To The Otherworld! (Part 3)

Ethan's heart hammered away in his chest as he walked away from the Hero's Hall. 'I've got to prepare for this mission. I'll need supplies, a weapon, and maybe a change of clothes. I stick out too much wearing this.' Luckily, Xi Yun gave him some local currency to get started. He could've received more if he sold the potions, but he figured he'd need them for himself.

The market district buzzed with chaos. Vendors hawked their goods, and the scent of roasted meats and fresh herbs filled the air. Ethan navigated through the crowd, trying to ignore the allure of everything on display as he headed for a modest stall Agent Yun had suggested to him.

"Good day!" the vendor, a portly man with a bushy beard, greeted him warmly. "Are you Looking for something specific?"

"Practical clothing," Ethan said, scanning the rack of tunics and trousers. "I need to blend in and stay low-profile."

The vendor's eyes twinkled with understanding. "A traveler's robe, then? Sturdy and easily forgettable. Perfect for an adventurer trying to stay unnoticed."

Ethan selected a set of plain, earth-toned robes. They were rough with an understated design that wouldn't attract unnecessary attention. Alongside the robes, he picked up a pair of rugged boots designed for walking long distances on uneven terrain and a rather plain shirt.

With his clothing sorted, Ethan moved on to a store specializing in weapons and supplies. The shopkeeper, a wiry man with a discerning gaze, eyed Ethan with a mix of curiosity and skepticism.

"Looking for a weapon?" the shopkeeper asked, his voice tinged with suspicion.

"Yes," Ethan replied, feeling self-conscious. "I'm not much of a fighter, but I need something to defend myself."

The shopkeeper nodded knowingly and presented a short wooden cudgel with iron bands and a simple leather grip. Ethan felt its weight, and after a few tentative swings, he decided it was perfect. 'It takes too much skill to use a blade properly.'

He then bought an assortment of rations, a waterskin, and a basic first aid kit. To help keep everything organized, he also bought a belt with several pouches.

After getting changed, Ethan packed his items away in his backpack and left the city. The sudden change from the city's comforts to the open countryside felt jarring. The sky seemed larger, and the land stretched far towards the horizon.

The Blight were located in a desolate area a few hours from the city. As Ethan neared the region, the landscape grew increasingly barren. The once-green grass was now a sickly brown, and patches of withered vegetation dotted the area. A faint, foul smell lingered in the air, a telltale sign of the Blights' presence.

Ethan stopped at the edge of the dead land, taking a deep breath. The night before, he had read about the creatures called the Blight. They were small and weak but incredibly fertile. The challenge was not their strength but their sheer numbers.

He glanced at his new gear—the cudgel at his side and the simple, earth-toned robes he wore—and felt a twinge of doubt. He was new to this world and a complete beginner at fighting. However, the creatures known as the Blight were perfect for practice.

The first Blight he encountered was a tiny, grotesque thing that resembled a twisted mushroom. It was feeding on the withered soil, oblivious to his presence. With a deep breath, Ethan drew his cudgel with a shaky hand.

The creature barely seemed to notice him as he approached, but when he swung, he missed. The cudgel struck the ground with a thud, sending a jolt up his arm. At the same time, the Blight turned, its tiny form wriggling with an unsettling rhythm. Ethan swallowed hard and tried again. This time, he flattened the creature into the ground. The Blight squirmed and emitted a faint hiss as it died, but the sight of its rapidly decaying body made Ethan's stomach churn.

He paused, breathing heavily. Defeating one had been more difficult than he'd expected. Sweat trickled down his forehead as he faced off against another. His hands were clammy, and his grip on the cudgel wasn't perfect.

Ethan took a deep breath and approached the second creature with more resolve. The battle was slow and clumsy. He fumbled with his weapon, making several awkward swings before finally killing the beast. Again, it took longer than he'd expected.

Ethan leaned against a nearby withered tree, trying to steady his breathing. The creatures were small, but from his position, he could already see a lot of them. Ethan looked around and noticed several of the  Blight splitting in two, multiplying their numbers. He had made little progress, and his lack of fighting experience was becoming increasingly obvious.

'This is so messed up! I didn't think it would be this hard!'

His heart sank as he realized that no matter how many creatures he defeated, more would definitely appear. It was a relentless cycle, and his current approach wasn't making any sort of impact.

Ethan took a moment to consider his options. 'My combat skills aren't good enough to deal with this. I need another way. Something that will let me deal with this problem.'

He remembered the information he'd received about the Blight and considered other methods. However, most of the ways he had read about would be too costly. 'Maybe there's another way. There has to be a method that doesn't involve beating them to death or hiring a mage to incinerate the area.'

As the sun began to set, Ethan decided to retreat back to the city. He couldn't ignore the fact that with his current strength, he'd never be able to clear the mission this way.

'I should rent a room in an inn. At least I didn't forget to keep generating my coins. Maybe I can find something on the system marketplace.' Ethan rubbed his chin as he slowly followed the road. 'I only killed two Blight today. Between the travel time and my lack of experience, that's definitely slow progress.'

As he walked through the gates and back into the city, Ethan couldn't shake the feeling of urgency. 'The longer it takes me to find a solution, the larger the problem will become. They'll just keep spreading!' He let out a frustrated grunt as he asked some guards where to find a decent inn.

They quickly pointed one out to him, which was pretty close to the city gates. 'That'll do.' Ethan thought tiredly. 'I'll get a room and check the marketplace in the morning.'

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