To The Otherworld! (Part 2)

Ethan replayed the image of Princess Elara Volsen in his mind as he and Xi made their way through the winding corridors of the palace. It was hard not to. There was just something about her, something that could turn ordinary guys like him into complete idiots with a simple smile.

"You're thinking about her, aren't you?" Xi's voice cut through his thoughts, sharp as ever.

"Who?" Ethan's eyes scanned the polished floor as he pretended not to know what she was talking about.

"The Princess," Xi said, her tone making it clear she didn't buy his act for a second. "Don't. She's not someone you should ever get involved with."

Ethan let out a nervous chuckle. "You're assuming I'd want to get involved with her in the first place."

Xi abruptly stopped, causing Ethan to nearly walk into her. She turned, her eyes narrowing behind her glasses. "Listen, Ethan. The Otherworld isn't a playground you can mess around in. There are forces here. Powers that don't give a damn about your abilities or your ambitions. Elara Volsen is one of them. Stay away from her if you know what's good for you."

Ethan defensively raised his hands. "Alright, alright, message received. I'll keep my distance."

But as they continued their walk, he couldn't shake the feeling that Xi's warning was more personal than professional. What had Princess Elara done to earn such a reaction from someone like Agent Yun?

Before he could think about it any further, they arrived at a large set of double doors guarded by two heavily armored soldiers. They were engraved with intricate arcane symbols that somehow seemed to shimmer as they approached.

"Welcome to the Hero's Hall," Xi announced with a smirk as if she was about to show him something unbelievable. "This is where all heroes in the capital get their missions. Think of it as the place to find your future adventures."

Ethan nodded, trying to ignore the odd feeling in his stomach. This was it. The moment he had dreamed of for years. He straightened his back as the doors creaked open, revealing a massive chamber filled with people going about their business.

The Hero's Hall was a huge room with high, vaulted ceilings and walls lined with banners and other decorations. At the center of the room stood a circular platform with what looked like magical screens hovering above it, displaying missions and rankings of the most successful heroes. Around it, dozens of heroes were gathered in groups, some discussing their latest missions and others boasting about their achievements.

Ethan couldn't help but feel a bit overwhelmed. These people, these heroes, were the real deal. They weren't just playing at being powerful. They were powerful. And then there was him, a novice with a system that made him feel like he was playing a game.

"Impressive, isn't it?" Xi's voice held a hint of pride as she guided him towards the platform. "This is where your new life begins, Ethan. But don't get too comfortable. This world is full of dangers that make this place look like a cheap joke."

"Comfortable? I'm barely keeping myself from bolting," Ethan muttered under his breath. He glanced around at the other heroes and wondered how many of them had started just like him. Wide-eyed and weak as hell.

A tall man in a black suit stepped forward as they reached the platform. Despite wearing something suited to a business meeting, how he carried himself screamed of danger to Ethan. Countless battle scars marred his face, and his eyes held the hardened look of a veteran.

"Ah, Yun. I see you've brought us fresh meat," the man said, his voice deep and gravelly. He glanced at Ethan with a smile. "This one looks… fragile."

Ethan's face flushed, but he held his tongue. He knew better than to start a fight with someone who looked like they could snap him in half.

"This is Ethan Li," Xi said, ignoring the man's remark. "He's got a unique ability. Something that could be of great value to us."

The man raised an eyebrow. "Oh? Ah. This is the esper who can create items native to this world, right?"

The burly man's eyes widened slightly, and for a brief moment, Ethan thought he saw a flicker of greed. But it was gone as quickly as it appeared, replaced by a calm expression. "Interesting. Very interesting. We'll have to see how useful that ability really is."

He turned to Xi. "I assume you've given him the rundown?"

"Of course," she replied. "He knows the basics. Now it's time for him to get some experience."

The man nodded and gestured for Ethan to step onto the platform. "Very well, Mr Li. Let's see what you choose for your first mission. Consider this a trial by fire. Succeed, and you'll be one step closer to becoming a true hero. Fail… and, well, let's hope it doesn't come to that."

As Ethan stepped onto the platform, a strange sensation washed over him. The magical screens flickered to life, displaying a series of missions with varying difficulty levels. His eyes were drawn to one in particular: a mission labeled "Subjugation of the Blight."

"That one," he said, pointing to the screen. "I'll take that mission."

The man chuckled. "Ambitious, aren't you? The Blight isn't an easy foe. But if you're confident, who am I to stop you?"

Ethan swallowed and nodded. "I'll handle it."

"Very well," the man said, his tone almost mocking. "Prepare yourself, Ethan. This world doesn't take kindly to the unprepared."

As the mission briefing appeared on the screen, Ethan couldn't help but feel a mixture of excitement and dread. This was it. The moment he'd been waiting for. But as the details of the mission sank in, he realized that the mission was far more dangerous than he'd imagined.

At the same time, the image of the Princess lingered somewhere in the back of his mind. With a final glance at Xi, who gave him a nod of encouragement, Ethan took a deep breath and accepted the mission. His journey as a hero had officially begun.

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