29 The New York Mansion

As soon as Willy Morgan arrived in New York, he felt slightly disoriented. A brand-new environment and a fresh start—everything was going to begin again from scratch. There were no memories or past connections here, but Willy carried a strong sense of confidence.

After disembarking from the plane, the moving company, pre-arranged by Eleanor Rodriguez, was already waiting for them. The group of seven got into two cars, and Willy handed the drivers the address.

The driver glanced at the address and seemed surprised. "Sir, are you sure this is the right place?"

"Yeah, why?" Willy asked.

"Oh, nothing. We'll head there now," the driver replied.

As they drove through the bustling streets of New York, Willy watched the vibrant city unfold outside the window—the busy streets and crowds of people. It was clear that New York’s energy was unmatched by Los Angeles.

The drive took nearly two hours before they finally arriv

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