Vengeance System A Bullied Man

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Vengeance System A Bullied Man

By: Alma Saja CompletedSystem

Language: English

Chapters: 141 views: 3.9K

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Alex Thomson is a man who often becomes a victim of bullying and harassment, both physically and mentally. He feels that life is unfair and that nobody cares about him. Every day at work, Alex becomes the target of mockery and amusement from his coworkers. He feels marginalized and lacks friends. These unfortunate events make Alex more desperate and contemplate ending his life. However, suddenly a stroke of luck befalls him. A stroke of luck that will change his life.

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  • Ismah Hasanah


    keep fight Alex, you must be strong boy.

    2023-08-14 20:02:27
  • Eny Assyifa


    good novel

    2023-08-14 18:40:44
  • Eny Assyifa


    good novel

    2023-08-14 18:31:24
  • chieka anjani


    very nice......

    2023-08-14 18:29:51
  • rejeki.MB


    good novel..

    2023-08-14 17:39:32
  • Alma Saja


    Happy Reading ... Thanks you ...

    2023-07-21 19:44:30
  • Roda


    a good and amazing novel

    2023-07-21 19:34:32
  • N.J Ree


    I'll add to my library 'cause this is nice story

    2023-09-20 15:10:40
  • Terry Wong


    just 2 chapters in, even I want to beat up Alex for being a floormat, allowing everyone especially his coworkers to bully him. So its against company policy to self harm but it's ok to physically and verbally assualt him? why doesn't he ever try to defend himself. even an abused animal will bite.

