All Chapters of Changing My Life with the Otherworld Exchange System: Chapter 1 - Chapter 10
24 chapters
No Money, More Problems (Part 1)
"C'mon Ethan, let's go. It's been an hour already, and it's not like she's going anywhere." Mei huffed as she glanced up from scrolling on her phone."Give me five more minutes, Mei. It's her birthday."Mei Ling pouted as the machines keeping Mrs Li, Ethan's mother, alive beeped rhythmically in the deathly silent ward. Her eyes wandered to the muted TV showing an interview with an up-and-coming esper.She gazed dreamily at the young man who had the qualifications to work as a "hero" in the Otherworld. Mei silently wondered what her life would be like if she had landed a capable man like him instead of Ethan. A grin appeared on her delicate face as she imagined the wealth and status at her disposal in that situation."I'd even be able to visit the Otherworld with him by my side.""Did you say something?" Ethan turned his head to look at her. The dark bags under his eyes made him look a few years older than he was."It's nothing, dear." Mei sighed as she returned to swiping different p
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No Money, More Problems (Part 2)
"Astraea! We have a problem!"A young-looking woman screamed as she appeared on the marble pagoda floating in the night sky. She pointed at the unconscious body of the man she dragged behind her."He shouldn't be here! You have to help me before the others find out about my mistake!"Astraea chuckled as her long, pale legs slid out from her toga as she stood up from her favorite chair. Her dark hair swayed alluringly with her hips as she strode over to take a closer look at the "problem.""He's an ascendant." She let out an amused smile as her golden eyes pinned her friend in place. "You've done him a grave injustice by not preparing a gift for him.""I know! Please, don't tell anyone. Can you fix it for me? I can't do anything once it reaches this stage.""Fine, but you know what I want for payment, don't you?" Astraea's grin sent a shiver down her friend's spine. However, there was no way she could refuse!"I accept! Now hurry, he won't last much longer."A pair of golden scales ap
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No Money, More Problems (Part 3)
"We are Agents Yun and Kai from the DPER. A Psychic event was registered as originating from this location last night. May we come in?" The female agent in the black suit jacket and pencil skirt announced as she gestured to herself first and her partner next. "Please, come in," Ethan said with a bow as he opened the door further and gestured to the living room.Agent Xi Yun scanned the aftermath of Ethan's rage from the night before with a raised eyebrow. "Thank you. We need to confirm a few things."Ethan awkwardly scratched the back of his head. "Sorry about the mess. Please sit down."He swallowed as Agent Yun slowly sat down and crossed her legs while peering at him over the rim of her glasses. A silent pressure seemed to emanate from her partner, who stood silently by the window. Before they could ask their questions, a deep frown appeared on Agent Yun's face as her gaze moved to the two bright boxes on the table.A small gasp escaped her glossy red lips. "Are those what I think
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To The Otherworld! (Part 1)
Ethan awoke the next day with a wide grin on his face. His induction program the day before had revealed quite a lot of information. The Agents of DIA, a branch of the DPER, had put him through several tests and came up with stat results that were identical to what the system said.After that, they confirmed he could create Otherworld items with his ability and issued him his Hero license. It was a robust card with his photo and grade, but it would also serve as his ID even in the Otherworld.What really brought a smile to his face was his government salary!"Five thousand credits per month! That's sixty thousand a year!" Ethan laughed as he rolled out of bed and got dressed in his new government-issued apartment. "Only jobs on the same level as the best surgeons make that amount. I can't believe it's only my starting salary. I'll earn more if I can increase my grade."However, that was only the start. Ethan could earn bonuses for turning in exceptional items and resources from the Ot
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To The Otherworld! (Part 2)
Ethan replayed the image of Princess Elara Volsen in his mind as he and Xi made their way through the winding corridors of the palace. It was hard not to. There was just something about her, something that could turn ordinary guys like him into complete idiots with a simple smile."You're thinking about her, aren't you?" Xi's voice cut through his thoughts, sharp as ever."Who?" Ethan's eyes scanned the polished floor as he pretended not to know what she was talking about."The Princess," Xi said, her tone making it clear she didn't buy his act for a second. "Don't. She's not someone you should ever get involved with."Ethan let out a nervous chuckle. "You're assuming I'd want to get involved with her in the first place."Xi abruptly stopped, causing Ethan to nearly walk into her. She turned, her eyes narrowing behind her glasses. "Listen, Ethan. The Otherworld isn't a playground you can mess around in. There are forces here. Powers that don't give a damn about your abilities or your
