All Chapters of Changing My Life with the Otherworld Exchange System: Chapter 21 - Chapter 24
24 chapters
The Heart of Darkness (Part 2)
Ethan barely had time to process the change in the air before the first creature came charging at them from the shadows of a tree. It moved so fast it was a blur, a mass of twisted limbs and pulsing flesh. The smell hit him first—a pungent stench of rot and decay, like something that had been left to fester far too long. The creature let out a wet, gurgling screech as it lunged for Galen, its claws swiping at the older man with terrifying speed.Galen reacted in a flash, his sword already drawn. Steel met flesh with a sickening thud as he sidestepped the creature's attack and brought his blade down, cleaving through one of its gangly arms. The beast didn't slow. It twisted in mid-air, its remaining limb extending unnaturally to grab Galen's arm. Ethan watched, horrified, as the thing's flesh seemed to pulse and stretch like putty, trying to envelop Galen's wrist.But Galen was ready. With a swift, brutal motion, he sliced again, severing the mutated limb entirely. The creature howled,
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The Heart of Darkness (Part 3)
The echo of the tree's deathly screech still sounded through the surroundings. The air felt different now—less oppressive, but not by much. Ethan crouched by the remains of the twisted tree, studying the charred roots curling inwards like the clawed hands of a dying monster.He winced as he reached into his pack for a pair of gloves. His forearm throbbed where the creature had bitten him, but he couldn't afford to stop now. They had come this far, and he needed more than guesses if there was any hope of truly understanding the Blight—of defeating it for good.As his fingers brushed the tattered remnants of the tree, a cold shiver ran up his spine. Even in death, the thing exuded a dark energy. Ethan pulled a small vial from his belt, scooping up a sample of the blackened bark. It crumbled quickly under his touch, releasing a faint, sulfuric odor."This is definitely unnatural. Even for this world," Ethan muttered under his breath, scanning the area. "There's something more here."Gale
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Dance of Shadows (Part 1)
The world seemed to collapse into chaos the moment the creatures charged. Ethan barely had time to react. The ground quaked beneath his feet as more of the twisted monsters clawed their way to the surface. They were smaller than the ones they had fought earlier, but there were more of them—dozens, maybe hundreds—and their numbers seemed endless.Galen was already in motion, his sword gleaming as it carved a deadly arc through the first wave of creatures. His movements were fluid and precise, like a seasoned warrior who had seen his share of nightmares. But even Galen couldn't cut them down fast enough."Focus, Ethan!" Galen's voice cut through the chaos, snapping Ethan from his trance. "We need to keep moving!"Ethan forced himself to act, pulling his sword free once more. His arm ached from the earlier skirmish, the bite wound still fresh, but there was no time to worry about pain.One of them lunged at him, its claws aimed at his throat. Ethan ducked, swinging his sword upward in a
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Dance of Shadows (Part 2)
Galen stood beside Ethan, his sword raised, the dark blood of their enemies still dripping from its blade. The mercenary's eyes darted between Ethan and the advancing creatures, his jaw clenched in frustration."I hope you've got more tricks up your sleeve," Galen muttered, readying himself for the next onslaught.Ethan gripped his sword tighter, his mind a whirlwind of thoughts. They were both exhausted. The odds were against them, but he couldn't let fear take root."We can't fight all of them," Ethan said, his voice strained. "We need to retreat, regroup, and figure out how to get ahead of this thing."Galen gave a bitter laugh, sidestepping as a creature lunged at him, his sword flashing in the dim light. "Retreat? You mean run for our lives.""Call it what you want," Ethan replied, slicing through a snarling beast that came too close. "But if we stay here, we're dead."The creatures were closing in faster now, their twisted forms moving with a hunger that made Ethan's skin crawl.
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