Shadows Of Succession (Part 3)

Ethan stood in the dimly lit Nexus, the evening sun casting long shadows on the shop's stone walls. His mind buzzed with a hundred thoughts, each one tangled in a web of alliances, enemies, and opportunities. He felt like he was juggling too many flaming swords at once, and one misstep would set his entire world ablaze.

The King was dying. The royal court was a viper's nest, poised for a deadly game of succession. Princess Elara was scrambling for control, the Baron was plotting revenge, and the Blight festered like an open wound in the world.

"Reputation," he muttered again, the word haunting him like a whispered curse. Nexus had potential, but potential wasn't enough. He needed to carve his place into the city's bones before someone else carved him out of it. And that meant making a bold move.

The door to Nexus swung open, and Xi stepped in, her presence as unsettling as ever. Her sharp, calculating gaze scanned the room before locking onto Ethan.

"You've been brooding," Xi said, her tone devoid of humor. "Not a good look."

"Can you blame me?" Ethan asked, half-smiling. "I've got nobles out for my blood, a kingdom on the brink of chaos, and apparently, I need to deal with a spreading magical plague of monsters for good measure."

Xi tilted her head, her eyes narrowing slightly. "Isn't that what you wanted? To be in the game? Or were you expecting the stakes to be a bit… lower?"

Ethan let out a bitter chuckle. "I wanted influence. I didn't want to be buried under it."

"You'll be buried either way," Xi said bluntly. "At least this way, you might come out on top."

Ethan leaned back against his desk, rubbing his temples. "You're an excellent source of comfort, Xi."

Her lips twitched in something that could have been a smile, but it disappeared before it could fully form. "What's the next step?"

"I'm going to attempt to deal with the Blight," Ethan said, his voice firmer than he felt. "It's a risk, but I need to make a bigger impact. If I can find a way to stop the Blight's spread, people will start seeing me as more than just a shopkeeper who got lucky once."

Xi's eyes darkened at the mention of the Blight. "You think there's more to them, don't you?"

Ethan hesitated. "Yes. I don't know what yet, but they're spreading too fast. And those mutated creatures… they weren't natural. Someone—or something—is controlling this. That's what I think."

Xi crossed her arms, her posture stiffening. "Going after the Blight might get you killed. The last time, you barely survived. But… if you succeed, and your suspicions are correct, you could gain a lot more than just a reputation. You might find out who's behind it all. That would be valuable information."

Ethan nodded. "Exactly."

Xi studied him for a moment longer before nodding slowly. "Then I'll help you. But you'll owe me."

Ethan replied with a wry smile. "What's one favor in the grand scheme of things?"

Xi didn't return his smile. "This one won't be simple to repay. Remember that."

Before Ethan could ask her what she meant, the door to Nexus opened again, this time revealing Galen. The burly guard, returning from his lunch break, took one look at Xi, grunted a greeting, and then turned to Ethan.

"Are we training or are you plotting something new?" Galen asked, his arms crossed as he leaned against the doorframe.

Ethan grinned. "Both, actually. But I'll need your help for the next step."

Galen raised an eyebrow. "So, you're taking my advice about the Blight, right?"

"Seems like the best way to boost my reputation," Ethan said, shrugging as if the decision wasn't weighing heavily on his mind. "You were right. I'm going to need more than just the basics of combat under my belt."

Galen studied him for a moment, then nodded. "Alright. We'll step up your training, but you'll need more than just a sharp sword and better footwork. You'll need a strategy."

Ethan's smile faltered. "I thought as much."

Galen smirked. "Just remember that strategy isn't just knowing when to swing a sword. It's knowing when not to swing. If the Blight is as dangerous as you think, you'll need to outthink it and those behind it, not just outfight them."

"Good advice," Xi interjected, her voice smooth but cutting. "I'm sure Ethan will be up to the challenge. He just needs to stay alive long enough to do it."

Galen glanced at Xi, his expression unreadable, but he didn't argue. "I'll start your training again tomorrow," he told Ethan. "But don't expect it to be easy. You'll be sore, but you'll be ready."

Ethan nodded. "I appreciate it, Galen. Really."

Galen grunted, then turned to leave. "You won't be thanking me tomorrow."

After Galen left, Xi stepped closer, her eyes narrowing. "You're going to need more than just muscle to solve this problem, Ethan. The Blight isn't just some magical anomaly. There are forces at work here. Forces that don't care about your shop or your reputation. They care about power."

"And you think I'm not aware of that?" Ethan shot back, his frustration leaking through.

Xi's gaze softened ever so slightly. "I'm saying you'll need allies. Real ones. Not just mercenaries you've hired. If you're serious about this, you'll need to make deals with people who can protect you when things get bad."

Ethan frowned, his thoughts turning to Princess Elara, the Baron, and the tangled web of alliances he was slowly becoming trapped in. "I know," he said quietly. "But who can I trust?"

Xi didn't answer, but her silence spoke volumes. Trust was a luxury Ethan couldn't afford right now.

As she turned to leave, Xi paused at the door. "One last thing. Be careful with Princess Elara. She might seem like she needs your help, but don't forget—royalty doesn't play by the same rules. You might be useful to her now, but that can change in an instant."

Ethan stared after her as she disappeared out the door, her words hanging in the air like a warning.

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