughts ran through his mind as he wondered why there was no security on this end. 'Maybe they think they don't it?' Ethan frowned as Xi guided him onward. 'They're being too careless.'

Then again, what could an infiltrator do if they managed to cross? There was enough firepower to end them waiting on the other side. He silently pushed his concerns to the rear of his mind as he continued to enjoy the novelty of it all. 

'It's similar to Western architecture in our world,' Ethan mused while staring at the stained glass windows. Before long, Xi led him through an unassuming wooden door to an internal courtyard filled with a stunning variety of flowers from this world.

Ethan scanned the gorgeous display as he silently inhaled their strange, new smells. However, he came to a sudden halt.

Sitting at a table reading a book in a corner of the courtyard was the perfect representation of a princess. Her white hair cascaded down like a waterfall over her pale skin, and her blue eyes gleamed like jewels. A simple silver hairpiece adorned her head, complimenting her hair color, and the serene look on her face showed she was in her element.

"Ethan!" Xi hissed from up ahead. "Come along, you shouldn't stare."

Ethan swallowed as he glanced at the young woman again, only to see a young maid with dark red hair held back in a ponytail, blocking his view with an unamused expression. He smiled and waved, but the maid did not move to respond to the gesture.

A sharp tug on his sleeve dragged him away under the maid's watchful gaze. "Who is she?"

"The maid?" Xi's sarcasm was laced with poison. "Oh, you mean the princess?"

Ethan silently gulped at Xi's tone. The agent seemed to dislike the princess despite the fact that they never should have met before.

"That's the so-called Perfect Princess. Elara Volsen." Xi scoffed. "Make sure you stay away from her."

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