    2023-08-08 00:23:04
  • Tiramisu Capry


    Please Next

    2023-07-29 16:32:03
Latest Chapter
141 chapters
Chapter 1
In a corner of Jakarta, unexpected things often occur. Muggings, thefts, and numerous street thugs demand contributions from the ordinary people along the streets of the capital city. Bam! "Please, sir!" A soft whimper could be heard as two thugs began assaulting a young man. "Hand over your money! Only then will I let you go!" barked one of the thugs, whose arm up to his elbow was adorned with a tattoo of a dragon. The young man clutched his stomach, now sprawled helpless on the asphalt, scattered with dried leaves. "I ... I don't have any money left, sir. I haven't received my salary this month. I..." Bam! Slap! "Open his bag! Take whatever's inside!" commanded the tattooed thug to his partner. The partner nodded, signaling his compliance with the thug's order. "No, sir! I'm not lying. I really..." "What's this, huh?! You said you didn't have any money? Then what's this?!" shouted the partner after inspecting the young man's bag. The two thugs then took the only remainin
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Chapter 2
Alex let out a long sigh. It seemed like despair and resignation had etched their marks on his face, once again, for who knows how many times."Why does my life have to be so unlucky?!"Alex kicked the bottle of drink in front of him, letting it fly and land wherever it pleased.The recent events that had unfolded shortly after Alex left his workplace continued to haunt his mind. Honestly, he still felt frustrated and angry about everything that had happened today.Now, Alex chose to sit on the small staircase outside his workplace. His gaze stared blankly ahead, lost in thought. For a moment, Alex contemplated it all.His mind led him back to the moment when he obtained a small piece of paper that now faithfully remained in his grasp.Bam!The bathroom door, which had been locked by Alex from the inside, was suddenly heard being forcefully broken down by someone.Before the knife that Alex had been carrying all this time could harm his own wrist, a man named Angga, whose name was on
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Chapter 3
"What should I do with this box?"Currently, Alex is still confused whether to bring the box into his apartment or just throw it in his trash bin."But, upon closer inspection, this doesn't look like a package from a regular courier service. Could it be a gift from someone back in my hometown? Maybe they've sent me a message, but I forgot to check my chat."Alex nods his head several times, trying to maintain a positive outlook on the mysterious box he just found."Alright, I'll bring it inside."Alex then carries the mysterious box into his room, making sure to lock the apartment door."What an exhausting day," Alex mutters while stretching his body.Before uttering those words, Alex had already placed the mysterious box he received earlier on a table in the middle of his apartment.Alex walks towards his desk, not far from his bed where he usually sits. He stares intently at the papers pinned to the wall using a bulletin board."Everything just happened all at once. What's right and
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Chapter 4
Alex stared intently at the piece of paper now in his hand."What does this letter mean? The system will grant powers according to its choice? Wait, what does that even mean? I don't understand it at all."Alex shakes his head, trying to comprehend the meaning of the letter but ends up feeling more confused.His thoughts wander aimlessly, and it becomes difficult for Alex to understand his own mind."This doesn't seem like a package sent by someone I know. If my mother or someone from the village sent something to me, they wouldn't write such a cryptic note."Alex murmurs in his thoughts, attempting to convince himself that what he is seeing is not a gift from anyone he knows."Especially the strange words written on this paper. It's hard to decipher. So, it's impossible for people from the village to have sent it."Alex becomes more certain in his thoughts.He then reaches out to pick up the futuristic gadget, examining it carefully from every angle."Hmm... How do I use this gadget?
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Chapter 5
Alex stretches his body, preparing to sit back on his bed and gather his thoughts."Was last night just a dream? It's impossible for me to have become that strong," Alex murmurs, a bewildered smile on his face.He still can't believe what happened last night, how Angga and Adam ran away in a panic. It's usually Alex who acts that way, not them.Alex takes a deep breath, his hands reaching up to massage his temples, trying to alleviate the lingering confusion."Come on, Alex! You need to start a new day with new activities!" he encourages himself. He then throws back the covers that were previously covering his body.Somehow, Alex's gaze is spontaneously drawn to the lonely gadget resting on the table. The screen of the gadget remains lifeless, just as he saw it last.Alex had disposed of the box and the letter that came with the gadget yesterday. He doesn't understand why he left the gadget behind while getting rid of the other items.He considers the gadget to be a reminder of how fo
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Chapter 6
Alex was still puzzled by the recent turn of events. Accepting the position as Director Kim's personal assistant was something that had never crossed his mind before. A mix of happiness and nervousness overwhelmed him. Nevertheless, he knew that this was a significant opportunity for him to prove his capabilities.Not wanting to waste any time, Alex immediately set about preparing everything. He diligently noted down all the instructions given by Director Kim and promptly studied the topics that would be discussed in the meeting. Alex was filled with enthusiasm and committed to giving his best in this opportunity.He ignored the puzzled gazes of all the employees staring at him. Alex didn't care about that at all; the most important thing now was that he would be leaving the toxic environment of being in the same room with them. No one would disturb him anymore because he was moving to a new position as Director Kim's personal assistant.Time flew by, and the time for the meeting arri
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Chapter 7
Alex's heart was pounding rapidly as he saw the gadget he believed was on the table suddenly disappear.Alex felt increasingly puzzled. He searched for the whereabouts of the gadget, which was the key to all of these events, but couldn't find it in his apartment. Restlessness and curiosity made him more and more distressed."I'm sure I placed the gadget on the table," Alex said while continuing to look for the device he accidentally obtained in front of his apartment door.Alex wandered through the rooms in his apartment, from the bedroom to the bathroom, but the gadget was clearly nowhere to be found."How could it just vanish like that? Did I forget to move it?" Alex mumbled as he rubbed his forehead, which was now starting to ache.Alex tried to rack his brain to find answers to this oddity. Could it be possible that someone else entered his apartment and took the gadget? But how could anyone know about the gadget?The more Alex thought about the gadget, the more he felt dizzy. Som
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Chapter 8
"W-what? What do you mean by kissing Lisa?"Alex was taken aback for a moment; he never expected his first quest to involve kissing a girl, especially one who wasn't easily approachable."How am I supposed to do that? It's impossible. Lisa is Bayu's girlfriend; she would never kiss me."Alex disagreed with the quest given to him, but when he tried to say no, he realized that the quest board had disappeared."Where's the quest board? Why did it suddenly vanish?"Alex looked around to the right and left, but the quest board was completely gone, leaving him puzzled."I can't possibly do this. But, I'll also fail to get the confidence card. So, what should I do?"Alex paced back and forth in his apartment, feeling confused about how he could kiss Lisa. Especially since she was Bayu's girlfriend, and if Bayu found out, Alex would be in trouble."Should I just give up?"As Alex wrestled with his thoughts, suddenly someone rang his apartment doorbell. Alex was a bit surprised because he rare
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Chapter 9.
Alex chuckled at Lisa's quip, trying to release some of the tension within him. He was still somewhat hesitant but didn't want to worsen the situation by refusing Lisa's offer."No, thank you, Lis. But I feel better going back to my own apartment and resting. I appreciate your offer," Alex said with a friendly smile.Lisa nodded understandingly, though she seemed a bit disappointed. "Alright, as you wish. But if there's anything, don't hesitate to let me know.""Sure, Lis. I'll be fine," Alex replied with a false sense of confidence.Alex turned around and walked away from Lisa's apartment. He felt relieved to have avoided the somewhat awkward situation. However, at the same time, his curiosity and confusion about the given quest grew stronger.Back in his own apartment, Alex sat on a chair, gazing out the window. He pondered and tried to solve the puzzle of the quest at hand. But the more he thought about it, the more complicated the answer seemed."Why does this quest have to involv
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Chapter 10.
"Alex, are you okay?"Suddenly, a hand waved right in front of Alex's face. He looked quite surprised to see that the hand belonged to Lisa."Are you okay?" The question was thrown again by the woman when there was no response from the man in front of her.Quickly, Alex shook his head. It seemed like he was too preoccupied with his thoughts, which led to him daydreaming like this."So, I didn't really ask Lisa to kiss me, did I?" Alex murmured softly."Did you say something? It sounded like you said something just now," Lisa said, not quite hearing what Alex said, but she clearly heard him speak."No, I just came here because I need something."Lisa frowned. Since when did this man have the audacity to say something? Let alone express a request."Tell me what you want, it's already late, and I will kill you if you dare to mess with me."Alex swallowed his saliva, Lisa's words just now made him lose his nerve. Luckily, he didn't confess that he wanted to kiss Lisa outright, or else he
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