All Chapters of Changing My Life with the Otherworld Exchange System: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
24 chapters
Business As Usual (Part 1)
Ethan stood in the Hero's Hall before the scarred man, Wei Zhang. The tension was as thick as their silence. The remnants of the mutated Blight creature lay on the counter, undeniable proof of his first real victory in this world.The scarred man inspected the remains with a cold, calculating eye before nodding slowly. "Impressive work," he finally said, his voice devoid of warmth. "Not many survive an encounter with a mutated Blight, let alone manage to kill it."In return, Ethan offered a brief nod. The man's words held no comfort, only a reminder of the brutal reality he now lived in. "What now?" Ethan asked, his voice steady despite the exhaustion eating away at him.The scarred man's eyes flickered with something unreadable as he reached beneath the counter, pulling out a small, ornate box. He slid it across to Ethan, who hesitated momentarily before opening it. Inside lay a gleaming ring with intricate runes carved into the metal, and beside it, a small vial filled with a shimme
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Business As Usual (Part 2)
Ethan walked through the capital's bustling streets, the familiar weight of his pack slung over his shoulder. Although it was night, the city buzzed with life around him. Merchants shouted their wares, children weaved through the crowds, and the occasional patrol of soldiers kept a watchful eye on the people. Yet, despite the noise and activity, Ethan felt oddly detached from it all. His mind was preoccupied with the task at hand, and the chilling words of Wei Zhang echoed in his thoughts. 'Trust no one.'He knew better than to take the scarred man's warning lightly. His interactions with the DIA had already shown him that their world was one of shadows and half-truths. But Ethan had his own agenda. He wasn't just a pawn in their game; he was determined to come out as one of its winners.His fingers brushed against the cool metal of the enchanted ring. The subtle warmth of the enchantment flowed through him, enhancing his senses and keeping his mind sharp.The DIA had been clear about
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Business As Usual (Part 3)
Ethan stood outside The Gateway Inn, the cool morning air biting at his skin as the city of Anseris slowly awakened around him. Merchants were already setting up their stalls, the smell of freshly baked bread mingling with the smell of salt from the nearby sea. The capital was already alive with activity, but Ethan's mind was elsewhere. His thoughts were firmly on the task at hand. Wei Zhang had a message delivered to the inn for Ethan an hour or so ago.Wei Zhang had made it clear in the message that Ethan's next step was joining the Merchants Guild. Without the guild's endorsement and a permit, selling anything in Anseris or the rest of the kingdom would be impossible. The kingdom's laws were strict. Particularly when it came to powerful items that could alter the balance of power among the heroes and the kingdom's nobility. Ethan had learned quickly that the kingdom valued control above all else, and the Heroes were only allowed to access such items once they had earned th
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Foundations Of Influence (Part 1)
Ethan strode through the bustling streets of Anseris, his mind spinning with thoughts of the task ahead. The weight of his new responsibilities pressed down on him like a weighted cloak, but he knew there was no turning back now. Meanwhile, the Merchant's Guild permit tucked into his pocket felt heavier than it had any right to.As he reached the premises arranged for him, Ethan took a moment to survey the building. It was modest, tucked between two larger, more noticeable shops, but it had potential. The sign above the door was blank, waiting for a name to be etched into it. Ethan allowed himself a small, satisfied smile as he mentally christened his shop. Nexus.It had a nice ring to it, and more importantly, it conveyed the kind of discreet, powerful connections that Ethan intended to cultivate.He pushed open the door, stepping inside to find the space barely furnished. A counter stood at the room's far end, with shelves lining the walls. The floor was worn
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Foundations Of Influence (Part 2)
Ethan sat cross-legged on his bed, the dim light of a single candle flickering beside him in the early morning darkness. His eyes were closed as he focused his thoughts inward, activating his Otherworld Free Market skill. A familiar tingling sensation spread through his body, and the world around him soon faded.When Ethan opened his eyes, he stood in the neon-lit Otherworld Free Market. This was where he could spend the AEC coins he had saved. Over the past few days, he had saved 46 coins and planned to use them wisely today.He wandered through the market, eyeing the bizarre and varied items on display. A potion that made your voice sound like thunder for 10 minutes. A self-writing quill that never ran out of ink. A cloak that allowed you to blend into shadows. 'Too expensive.' He needed valuable yet subtle items to avoid raising suspicions.As he window-shopped the vending machines, one of them with a shimmering blue glow caught his eye. The items inside seemed to pulse with a fain
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Foundations Of Influence (Part 3)
Ethan leaned against Nexus's counter, absentmindedly polishing the glass case that held the silver earrings with the pale blue gems. Business had been steady that morning, with customers trickling in and out, browsing the growing selection of items on display. The shop had become a quiet hub of curiosity, drawing in adventurers, merchants, and those who sought something different.As he polished the glass, the door creaked open, and a burly figure stepped inside. Ethan looked up, noticing the man's armor beneath his cloak. The stranger had a muscular build, a square jaw, and an aura of quiet authority that set him apart from the usual customers. His eyes scanned the shop with the calm precision of someone trained to assess danger.Ethan straightened up, nodding in greeting. "Welcome to Nexus. Is there anything I can help you with today?"The man approached the counter, his gaze falling on the earrings. "These caught my eye," he said, his voice deep and measured. "Tell me about them."