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To The Otherworld! (Part 3)
Ethan's heart hammered away in his chest as he walked away from the Hero's Hall. 'I've got to prepare for this mission. I'll need supplies, a weapon, and maybe a change of clothes. I stick out too much wearing this.' Luckily, Xi Yun gave him some local currency to get started. He could've received more if he sold the potions, but he figured he'd need them for himself.The market district buzzed with chaos. Vendors hawked their goods, and the scent of roasted meats and fresh herbs filled the air. Ethan navigated through the crowd, trying to ignore the allure of everything on display as he headed for a modest stall Agent Yun had suggested to him."Good day!" the vendor, a portly man with a bushy beard, greeted him warmly. "Are you Looking for something specific?""Practical clothing," Ethan said, scanning the rack of tunics and trousers. "I need to blend in and stay low-profile."The vendor's eyes twinkled with understanding. "A traveler's robe, then? Sturdy and easily forgettable. Perf
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Work Smarter, Not Harder (Part 1)
Ethan woke at daybreak to the muffled sounds of the city waking up outside his window. The inn he had chosen, The Gateway, was a modest place that somehow was both rundown and cozy. Ethan groaned along with the aged beams over his head. 'Damn, this bed could be better.' Still, it was a welcome comfort after yesterday's events.He rubbed his eyes and stretched, his arms still sore from swinging the cudgel repeatedly yesterday. The memory of his struggle against the strange creatures made him wince. He wouldn't survive long in this world if he kept trying to brute-force his way through every problem. It was time to use his head. And the system.After washing up in the small basin by the window, Ethan sat on the edge of the bed and activated his Otherworld Free Market skill. A familiar hum filled the air as he suddenly found himself back in that strange place. He quickly scanned the closest vending machines, where various items were displayed, each with a short description and price tag.
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Work Smarter, Not Harder (Part 2)
The next day, Ethan returned to the desolate lands just beyond the city. The sun barely pierced the thick clouds overhead. He unconsciously tapped the pouches of Blightbane Pellets on his belt, feeling more confident in his plan.'What the hell is that?' As he neared the area, he noticed movement in the distance. A small group of adventurers trudged through the dead terrain, their weapons at the ready. From their worn gear and slow steps, it was clear they weren't seasoned veterans. 'What are they doing out here?'Ethan approached cautiously, not wanting to startle them. The group noticed him as he drew closer. One of them, a tall man with a patchy beard and a nervous smile, raised a hand in greeting."Hey there, stranger!" the man called out. "Are you here for the Blight, too?"Ethan nodded. "Yeah. I've been working on clearing them out. The situation's better than it was a few days ago.""Figures," the man grumbled, glancing around at the withered land. "We were sent by the Adventur
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Work Smarter, Not Harder (Part 3)
The following day, Ethan returned to the site, feeling the weight of unfinished business on his shoulders. The sky was bright, but a chill hung in the air as he approached the meeting spot. He spotted Layla and her group waiting for him, their equipment looking a bit worse for wear but their spirits seemingly intact."Morning, Ethan!" Layla called out cheerfully as she waved him over, her ponytail swaying with her enthusiastic greeting. To Ethan, she seemed more confident than she had yesterday. "Ready to finish what we started?""Definitely," Ethan replied with a nod, trying to keep his focus sharp. Despite the warm greeting, the nagging feeling Ethan had the day before returned. 'What the heck is up with this?' He couldn't help but scan their surroundings, and finding nothing to be concerned about, he pushed the feeling to the back of his mind.The ragtag group of adventurers stood nearby, quietly preparing for the day ahead. Ethan took a moment to size them up.First was Roland, t
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Work Smarter, Not Harder (Part 4)
Ethan's lungs burned as he dodged a swipe from the mutated Blight. His cudgel felt like a toothpick compared to the monstrous creature they faced, and each time he swung, it felt like hitting a brick wall. His blows barely registered on the beast, and frustration gnawed away at him. 'I need to think… There's got to be something we can use against this damn thing!'Around him, the adventurers fought on, but the battle was clearly wearing on them. Roland's sword strikes had slowed, his once-steady hand now trembling while his breathing had quickened. Thorne's warhammer connected with a sickening crunch, but the Blight barely staggered from the blow. Meanwhile, clutching her injured side, Zara grimaced with each movement as she tried to stay out of the creature's reach.And then there was Layla, dancing in and out of range, her strikes swift but lacking the precision needed to bring the creature down. Ethan's suspicion of her lingered, but he shoved it aside for now. 'There's time for th
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