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Shadows Of Succession (Part 1)
Ethan stood behind the counter of Nexus, his thoughts still lingering on the events of the morning. The encounter with Marcus Ainsworth had been unsettling. Still, the knight's intervention and connection to Princess Elara offered new opportunities. However, these opportunities could, in time, become as dangerous as they were potentially lucrative.Still, there was much he needed to do to stay ahead. And so, he found himself lost in thought until a voice snapped him back to reality."Boss?"Selene's voice was soft, but there was a note of urgency in it. She had a talent for moving quietly, and Ethan hadn't noticed her approach."Selene," Ethan acknowledged, nodding at his half-elven spymaster. "I need you to gather some information. Discreetly."Her eyes gleamed with curiosity. "What am I looking for?""I have a suspicion there's unrest in the palace. Something to do with the royal family. I need details. Who's involved, and what they're aft
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Shadows Of Succession (Part 2)
The early morning light filtered through the windows of Nexus, casting long shadows across the shop floor. Ethan sat at his desk, running his fingers through his hair, mentally preparing for the day ahead. The weight of the previous day's revelations hung over him like a dark cloud. The palace, a battleground for succession; the illness of the King; Princess Elara's desperate need for protection, and Marcus Ainsworth's looming vendetta—it was all spiraling towards a confrontation he knew he couldn't avoid.Ethan drummed his fingers on the desk, deep in thought. The game he was playing was dangerous, with each move carrying unpredictable consequences. But if he wanted Nexus to thrive—and more importantly, if he wanted to survive—he needed to be proactive, not reactive.His eyes flicked to a map of the city pinned to the wall beside him. "Reputation," he muttered, recalling his final thought the night before. Nexus might have been gaining notoriety, but it wasn't enough. He needed leve
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Shadows Of Succession (Part 3)
Ethan stood in the dimly lit Nexus, the evening sun casting long shadows on the shop's stone walls. His mind buzzed with a hundred thoughts, each one tangled in a web of alliances, enemies, and opportunities. He felt like he was juggling too many flaming swords at once, and one misstep would set his entire world ablaze.The King was dying. The royal court was a viper's nest, poised for a deadly game of succession. Princess Elara was scrambling for control, the Baron was plotting revenge, and the Blight festered like an open wound in the world."Reputation," he muttered again, the word haunting him like a whispered curse. Nexus had potential, but potential wasn't enough. He needed to carve his place into the city's bones before someone else carved him out of it. And that meant making a bold move.The door to Nexus swung open, and Xi stepped in, her presence as unsettling as ever. Her sharp, calculating gaze scanned the room before locking onto Ethan."You've been brooding," Xi said, he
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The Heart of Darkness (Part 1)
After a busy few days in Nexus and grueling training sessions with Galen, Ethan stood at the city's edge, staring into the vast horizon where the Blight awaited. His body ached from Galen's relentless combat drills, but the real exhaustion settled in his mind. He'd done everything he could to prepare, both physically and mentally. Still, as the sun dipped lower in the sky, casting long shadows over the decayed land beyond, he couldn't help but wonder if it was enough.Nexus bustled behind him, ignorant of the encroaching danger. The city's citizens went about their lives, unaware of the dark, festering wound spreading not far from their doorstep. Ethan took in a deep breath, letting the cold, crisp air fill his lungs. It was almost peaceful here, but the tranquillity did little to settle his nerves.He adjusted the straps of his backpack, mentally ticking off the list of things he'd prepared for this expedition. His trips into the Otherworld Free Market had been productive, though cos
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